Marx here to answer your questions

Marx here to answer your questions.
What would you like to know Jow Forums?

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why were you such a faggot?

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thoughts on Stalin?

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Why did your dialectical prophecy fail?

Marx was a brainlet.

What part of "Work smarter, not harder" don't you understand?

How do I get a med boyfriend?

While capitalism did pull you out of fuedalism, there is no reason to hate progress from it. It would be equally absurd for a fuedal peasant to be thankful for his lord because he pulled him out of slavery to the point that he shuns the progress of capitalism.

Was your dad really an actual Rabbi?

Was being a big guy (for you) a part of your plan?

You look like a nigger. Are you a nigger?

Why did you treat your servants like shit and then pretend to care about the proletariat?

I underestimated how the could create a boom bust cycle of increased welfare, then to chip away welfare to extend their presence. Still, the synthesis will happen as per the dialectic
Stalin was an opportunist who used the poor interpretation of my philosophy by Lenin to justify his dictatorship under the guise of "Russia is a special exception"

Let me put it simple: NIGGER(YOU)

>Stalin was an opportunist who used the poor interpretation of my philosophy by Lenin to justify his dictatorship under the guise of "Russia is a special exception"
well that's just wrong. seems like you have something personal against the guy

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why were you such a faggot?

Why do your followers try to pretend socialism and communism are different even though you used the words interchangeably

How high must be the helicopter to guarantee death on impact?


He did not shrink the state and the workers did not own the means of production. He also was very uneducated in the works of hegel. Nothing Stalin did was representative of my philosophy. There is a reason why they call it Marx - Leninism and not Marxism.


A big guy?

No, my grand father was. My father converted to Christianity before I was born.

>He did not shrink the state and the workers did not own the means of production
they kinda did. they could fire their own boss. they decided who was in the communist party. everything was cooperatively done. any worker could be voted into a position of power. the workers decided which way the economy went

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also it's not about shrinking the state, it's about the state naturally dissolving

You never worked an actual day in your life, you were a raging alcoholic, and you relied solely on a small inheritance and Engels fathers business to fund your idealistic hellscape. Why would we listen to you? You have a pretty bad resume.

America has done a good job reeducating people into conflating all left wing policies into a homogenous incomprehensible whole.

I was not a sodomite, my friend engles was very opinionated about how much he disliked them, I personally didn't care much one way or the other

My philosophy is consistent. My private life shouldn't matter. You don't reject the ethics of kant or parfit based on the personal trappings of their life do you?

>they kinda did. they could fire their own boss. they decided who was in the communist party. everything was cooperatively done. any worker could be voted into a position of power. the workers decided which way the economy went

In reality this was done through the governenment which means that the worker had no real direct control, and as such, no control at all.

Your philosophy is centered around labor and the means of production. Neither of which you have never experienced first hand. In other words, your philosophies are based on something you were never exposed to and only viewed from afar. How could they possibly be credible?

>In reality this was done through the governenment which means that the worker had no real direct control, and as such, no control at all.
that's not true tho, the communist party was the government. they had representatives in every cooperatively owned workplace. the USSR was true democratic ownership of the means of production

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Trotsky was a treasonous rat working to bring down the glorious union. Still a funny meme tho.