Why are we not redpilling feminists?

Why are we not redpilling feminists?

Attached: feministRedPill.png (475x289, 91K)

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seriously this
my wife is about to get a CC permit

Because you cut your losses, and move forward looking for the right people, untainted.

Rape doesn't exist

Radfems are already redpilled on guns. The libfems will never cross the BBC on that issue so good luck.

You don't redpill feminists, you take away their power and rights.

This. Radfems' main issue (from our perspective) is a high concentration of lesbians. And I mean real ones, butch looking lesbians, not young girls who are "experimenting". Other than that, a straight woman who's a radfem would have far more redeeming qualities than a straight woman who's a libfem.

I see you've achieved a lot on that path.

Thats just more fuel for the fire. Women will need to give up their rights.

Because they are bluepill incarnate and only their opinions and values are regarded as truth. You cant redpill them.

>red pilling

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You can't red pill women. At best you force them to parrot your beliefs, but they'll never truly internalize them.


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If they were redpilled they wouldn’t be feminists

this user said it all


>redpilling feminists
Good luck

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feminists are dumb. they whine about rape all the time but then never take any steps to curb it. the obvious explanation here is that they kvetch about rape because they secretly want to be raped. the problem is that they make it easier for normal women (who do not want to be raped and killed by strange men) to get raped.

you actually can in early stages, my gf was starting with these feminist ways, and then i redpilled her with facts and logic, now shes based and redpilled.

women here carry knives in their purse
thing is women are to pussy to harm people even if rape is on the table if only women were allowed guns very few women would even own them

You have to have sex to teach a woman user.

hahahaha giving guns to women, did you watch borat?


Feminism, and leftism in general, are ideologies that orbit around absolution of responsibility. We can't get them to understand that the only way to truely be safe is to carry, because it infers that you are responsible for your safety and well being when their entire worldview hinges on the premise that it's best to place responsibility for you in a 3rd party, the state.

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