We won /thread/.
I feel like I'm dreaming.
Sorry Frenchcucks and Germancucks.
Literally I have no idea who this person is you put Pepe on top of
Eduardo, son of Bolsonaro.
Trump is a kike
Bolsonaro is a kike
Both mutt nations
OP is a faggot
Name one non mutt, white nation
STRATEGY. Leave your mom's basement and go study strategies of war.
Based masters of the western hemisphere
Eduardo the mossad working son of Bolsonarostein
Canada is still 80% white, must hurt, thats what good immigration policy does though.You fucking alien goblin hybrid freak.
If Canada's current state is the result of being 80% white then they should take a hint from American immigration policy.
Bolsonaro had a huge smile the whole time with Trump, I knew they'd become best bros
Retard detected
>a fucking leaf
God damn, pre-Bethesda fallout is based
I knew we were going to win but I'd never imagine we'd win so much. Even the eurocucks have wielded we put the Amazon on the table. Finally a government that can negotiate properly.
>a fucking uhhh
what are you actually ?
The Virgin Vladmir vs th Chad Messias
based memeflagfag
Ohh him
even jinping, which is fucking massive, is a manlet close to Bolsonaro
our president is the world's Chad
>we won
a multiracial shithole, where even the president is a multiracialist.
i like cuckModi's face in this one
by God, how the pakis cucked those poor pajeets