Whether it happens in 2020, 24, 28 or later, eventually Texas...

Whether it happens in 2020, 24, 28 or later, eventually Texas, Florida and Arizona and others will be permanently democratic states. From then on the right will never win another election and the left will have a monopoly on power. White, conservative America however is still a sizeable force that will be very upset at being isolated from politics. The left is bound to try to push something retarded through congress when they have full control (something like reparations) that will cause a rightwing chimp out. What do you think will happen? Peaceful separation? A rightist coup by the military? Civil war? Nothing?
>inb4 glownigger

Attached: 2016 map cw.png (1280x812, 639K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they have been saying this for decades.

Hey rabbi.

College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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press F to pay for illegal immigrant medical care

Second Coming of Christ here

Every person of color living inside the United States are all Afrocentric nationals guilty of treason. They stole my Omni-Sciences and psyoped the populace into thinking they are behind my work, scientific advancements, network and networth.


Afrocentric insurgents were planning to kill white people over the course of 4th July weekend to cover up the the theft of my work which they all used to psyop the populace with, and to cover up if it came to light that they psyoped the populace using the theft of my work and symbols.

I authorize the use of lethal force against every black national in the United States who are all guilty of treason, espionage, conspiracy, racketeering, fraud, extortion, engaging in psychological warfare and communicating in encryption to overthrow the United States Government

I authorize the formation of Right Wing Squads to deter the Afrocentric insurgents

I authorize the death of every Afrocentric black national residing in the United States and the destruction of every black ghetto

Attached: (((replace so sorry))).jpg (1021x1283, 405K)

Yes and we get closer every decade. Texas has gone from 70% white to 40% white. California has gone from 90% white to 30% white. My flyover shithole has gone from 95% white to 80% white. It's never going to stop - and remember, the whites voting conservative are largely boomers that are all dying in 20 years.

>it’s another polfag sets himself up to be betrayed again by valuing the whiteness of his enemies over their antagonistic ideologies.

Honestly what we need are decades of leftist policies to accelerate reform. Let Bernie or Warren win. By 2040 things will be so out of hand conservatism will take hold again.

You really can't stop the blue-tide? Bad news for me. New civil war would be nice, or a fascist/military coup. Oh! Democrats pay for reparations by cutting military, and the brass rises up against them.

Yes eventually the left will win due to minorities outnumbering whites, but at some point the minorities are going to realize that they're voting for their muslim daughters to become sluts and their hispanic sons to become trannies and the minority vote won't become as reliably blue. Not to mention they'll be searching for answers when california implodes within the next 5-10 years.

I appreciate your point but that doesn't really matter when largely Hispanic states are close to dominating our politics

Median voter theory, user.

Red states will not go blue forever. They will go blue for a single election, at which point the Republican party will change their platform to better appeal to the new center.

This is why 10 years ago, every Republican was anti-gay marriage, but today not a single one talks about getting rid of it. The "center" of the country changed and thus both parties now at least accept gay marriage.

Granted, this means that the country will always be changing its "normal" policies, which right now means drifting towards big government. But it is not the end of the Republican party, just the end of certain policies or ideals which become unpopular.

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Wow you have certainly opened our eyes to the racism in America. We need to stop whites from voting to ensure racism dies out, I suggest we make white votes count only as half to ensure a more diverse election!
Brb gonna post this on twitter and make it happen

How does you logic apply to California? Once elected Reagan twice.

So in 10 years we will have single payer healthcare and open borders because Republicans will change their stance.

>Become the left to steal their votes

Once democracy becomes untenable, it will be discarded. A white revolution would be the end for the powers that be, and they know it. This will be forestalled by the American Caesar whose first name might not be Donald but his last name will very possibly be Trump.

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I like this idea.... I can smell the death from here and its 20 years off. Id gladly fight next to my sons.

Faggots and spics need the rope. Niggers are easily controlled and most od the problems with them stem from democrat mismanagement.

this is just proof that white women are the problem. the map is closer with only whire women than it is with all men. white women are the x factor swinging key states like virginia in democrat favor.

Unfortunately they will not be reigned in. Most are childless whores who think they can fuck a new man every night like they are 20 forever.

>College educated whites, including women, went Trump
You're delusional if you unironically believe whites in places like New York and Chicago are right wingers. They're all leftists including the whites. Also calling anyone with opposing viewpoints a rabbi is pretty cringe at this point.

It's not going to stop at just Texas. Leftism is like a virus slowly making its way into red states. Even the biggest cities in red states are liberal. People in general are moving away from rural areas and are moving into urban cities. It's all by systematic design for the new world order.

if texans werent so god damn retarded they'd focus on growing cities like abilene amarillo lubbock san angelo tyler instead of the whites going to the big cities for a better economy

Someone's been listening to Blackpilled.

If 100% of post-1965 non-European immigrants voted, the Democrats would not have lost a federal-level election in about 30 years. The media has been openly talking about a Hispanic voter turnout explosion "any day now" for about _40_ years, which would be the instant end of the GOP in the southwest and Texas. If 90% of Latinos/Hispanics voted the voter base for the Democrats would roughly DOUBLE. The US happened to get a bunch of minorities that don't vote that much, hence the need for many tens of millions of them even though white voter participation is very far from 100% and not 100% GOP. They were absolutely certain that they had reached the threshold in 2016, they were right, and the only things that thwarted them were (a) an outsider winning the GOP nomination & (b) the arithmetic of the electoral college (c) idiotically choosing such a candidate who would not get enough of the various minority votes, including centrist scum, that won it for Obama. After Obama, every election is simply theirs to lose, and it's amazing to watch them once again failing to get the fuck out of their own way and piss away their massive handicap. All they have to do is point out that Zion Don hasn't accomplished JACK SHIT for 95% of his constituency, which just so happens to be true, and forcing his campaign to respond, "Dem obstruction" to everything like his team has been doing already since his inauguration, will make him look extremely weak and pathetic, and the establishment GOP, proven over the past 3 years, would rather never win anything again than go to bat for Trump or his platform. Regardless, GWB will have been the last career Republican politician - cuckservative - to win the presidency, since the GOP (very very very deservedly) cannot get enough white turnout anymore running their congenital loser RINOs.

>that will cause a rightwing chimp out.
Sure, pal, sure, THIS time it'll definitely happen.

you can be a boomer or gen xer and act progressive but vote red in the big cities but your kids will be liberals you fucking retards

Lotta dumb shits in this thread. Read this nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/one-person-one-vote-one-time-22583 and educate yourself about One Man One Vote One Time, because it is your future.

Numbers don't lie.

Its always been whites versus everyone else. Fucking cunts in this country, DUMB BITCHES LITERALLY, had forgotten that. Now there is a huge penalty. IF YOU WENT BLACK CUNT, DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK.! Trashshshshshshsh...

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and yet it's Dotard who is sucking jewish cock- like a true cuck he's doing it for absolutely nothing

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Its natural as well. More concentration of opportunities and industry in the cities. We cant just assume its all by design. Population begets connections, and with connection comes creation.

>hispanic states
No one listen to this GloboHomoShlomo, Texas has a ton of Mexican Americans. Generations of them, and they're more pro America than the average northeast kike/wasp Marxist traitors.
Pure disinfo. Alot of Mexican Americans who married Anglo/European spouses don't consider themselves "Hispanic" at all. They label themselves Caucasian and they fkn hate illegals.

Democratic Party fractures on racial lines, or socialist lines. Center party takes shape with moderate tax code and liberal social values. Nationalists fight faggot-ass communists on the street. Nothing changes. Jews control all three branches.

That's true but the elite still take advantage of this as it's easier to control people in big cities (e.g. propaganda/indoctrination in education.)

This is true. I live in Chicago and the whites here are liberal as fuck. There’s only a few certain neighborhoods that lean republican, but it’s such a small number compared to the majority.

It doesn't matter how "pro-america" they are if they vote dem. Im not talking about multi-generational mexican-american families anyways, more so the millions of central Americans, Puerto Ricans and Chicanos

yea, what I find funny from my Mexican family is that the first generation still vote democrat based on their 70's and 80's values while my generation votes republican because the morals taught to us were essentially right wing

The vast majority of the right are all talk no action and while they may bitch about it on facebook or yell at the TV, in the end, they will roll over and take it

>numbers don't like

Like the numbers that show Democrats cannot numerically take AZ, FL or TX because the Republican boomers migrating there massively outstrip growth among spic populations

White pill scenario:

Trump wins big in 2020, GOP wins both houses. Tim Ryan and Delaney and their ilk take notice and break rank with Dems, work with GOP and Trump on immigration reform. Deportations commence, wall goes up, merit based immigration, voter ID etc. Court system is almost completely overhauled. GOP gets so much done that right winger wins in 2024 (possibly Trump again). California chimps out and secedes. The rest of America starts to rebuild. Hollywood is no longer part of America (no propaganda). Build wall between America and California. Give Texas to Hispanics, Florida to blacks. US is now 90% white.

>They're all leftists including the whites. Also calling anyone with opposing viewpoints a rabbi is pretty cringe at this point.
shut your hole you filthy pilpul jew

cities are full of jews, blacks and browns, that's why it skews that way

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The same phenomenon happens in California. They elect GOP all the time in their state elections it’s just a left wing GOP.

new york and illinois would both be solidly red without the jews, blacks and browns that live in NYC and chicago

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I've been hearing this ANY DAY NOW shit from them that I can remember for twenty years and will probably have to hear it for at least another twenty. The best part is that every election is guaranteed by them to be THE ONE and it never is, then the cycle repeats ad infinitum.

The New Deal (and previous migration) effectively destroyed the Republicans in the 30's.


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That's because they're retarded. In reality each cycle the left becomes more openly degenerate, which alienates more moderates, which cancels out any growth they have from beans.

Cut off the beans and the left dies on the vine. It's that simple.

Your post is incorrect because gay marriage has never actually won a single vote.

The reality is that the republicans wanted all that shit you just mentioned in the 1990s, but didn't have the base support for it


>hasn't accomplished JACK SHIT for 95% of his constituency
But that's simply not true. Why do retards like you think that saying it again will suddenly make it the truth? Fucking KYS.


lmao damn

america is lost

This estimate ignores the fact that segments of the Hispanic population are starting to vote right and identify as white. A decent amount of them will vote right as illegal immigration effects them negatively immediately.

what the FUCK did i just read

The only option is to move to South Korea or Japan and make an asian baby.

my no fap is over.......

Here have a better map:

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That was because of retard fake "culture wars" for goyim, and generational differences that changed due to socio-economic factors (namely boomers going from liberal hippie faggots to Raygun voters), demographics is the 800 pound in the room about to beat the living shit out of the Republican Party and Americas future.

It's over

democrats are not a bloc. you'll see the party fracture into its international finance and progressive wings first. in fact, it's far more likely you see both parties fracture and their centrist elements reform into a macron-style bank friendly "unity" party

>they have been saying this for decades.
that was before Open Borders Donny. TX and FL have already gone blue

Good to see so many blackpill threads after years of coping about Zion Don actually being the savior of America and based (faggot/spic) conservative gen z. Not sure what did it though, perhaps the Dem Debates and how crazy they were.

cringe because that's all they boil down to
financial interests
and the 'free market' which is really just a guise for less regulatory shackles for the rich so they can get richer

meanwhile the common man is being led like cattle over who to vote for, republican or democrat they're all the same

Trump is obviously the better choice of the two, but whites don't vote in their own interest

Attached: white USA demographic replacement minority gen z generation z.png (982x1605, 617K)

The Democratic Party isn't going to survive to 2024. It's over. This is it. It's time for Americans to secure their nation's future and to cast away those who seek to undermine and destroy it. It's time for America to stand together and rip the power from their wretched claws.

>polyqueers are the REAL transphobes, shitlord.

And now it's happening.

Attached: biden2020.png (481x646, 231K)

It's a shame the Repubs are a party of fucking losers. Nothing but crusty old Boomer fucks who care about paychecks and donations.

There's nothing scarier to a Republican candidate than actually winning an election and having to keep promises to his constituents. The Democrats may be a death cult of chaos worshippers, but they actually get shit done.

How do you think I feel in Upstate?

Attached: FeelItStill.jpg (766x255, 25K)

Don’t give Texas to Hispanics, give them Arizona. Too much oil in Texas, plus all the worlds refining capabilities. Hispanics would just fuck all that up.

Oh the Dems are taking Arizona as well.

They likely won't try anything that severe in our generation. They will continue mutt-ifying and try to wipe whitey out once and for all when whitey is 10-20% of the population. See: South Africa

Fucking scum

The only problem is 1/3 of whites are Boomers and the only thing they care about is leeching as much social security as possible while running up half a million dollars in medical bills for the last 6 months of their life. Then they will be dead.

I hope we aren't predicting how the country disassembles itself after November next year...