Just a reminder that Texas will turn permanently blue in a couple of years

They will be the far left California of the South.

Very sad. And all because we don't want to be mean to the brown invaders and force them to fuck off back to the shitholes they came from.

White children today will have it bad in the future.

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*Just a reminder that Texas will turn into Africa in a couple of years.

Don't worry, white children are already dying in America due to Republican policies. No need for Texas to turn blue for that.

Fuck both parties. They've both done this to whites.

I live in Texas. I see more Mexicans than I do white people. My attena gets mostly spanish channels. Most of the radio is spanish. A school year books has hundreds of Ramirezs. Texas is lost

Move out as soon as you can.

reminder that texas will be a chair in eleven minutes

Imagine the shock and delusion from boomers who lived to see MUH TEXAS fall to invaders.

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Sweet sweet Republican tears will be shed.

What will “conservatives” say when it turns blue forever? What have conservative politicians ever conserved for the right? They just slowly give ground to the left who is never satisfied

White Texans won't chimp out until whites are 10% of the state population. Until then they'll be distracted by college and professional football.

Hillary only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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I wanted to move to Texas so bad 15 years ago. Now I realize it's fucking overrun, feels bad man

In 2000 the Hispanic population was 32% in Texas. That election also went HARD on illegal immigration. Texas knew exactly what has happening and wanted to stop it.
Even today we are well fucking aware we are being invaded, but the federal government never really did anything to help stop it.

Even still, I'm not sure Texas will turn blue just yet. For instance, Cruz vs Beto had massive turnout for Beto, and he still lost. Cruz was among the least likeable senators in the US at that point, but he still won. If Texas has decent reds running, they'll beat blue pretty handedly.
Our most recent run for governor had Greg Abbott sweep Lupe Valdez pretty easily.

But I just don't know how the fuck we're going to stop this without a constitutional amendment to remove sentence 1 of Section 1 of the 14th amendment. We MUST end Jus Soli. Very few countries even have it, and the only reason WE have it is because ending slavery caused there to be a citizenship question about former slaves. We don't need or want that clause of the 14th anymore, because it is allowing foreigners to drop anchor babies.

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>Based on the new trends, he said, he now expects Latinos to outnumber non-Hispanic white people in Texas by 2022.
>Non-Hispanic whites were the only group to actually see a slight population loss over the year.
You are fucked.

Wake up from this illusion that Jews control anything. The only reason Israel has power as a state is because of its geographical position in the Middle East. Jews. Are. Not. The. Problem. You're harming yourself and influencing others. The sooner the world enhances solar energy and advances nuclear fusion - the less important Israel will be.

I always thought "non-hispanic white" was such a funny term, because identifying as a hispanic white is purely up to the person taking the census (they must identify white, then check a box that says hispanic). This is how you end up with guys like this being included as "white", when anybody with a brain can clearly see he is not, and will not be judged as white by anybody.
Its also important to remember that most hispanics in Texas are the northern Mexican type, the extremely brown mix of Spanish and Indians. They aren't white, and will never be white. I'd say a very small portion of hispanics in Texas are actually legitimately white.

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Funny people complain but all the new west coast people moving to the east coast have accused the east coast of being wayyyy too over populated. With a better transit system and road lay out. So you don’t feel the population as much but as you continue going and going and going you begin realizing it. Many of the people here instead are moving to west coast.

So east coast likes the west coast but west coast likes the east coast. Especially the new west coast migrants. They’ll never move back to Cali.

"Conservatives" will say "don't you dare touch my social security, I worked all my life"

They say Cali is where all the Hollywood stars are at. But east coast is where all their extended relatives live. The migration situation in the east coast is so bad people have to act like they don’t know eachother. It’s technically on red alert for sem-itism once again.

Nice try schlomo

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god why are niggers so dumb and easily brainwashed

East coast is so populated the white people have had to relocate their mixed extended cousins to their neighborhoods just to feel safe. And feel strangely about how all the convenience stores are now ran by Hindus. So they select Muslims and Hindus in certain locations. They wouldn’t trust it anywhere else.