For what she believes in
For what she believes in
Haha. You're retarded if you believe what people running for office say. Her CFR membership speaks to the contrary.
elect mami America do what is right
Reminder if you want to get a look at real KVETCHING look up "CFR" on the archive.
Tulsi Gabbard on Immigration -
> Supports DACA
> Is against deportations
> Supports keeping families together at the border
> Limit criminal prosecution for asylum seekers
> Works with ACLU on "Immigrant Rights"
> Co-sponsored the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
> Doesn't take a stance on if Illegals should be allowed driver's licenes or a right to vote
> Relax onerous visa requirements for Indian & Chinese tourism
Tulsi Gabbard on Gun Rights -
> Tulsi�s support of gun control has led to her rating of 100% by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, along with an �F� rating from the NRA and a 0% rating from the Hawaii Rifle Association
Tulsi Gabbard on Abortion -
> "I consider myself Pro-choice"
> Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services
> Tulsi has a 100% voting record with both Planned Parenthood and NARAL
Tulsi Gabbard on Civil Rights -
> Endorsed by The Feminist Majority indicating a pro-women's rights stance
> Supports same-sex marriage
> Tulsi has been given a 100% for her voting record and endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT lobby organization in the country
> Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender
> Tulsi is a staunch advocate of criminal justice reform
> Tulsi has taken a strong stand against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hindu, anti-Catholic, and other forms of hate in all its ugly forms
Tulsi Gabbard on Government Reform -
> Automatic voter registration for all citizens
> Vague on scrapping the Electoral College, sees pros and cons to both arguments
Tulsi Gabbard on Health Care -
> Supports Medicare for All
> Opposes repealing ObamaCare
Tulsi Gabbard on Tax Reform -
> Supports an income tax increase
Tulsi Gabbard on Welfare & Poverty -
> Voted NO on maintaining work requirement for welfare recipients
Tulsa Gabbard on Energy -
> wants to get rid of all nuclear energy due to being "destructive and dangerous energy technology"
Cope harder