We won /thread/.
I feel like I'm dreaming.
Sorry Frenchcucks and Germancucks.

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Literally I have no idea who this person is you put Pepe on top of

Eduardo, son of Bolsonaro.

Trump is a kike
Bolsonaro is a kike
Both mutt nations
OP is a faggot

Name one non mutt, white nation

STRATEGY. Leave your mom's basement and go study strategies of war.

Based masters of the western hemisphere

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Eduardo the mossad working son of Bolsonarostein

Canada is still 80% white, must hurt, thats what good immigration policy does though.You fucking alien goblin hybrid freak.

If Canada's current state is the result of being 80% white then they should take a hint from American immigration policy.

Bolsonaro had a huge smile the whole time with Trump, I knew they'd become best bros

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Retard detected

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>a fucking leaf

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God damn, pre-Bethesda fallout is based


I knew we were going to win but I'd never imagine we'd win so much. Even the eurocucks have wielded we put the Amazon on the table. Finally a government that can negotiate properly.

>a fucking uhhh
what are you actually ?

The Virgin Vladmir vs th Chad Messias

Attached: bolsonaroandputin.jpg (793x768, 69K)

based memeflagfag

Ohh him

even jinping, which is fucking massive, is a manlet close to Bolsonaro
our president is the world's Chad

>we won

a multiracial shithole, where even the president is a multiracialist.

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i like cuckModi's face in this one
by God, how the pakis cucked those poor pajeets

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