There are lots of Christians saying pagans are LARPers. What about all institutional Christian LARPing?
How is Christianity not LARPing?
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You're right, user. Wanna buy a Bible?
I guess it's believing there is a higher power vs. believing stick and rocks give you magical powers?
Catholicism and Orthodoxy are direct linear continuations of specific institutions and traditions with a distinct source and function as part of the most coherent models for understanding the role of human decency and suffering ever composed.
I don't know anything about paganism.
Catholicism isn't Christianity.
I have many bibles. I'm at that point where I don't want a connection to the Judaic god, but know there is some higher power. So my belief is provisionally spiritual at this point.
Yeah, that's true. Add crystals and herbs into that mix. What's most important is one's being and our relationship to nature. Paganism had/has a lot right about family and community, of which Christianity openly wants to dissolve and abolish.
>ordained literally as Vatican II was in the process of being ratified
Entirely unsurprising. Vatican II gutted the Catholic Church.
One reason the Christian religion (with all its branches) is so intimate with the nature of suffering is perhaps because it creates suffering and disseminates it. There's something very off about Christianity. And for it to still enjoy a tax exemption in the modern secular age speaks volumes as to what institutions still have control.
Our faith is genuine, yours is not.