Insider sources say tulsi is going to be investigated by mueller and fbi starting today. They have caught on to her Russian connections and troll bots she is running to rig the American election.
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NOOOO STOPPP mommy can’t go to jail :(
She shouldn’t have been meddling with Russia. Do the crime pay the time
People like Mensch need to be in mental hospitals with a constant drip IV of antipsychotic drugs.
Too mentally unstable to live with the rest of society.
:( I’m going to visit mommy in jail
Louise untermensch is on the crackpipe again. Real solid journalism
that kike bitch needs to get a grip on reality
All fields lad
Tbqh it's probably just dudes trying to find pix to beat off to. Though her face is pretty fugged xdxd ebin meg my benis go inside
So their argument is that they are out if touch and don't understand memes, so it must be russia trolls? Boomers (anyone 25+) should just be sent to fun camps
This crazy bitch still relevant in 2019?
She literally was in a mental hospital.
Obviously she needs to go back.
Dumb liberal whore bought the Russian meme and actually tried to get them to help her win because the dumb national guard whore who fucked the brass doesn't have a brain
But it's okay "bus" had a 3,500% search increase along with "Harris" having a 500%
Lmao damn
Anyone who believes in Russian bots has a sub-zero IQ
>you shouldn't be successful, that is our decree
>you are successful? Based on our decree, you must be cheating
Lmao this
Since when are Boomers 25?
>"our own candidates success is because of Russian bot net."
It's to keep their base in a state of constant confusion and sensory overload so they cant tell what's what.
>investigated by mueller
Oh that's going to be hilarious.
Cringey faggot
If you are against the CIA agenda then you are a Russian. This is the metric they're using.
wouldn't Chink have more reason to meddle in elections at this point vs Russians?
This mashup ought to prove SOMETHING
they need their rigged polls to prepare the public for when they just pic whoever they want to win to win. Grassroots polls and (for now) open source data analytics are out of their control. They need to be discredited so that if gabbard has 80% support in reality, there's no evidence of it when they say almost no one voted for her.
2020 really is going to be the election the democratic party falls apart.
How fucking retarded do people have to be to even consider some bullshit like this to be plausible?
Fucking NPC's will be the death of us all.
>(((Louise Mensch)))