Tulsi is standing up

For what she believes in


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Haha. You're retarded if you believe what people running for office say. Her CFR membership speaks to the contrary.

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elect mami America do what is right

Reminder if you want to get a look at real KVETCHING look up "CFR" on the archive.

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Tulsi Gabbard on Immigration -
> Supports DACA
> Is against deportations
> Supports keeping families together at the border
> Limit criminal prosecution for asylum seekers
> Works with ACLU on "Immigrant Rights"
> Co-sponsored the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
> Doesn't take a stance on if Illegals should be allowed driver's licenes or a right to vote
> Relax onerous visa requirements for Indian & Chinese tourism

Tulsi Gabbard on Gun Rights -
> Tulsi�s support of gun control has led to her rating of 100% by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, along with an �F� rating from the NRA and a 0% rating from the Hawaii Rifle Association

Tulsi Gabbard on Abortion -
> "I consider myself Pro-choice"
> Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services
> Tulsi has a 100% voting record with both Planned Parenthood and NARAL

Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights -
> Endorsed by The Feminist Majority indicating a pro-women's rights stance
> Supports same-sex marriage
> Tulsi has been given a 100% for her voting record and endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT lobby organization in the country
> Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender
> Tulsi is a staunch advocate of criminal justice reform
> Tulsi has taken a strong stand against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hindu, anti-Catholic, and other forms of hate in all its ugly forms

Tulsi Gabbard on Government Reform -
> Automatic voter registration for all citizens
> Vague on scrapping the Electoral College, sees pros and cons to both arguments

Tulsi Gabbard on Health Care -
> Supports Medicare for All
> Opposes repealing ObamaCare

Tulsi Gabbard on Tax Reform -
> Supports an income tax increase

Tulsi Gabbard on Welfare & Poverty -
> Voted NO on maintaining work requirement for welfare recipients

Tulsa Gabbard on Energy -
> wants to get rid of all nuclear energy due to being "destructive and dangerous energy technology"


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Cope harder

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