This is uncanny

This is uncanny.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Does he look like he's 30

he looks like he's a nigger which is good enough

Mommy has a big heart, but

that creature is not only nigger, he also seems like being both affected by something that turns him a giant (the head only) and a niglet (he's short).

He is clearly into deep deficiency and with an IQ lower that standard chimpanzees.


Attached: jew covers.jpg (1778x726, 505K)

marianne williamson has a nigger son?

My sides

> literally

That monkey looks exactly like the sheeeeiiittt meme.

>Stupid question:
Where's the father?

He looks thirty to me

Attached: 1557880991148.jpg (480x360, 18K)

>Spoiler alert
they all do

Not that one you stupid leaf

You can't be this black with a white mother. Right?

post the meme you faggot

Attached: vO7lRZ7.jpg.png (621x702, 56K)


yes he does no neoteny and receding hairline

I don’t believe that is a 10 year old. Looks 22-28

That mongoloid looks 47 holy fuck!

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yep especially the tinted sclera in the eyes only the darkest of nogs have that

Reminder West Africans interbred with apes

Her "son" will rape her one day.

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Jesus fucking christ. 3d reddit exodus is confirmed.

Yes, he does.

Redundant. Or are you showing off your vocabulary?

i remember the original image on the right. its actually uncle same beneath the jew overlay


easily. that's unfortunate.

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How does he look like a fucking thirty year old yo you guys? In the news video he's like four feet tall and he was playing with other kids his age on the front lawn. The cop put a fucking gun to his head too.

maybe i should start demanding to be called mom too, my shit just clogged the toilet!

delete your Jow Forums account

what in the absolute fuck did they do to National Geographic

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Yep, the whole board is being shat on by newfags.

Attached: 16YearEthiopian.png (988x1110, 1.64M)

There is no fucking way on earth that I am the same species as that thing.


Attached: WhatThisNiggerSay.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

cops just want to kill pedos and nigs
imagine how hard this cop got when he thought he had a pedonig
he pulled the gun out immediately i'd say and was just hoping his victim would twitch, thus relieving the retard fat burger cop of responsibility for his actions
all because he was a self-hating pedo racist who projected his thoughts on the innocent ten year old boy
pedocops make me sick


Probably adopted

She looks like she fucks blacks

is that actually beetlejuice

Attached: nerd.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Holy sheeeeiiiit it's Tyrone IRL

Jesus. Looks like a 30 year Brazilian street thug to me

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Does he look like he’s human?


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Are you blind? God I hope reddit unbans TD.


I dunno guys, looks like the every 10-year-old refugee I've ever seen in Sweden.

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>Ok now sweety...heh heh...lean back and look into the camera oh yeah good.... now...heh... now move your hand right up against your crotch... yeah... gorgeous....heh heh.

What the fuck is going on in Utah?!

This. This shit right here is what does it. Assuming this is real, this is what radicalizes me. This is what makes me wonder what's happened to humans. This is what makes me sad and angry and makes me want to start taking lives. What's happened to us that a woman would claim that thing as her child and then be upset when an officer rightfully is scared of it and wants to defend himself or citizens from it? What's caused this? Something is wrong with that poor lady and it's a reflection of society and I'm fucking sick of it. We need to start over.

how? He has highly developed facial bone structure as if he'd gone through male puberty.


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thats a leaf issue not a reddit issue

so is the angle here to get cucked husbands to think that adopting an ethiopian will finally unlock the affections of their wives?

Attached: theylookhappy.png (739x679, 437K)

That dude has 16 year old pimples on his face.

think of it this way, there is SO MUCH money in raising an adopted black child and having him shot by police. its one of the biggest lotto tickets you can buy right now.

>fuck Mormons have really lost it, I thought they where our last hope.

he looks like the grape ape

post some rare sheeits

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It’s the new editor, Susan (((Goldberg)))

How old is this fucking child? 28?

You would fuck blacks too if you were female.

He looks big enough to chimp out. That's all that matters.

Source ?
Detailed source?
I’m really curious

She looks goyish but I bet her husband is a Jew. They’re in there attacking the white holdout of Utah.

Redpilled cop. Around blacks never relax.

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16 year old

That’s from the guardian isn’t it? They are anti white scum

its uncanny

>demand that we see 30-year-old Somalis as 10-year-old children
>gets mad that we see 10-year-old children as 30-year-old Somalis
women, go figure

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she fetishizes him and has sex with him when nobody is watching

I don't think she cares if anyone is watching. She was probably about to "rape" his ass as the photo was being taken.

He actually looks 40

I now understand how Germany has cucked so hard to the muslim nigger hordes. Go fist yourself you mentally deficient faggot

No he looks 25-27

I'm in Europe so I can't read the article. I know there must be more to the story. The kid must have been doing something wrong. Police don't just point guns at people for no reason.

coldest bitch face i've ever seen. she looks unpleasant to the nth degree


Same thing they did to everything.

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You sure like posting about fucking niggers.

>not browsing with Brave in a private window with tor.

You have no excuse.