What is the best way to build wealth?

Lets be pragmatic: america is becoming a brown 3rd world shithole and you do NOT want to be stuck in the underclass when it gets bad. How do you build enough wealth to buy a nice house far away from diversity? It also needs to produce cash flow so that your kids can inherit your home and not work. If they must work they will be in a race to the bottom with paco and luis. I want to spare them this fate. What should i do?

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Unironically moving cocaine.


Get into sales

But honestly the question is irrelevant because you can’t run from diversity. No matter how deep in the mountains you hide they’ll always come after you

Im considering growing hydroponic weed. If i grow it myself i get a much higher profit margin


There is no money in weed anymore. For what it costs now days, if you have to grow it indoors and buy co2 and sunlight, you can't make a buck till you can grow and move 100+ plants at a time.

Begin writing "woke" articles, because those SJW journalists and us have the same news sphere, they just shit-talk us in articles

You will be given grants by Google and Microsoft, be allowed to write for Medium, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, etc

Post anything against the globo-homo narrative? Your economic power is forever curtailed

1. Avoid NYC and Cali. These places have tons of Jews and Asians and you can’t escape them with money. Every rich neighborhood in the south and Midwest is 95 percent white even in a majority minority county.

2. Learn how to interact/impress boomers. Most of them hate a lot of young people but if you’re talkative they’ll like you. The only industry that GenX and Millenials run is big tech so you better get some promotions before the boomers retire or you never will.

How do I do this??

>two-kid nuclear family

wew lad

How do i move coke then? Do niggers still like crack?

I couldnt afford those places anyways. Also im only 19 and trying to get into welding. What can i do with a $50k salary?

jfc you’re a teenager dude. to answer your questions, no you shouldn’t start actually selling coke. the money would need to be laundered before you could use it on a mortgage, not to mention the bank wants to see proof of income

Welding or any physical labor job can pay ok but not extremely well. if you want to make real money get into business/entrepreneurship. don’t be a welder, own a weld shop. don’t be a plumber, own a local plumbing business.

Even if you attempt to do this for 5 years and fail you’d only be 25 years old which is still very young. Best of luck kid

>Buy weed on black market in legal state.
>drive/overnight it to a place where weed is illegal and people still pay $60 for an eighth

This, im in a red state which is why i want to do it

Work construction jobs while applying for unions. Avoid paying for your own schooling til your 21 or 22. Unions will pay for you to learn and pay you high as fuck wages. It takes 3-5 years of being an apprentice then you become a journeyman making 35 hr minimum with some trades in the 50s. You may not get in first time but keep applying, you have time on your side. Within 4 years you should be able to join a union

Im almost done earning my welding certificate from the community college. I heard it will give me priority over other union applicants. You literally just described my plan

Also what do you think about the boilermakers?

Do that as well as investing in cryptocurrency. Don't buy Bitcoin though because the price is too high. Invest in the alternative coins and hold onto them for years. $500 worth of a few different coins could yield six figures in a decade. I first found out about bitcoin at $8, I'm still shooting myself in the foot for not investing in it.

The best way to make money is having no net lost.
That's why boomers lived so well.
Boomers never gave a shit about school, university, or shit like that.
Most boomers started working very young (my granpa started working at 13) and saving every penny, while millennials start working at 25 after university (over a decade wasted + lifetime debt).
Doesn't matter if you make 30k a year, if you live cheap without net lost you can build wealth.

the actual writers make practically nothing. hence the reason for woke "journalism", the sjw mythos functions as a template into which one plugs the relevant dates and places. but it's really just the same article over an over. hacks need solid throughput just to break even. this is the key to understanding the entire contemporary media environment

crypto is good for gambling but gambling isn't a great way to build wealth. you're better off buying value stocks and holding them for a long time if you're really serious

Like get into a trade you enjoy and find yourself good with. Then accumulate money and experience to rival and make your own business. You can be an electrician all your life, but eventually age is going to creep up on you. Eventually, having a job where you can put your own experience to work, rather than your body, will pay off.

This. Don't get the idea that using crypto will make you a ton of money to start up. Stocks and crypto are a gamble, crypto even more since you don't have ownership into a company to follow, just a blockchain.
Worry about having an IRA or growth fund for the future, because Social Security isn't gonna pay any of us off lol.

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>how can I be a lazy kike
Flag checks out