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No thanks im on a cunny diet

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if they're eating beef how's that sustainable

Do I look like a Canadian to you? I like real meat like this. Like the good lord intended.

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ikr, man.


It's so fucking retarded, everything that the left does. Why do we let these retards decide anything?

Honestly make them taste good and I will.

Women can vote while men have to deal with the consequences of their decisions (like keeping the streets safe).

Those tits are terrible. Why even draw tits at that point?

We should use bugs instead of Onions as a protein filler in fastfood/processed food. But what do I know im just a simple farmer

Amen that's why I'm in Texas.

Keep the Canadians and Mexicans out. Let the Argentine and Peruvians in.

psyops to prepare you for food scarcity.
Keep safe, user

Ya you cunt I eat lobster and crabs all the time

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Mexicans are the majority of Texas. The only thing keeping us decent is our 90+% white-only cities in the more northern parts.

user, you might have the gay

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I feel bad for the maggots ;^( I don't get why this is supposed to be so much better. Now instead of eating cows that could potentially have spent their days before being killed running around in some meadow, we're breeding a bunch of animals in trays.

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It looks like she stuck two marshmallow peeps to her chest. Might as well go full flat.

Literally nothing in common other than being arthropods. That's as stupid as comparing an aged ribeye to some rat cooked over a campfire. Cows and rats are both mammals after all. Faggot.

those tits have to be shooped.

No but I'd eat people.

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>implying you cant make rat taste better than cow with skill

I'm in Dallas right now.

Hard to find whites.

Would you eat a piece of your own flesh?

Words of wisdom rabbi

> hes not willing to eat his own leg

never gonna make it on the Grand Line

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>Replace beaners with different flavors of bean
Are all Texans this retarded?

i eat my scabs all the time

I fully support the production of insect proteins. If we are bound to give food aid to nations, boosting flour with insect proteins is a moral and efficient way to do it. The issue is that noone but sois in the west want this shit. Alternative food sources are there but why would you consume this over chicken when chickens are 100% sustainable and can be fed off food scraps, same as pigs. Not to mention give it 10 years and you'll have insect rights advocates.

>he doesn't like mosquito bites
Pleb tier

I do

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>feed cow to bugs
>eat bugs

make sense, I mean, people can't eat cows

Eating insects won't save the planet. There's a reason I investigate my food before eating, if I saw that shit I would dump my drink on it and leave.

based and kurupilled

>Do I look like a Canadian to you? I like real meat like this. Like the good lord intended.

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I've never consciously eaten an insect in my life and I never will. I'm going to go defrost some beef now to make a nice stew.

they had some grasshopper chocolate here, it didn't taste like anything (but there wasn't that much grasshopper in it)

I only care about taste, and if it tastes good I don't mind.

>eating bugs is disgusting!
>We should do a crawfish boil instead!

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no, why would i eat asians?

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I love how they are pushing the Eat bugs to western nations
While at same time telling us insect populations are dropping, that it would destroy the world and western nations need to do something

>Amen that's why I'm in Texas.
>Keep the Canadians and Mexicans out. Let the Argentine and Peruvians in.

What about Hatians ??

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-28 VIDEO Hundreds of Haitians, Africans wade through Rio Grande, stroll into USA (1171x2901, 1.17M)

This constant bug shilling makes me enjoy meat that much more

Is that hot oil? i'm so confused

Grass fed beef is 100% sustainable.

gas them

I believe that's exactly what that is. she's basically deep frying them.

But they're BASED FAMILY-ORIENTED Hispanics, user!

I'd drink a protein shake made from flavoured bug powder, especially if it was cheaper. If it tastes and looks the same, who gives a shit? This "ewwww, gross!" reaction people have is really gay. Eating gross stuff (e.g. offal) is manly.

>gas them

They might put a voodoo curse on you if you try that .

Wait, we allow to post cannibalism vids here?

Argentines are white

God I hate race-traitors, especially when they say that shit

then why feed it to worms

don't ask questions, just consume bugs and get excited for new bugs

I would rather eat less meat. I'll go full eggs and fish-only if it comes down to it.

If you eat at any fast food joint, you're eating insects anyway, they just haven't told you that's what their meat is yet.

Yeah, and they all vote Republican, even though Democrats are the party of tax-funded gibs and no borders.

it's downright offensive to put the pizza face-up like that

man it must be rough being Canadian

What about the UK ?

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Like this?

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Bruh it’s like 30C outside don’t make a goddamn stew


I don't think they're feeding that beef to the bugs, user.

I believe that pic is showing a hamburger patty that's half beef and half bug.

>man it must be rough being Canadian

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Would you be open to trying this?

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fish is meat

>Waitress, there’s no cockroaches on my burger. I want to speak with your manager!

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I've had gator meat. it doesn't really taste that good. very chewy and flavorless.

California doesn't count. That's like saying Toronto is representative of all of Canada.

>tfw rich people pay lots of money to eat something that used to be called the "sea cockroach" (lobster) and was fit only to be fed to prisoners.
This. I'm against eating any bug. Making a distinction between water bugs and earth bugs is stupid.

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It doesn't matter. I couldn't consume alligator in Finland very often anyway.

You haven’t had gator meat.
It is similar to taste with chicken only extremely soft, tender, and juicy.


So, the bladerunner diet?


this. before i EVER eat bugs, i will become a prolific serial killer, and simply slaughter stupid people and eat them. i will go full time fucking cannibalist.

yes, I have had gator meat. I live in the southeast, I have eaten gator many times. it's chewy and flavorless. I have no idea what you are talking about but it isn't gator meat.

Someone probably fed your dumbass squirrel meat.

>California doesn't count. That's like saying Toronto is representative of all of Canada.

You have a point . But a lot of crap originated in California and spread through the US , Canada and the world .

And California is still part of the US .

Same with Toronto and Canada .

Crunchy fried salty spicy protein. I don't give a fuck if it's a cricket or fried pork skin. Humans are omnivore.

Maybe based.

It's like lab grown meat. Sure it's $15000 a pound and tastes like urine because there is no matrix of blood vessels to carry away waste, but it's "possible" to get meat without animals.

>hes never shown his dominance by biting insects in half in front of their kin
never gonna make it

how the fuck else are we gonna have enough protein after we move the entire 3rd world into our countries?! retard

Backyard chickens are spreading in the US and not just because it's hip. We're poor here.

Eating living things is a crime against nature.

next level scam

save the planet, eat bugs
if not eat bugs, kill planet, your fault

That's because Canada wasn't in that world cup dipshit

The US was 3rd world back when this started in the 70s

Always kill, dismember, and cook things before eating them.

>eating bugs
No. If you wanna give roasted roach to the starving Somalis be my guest but I'm not eating that shit. The problem isn't meat being unsustainable, it's too many people on this fucking planet.

Fuck off dude. God doesn't want you to eat Hog.
God says not to eat it multiple times. Jesus said fear not that i come to change the law of Moses, i come to fulfill it. NOthing changed. He added 2 laws.

You whites play on the words...

"there isn't anything god made that isn't good".
"it's not what goes in the mouth, it's what comes out of the mouth" blah blah bull shit.

The Good Lord wants you to stop eating that shit.

It's like kikes talking about how "not all jews are evil"

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I hear edible locusts are being pushed in Israel, care to comment on that meme flag?

And paying for it, don't forget white men are the only group that are net contributors to the tax base over their lifetimes. Every single other group is a net drain.

i was all for eating bugs until you made it gay by saying its for saving the planet and not for the lulz

In the video it kills and cooks the insects in the boiling oil.