ITT: Jow Forums approved movies

Films that lefties hate.

The Patriot:

>muh slightly historically innacurate

This movie is literally everything liberals hate, a constant display of strength in a time of urgency from the perspective of an ordinary white farmer.

>white man in the south in colonial times
>has a few slaves that he treats relatively well
>single dad raising 6 kids after his wife died
>Dislikes English abuses of power yet he doesn't do anything about it because he has prospects for peace...

until they try to abduct his son and kill his other son by which he then immediately takes up arms and goes on a guerilla warfare killing spree with his youngest two sons to rescue the abducted son
>immediately prepares for war
>organizes militia and becomes respected man in the ranks
>actively fights against tyranny
>witnesses big government prey upon civilians constantly, they even burn a fucking church with people inside
>loses his other son and is even more vengeful
>prevents a rout by charging forward with the flag of the resistance and they win the battle
>even gets a glorious revenge kill on the man that killed his sons

Post awesome movies that mogg the fuck out of the leftist worldview

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Eyes Wide Shut
Black Mountain Side
Angry Birds Movie

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The Life Of Brian

Last of the Mohicans

Liberals like the
>Indian are Indindunuffins story

Get butthurt when they are shown as the savages they were

Movie shoots that down.

LOTR trilogy
you'll never see anything like it ever again

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Excalibur 1981

Best fantasy series ever

Has just about every major theme you'd want in a movie.


Except he doesn't have slaves. They specifically say he set them free and pays them to work for him.

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>I bid you Stand! Men of the West!

Plus every character is White

How this movie never got talked about on Jow Forums is beyond me.

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Don't forget mel is probably the most red pilled dude in hollywood. Fuck I'd love to hang out with that dude.


For Gondor!

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The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence

>Gentlemen... this is exactly what America needs. This may even get me elected president. You've convinced me. It's genius. Don't change a goddamn thing. My pals in DC... they won't believe their near-sighted eyeballs.

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An autistic kid that wins a video game tournament ..pol should like that

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Careful, he'll spike your drinks with stem cells, then you'll become Spider-Man.

So win win?

I just had the random realization that Canandians and Americans don't carry the English accent along. Kiwis and Aussies do (atrocious as they may be), so why don't Americans or Canadians? I mean, whites came to Canada from France, so it sorta makes sense that they sound like faggots when they speak, but Americans traditionally came from Britain and Ireland. What gives?

Also, Mel Gibson is based as fuck, Lethal Weapon, Braveheart, and the Patriot are top tier flicks.

>comfy 80s feels

I absolutely love this movie. I want to open a small tavern called "Aim Small Miss Small" and it would be themed based on this movie. Fuck, I already have a huge list of cocktails named from lines from the movie.
>King's Highway
>Tell Me About Ohio
>Sound Retreat
>Prepare to Charge
>Stupid Boy
>Hold the Line
>That Man Insults Me
>Rules of War
Among just a few.

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Saw it the day it came out

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The American Southern accent *is* the old British accent
It changed in England since the Revolution

>Stupid Boy
:'( w-what would be the ingredients b-be user

early German linguistic influences
Spanish linguistic influences
example, pay attention to how Americans say "for" it sounds more like the German "fur"

Lefties think it's racist for portraying the Zulu in a negative light but it doesn't at all. The Boer is only there to tell the British how dangerous and capable the Zulu warrior is, and that their commanders have a good grasp of tactics

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That one is a shot and a beer

Mezcal and a mexican style lager.

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They Live
>Blue collar, pure bred aryan just working his way through life
>doesn't ask for much, just a chance at an opportunity, hard work always pays off, he says
>finds the fucking glasses
>reveals an (((alien race))) secretly controls all society
>try's to get his negro "friend" to wear the glasses but as always, they just won't listen
>goes on a rampage, ultimately saving society from the alien scum
>lied to and betrayed by a gat damn woman

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Training Day

The day it came out
For me it was HBO 1982...

Lefties love this movie

Leftists don't hate this, but they're also too stupid to realize it's an extremely pro life movie.

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this is my grandfathers favorite movie he had me watch it with him when i was a kid

>slightly historically innacurate

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American History X and Mississippi Burning probably would make the cut.

They'll never make another series that good.
Even if I sometimes gripe about the changes from the books, it's still top tier.

>Thank God for the rain which has helped was the garbage and the trash off the sidewalks. I'm working long hours now, 6 in the afternoon to 6 in the morning, sometimes even 8 in the morning. Six days a week, sometimes seven days a week. It's a long hustle but it keeps me real busy. I can take in 3-350 a week, sometimes more when I do it off the meter. All the animals come out at night. Whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, faeries, dopers, junkies. Sick, venal. Some day a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

Travis Bickle is the what a Jow Forumsack would be if a Jow Forumsack couldn't be a NEET and didn't have internet.

>Americans traditionally came from Britain and Ireland
There were plenty Germans, South had a fair amount of French, and then Mexicans from the southwest. American English has a lot of influences.
Plus the modern steortypical British accent was actually mainly only used by high society before the American revolution.

What do you guys think about Letters from Iwo Jima, Flags of our fathers and My way? (no bully pls, I just like them)

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Anyone ever see a movie called the war of the buttons ...its basically a british movie about kids fighting over buttons n ribbons ..??.

Cool Hand Luke

Just about any movie from the 70’s & 80’s....

Old as dirt now, but a quality production.

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The Southern accent is more Scottish than English.
The North east has a high Dutch contingent.

Speaking of Uwe Boll, I recently watched Rampage. It was surprisingly decent.

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Pure kino

The Birth Of A Nation

One of my favorites. Peak Bob Peak.

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the harry potter series was really good
pic related my personal collection

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user what are you doing to save the white race?

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YOU WEE is a mega kraut liberal

oh fuck off
stupid movie series

i laughed at all these.
might I recomend the
>bunting bag nachos
>I don't have the luxury of principles starter
>Im not your sister salad
>why do men toast you pasta
>a slice of cheeky fellow pie

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Fuck DeNiro.

tropic thunder

great movie, and looking back on it now I'd say it's Jow Forums tier.

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>I'm not your sister salad.

fucking kek man

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American English accents are evolutions of different historical English accents. You guys haven't stopped to think about accents in England itself have evolved over the years. The way the drop r's is actually a newer phenomenon which is why the same effect is present in new england and new york, areas that had a lot of continued contact with Britain after the war.
the moment you're talking about accents and you say 'the' british accent you're marking yourself out as an idiot since there's a hundred of them, also German influence on American English is totally overrated by plebs on Jow Forums

I like Generation Kill. They even say nigger.

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thats because lefties are fucking retarded and dont even understand what they think they stand for

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I swear they never run this fucking movie The Patriot on cable and it is damn good.

>Excalibur 1981
Watched this recently. It is a weird movie. Very disjointed and rambling. Also the king is a literal cuck.

You mean it changed since the Civil War. English Civil War, that is. The losing side ended up in the southern colonies with their archaic accent.

Is this based on chris-chan?

Bruce Willis' last one.
>hardworking man who earned everything by way of wit and grit
>after the harshest redpill, hardens himself and enacts justice on subhumans
>despite everything life threw at him and his, doesn't stay beaten down
>still family man and willing to protect his community

absolutely degenerate movie. Watch Bridge Over the River Kwai if you want a military movie from that time period which actually reinforces decent morals and condemns degeneracy.

>Where now the horse and the rider? >Where is the horn that was blowing?
>Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
>Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
>Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
>They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
>The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
>Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
>Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?

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Just searched it up. I heard there are some esoteric/Occultist themes/imagery is this true? Or is it more "le spoopy lets add some Kabbalic imagery fpr magic vibes"? Coming from someone who read esoteric and Occultist works this is a matter of watch or don't watch.

>muh slightly historically innacurate

It's VERY historically inaccurate.

>has a few slaves that he treats relatively well

They were freemen actually.

The highlight of the movie was Mel Gibson's character daring to oppose war with Great Britain. The rest was meh-tier at best.

Now Gods and Generals, there's a good Christian movie.

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>be me
>English prof
>studied the language for 20+ years
>some Jow Forums user says German has had no influence
>on Murican English
I love Jow Forums, so many "experts"

I only remember watching it as a kid like 8 or 12 and seeing rabbid nigs get shot and a brave last stand of white men. What is degenerate about it?

>Gods and Generals
I liked Gettysburg better, even when it does cuck on the "muh slaves are people and we must save them".

i didn't say no influence, i said overrated by plebs are Jow Forums which you and i both know is totally fucking true you jewish son of a bitch, do not put words into my mouth. are these sneaky and semitic tactics common in the halls of your university that you are 100% for sure definitely a professor at?

Why can’t we have leaders like Theoden? Why are all our politicians wormtongues?

Why do we have to live in this fake and gay reality guys?

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in reality there weren't many Kings like Theoden in the medieval period either.

The Patriot is 100% better and more accurate.

I couldn't say. It's of course entirely pagan. But I am not nearly enough of an expert of either to tell the differences.

Every single coward, traitor, and criminal lives and succeeds. The entire cast of costars are 80% cowards, and assorted degenerates. Muh, "the black man is so brave and virtuous.". Black titties.

Pic related is top tier and I never see it in these threads. Very comfy 60s vibes mixed with lighthearted poking fun at primitive Africans.

It’s A Wonderful Life is also incredible. It’s essentially national socialism: the movie. Change Mr. Potter to Mr. Rosenblatt and it would be banned in this country. The rendition of Auld Lang Syne is great too.

Other good ones:
The Man who would be king
They live
Gone with the wind
Cave of forgotten dreams

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why would anyone lie on the internet

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That movie was made by a kike and is completely inaccurate.
Whoops, shoulda known is was bait.

we had a chance at Theoden
but wormtongue has him now

inb4 MIGAtard cuck

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Rather “The Girl With All The Gifts.”

Gettysburg is better, but Gods and Generals is the one I took part in the filming of.

>The Patriot

Two words that don't go in the same sentence son.

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