Am I ODing on Redpills or is the Left really as insane as it seems?

I'm concerned, Jow Forumstards, I've been largely a /v/ / /vg/ lurker and occasional poster on /x/ since around 2011, I spent most of my teen years fucking around on /b/ and /v/ and I've watched the left circle the drain deeper and deeper towards utter insanity.

For a long time I've held relatively consistent center-left/center-right views, but the more insanity I see from the left the more I want to lurch hard-right just because the left utterly disgusts me. I'm finding it harder and harder to justify my previously center-left views because it seems like even moderate liberals seem to fall down this rabbit hole.

Both rounds of the Dem debates fucking broke me, guys, the longer I watched the more disgusted I felt, knowing that the best and brightest the Democrat party can pull are all different shades of red and pink. I had to pause the streams several times because I got so genuinely angry at just how retarded nearly everyone on stage was. Seeing Yang raise his hand for free healthcare for illegals...I's like something snapped in my brain, like heartbreak and a mental breakdown happening at the same time.

What the fuck do I do now, Jow Forums? I feel disgusted and ashamed and broken for ever having any faith that there could be moderate Democrats leading this country again, but they're all socialists in disguise and it's blatantly obvious. I already like Trump and I'm likely to vote for him for 2020, but Jesus Christ, what happens if he doesn't win? Is it over? Are we going to just slip into strong brown undocumented trans wamen that can get unlimited abortions socialism? Are we going to go full Yugoslavia?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

The left is just insane.

if you were around then you would know it isn't Jow Forumstards

change your worldview beyond this website, moderatism is dead - the left is getting more radical, but that isn't insanity

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Welcome to hell you're stuck here now. I was center left until about 3 years ago, then I began to notice how much the Left actually hates me. I migrated to Le Plebbit Donal and now I can barely put up with them. I suggest you stockpile guns, ammo, and food because this won't end well for us.

Active based Jow Forums server:\invite\dkujHhf


You're just in time for 2020, get in faggot we're making america great again.

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They lack a wisdom score and mask it with intelligence.
So they can do complex tasks like program a computer but are so weak minded that they fall for whatever they are told to believe i.e Hillary is gonna win or Russian Bots hacked the election.

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I didn't pay Jow Forums any attention until like a year ago and even then I barely pay attention to Jow Forums lately I've kind of drifted towards the YouTube sphere since I was like 20

I've been drifting more towards being a socially liberal Republican leaning on the Libertarian side of things, but like I said in the OP it's hard to justify being socially liberal when it seems to lead towards shit like drag kids

I live in a college town, the university is unironically actively brainwashing my fellow students with social justice nonsense, like full on queer propaganda on all the TV screens level shit, and they're planning to go even harder next semester. I just can't, anymore, I want to drop out, the teaching program I'm going into next semester seriously demands you make a statement of faith to the diversity cult. I don't know how I'm going to finish my degree without going nuts.

how did you not notice this in like 2012 when they started taking over muh reddit and hating da white man

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you're oding. the left is the smart ones, the right is greedy/avoiding modern reality/religious ones. everyone in american politics is a degen these days. that's why obama wanted change.

You need to get a better program. Go into a more male dominated field. Teaching is the single most dangerous field for men to lose their whole career based on false allegations. Why are you surprised, this shit is on every single news media around the country.

user, this is all to plan. You need to study Bezmenov. There's a couple easy to watch videos on Youtube.

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You should consider suicide, kike.

I wasn't on Reddit back then. I only used Facebook because I didn't into much on the Internet.

and the right is insane in their support for the constitution, which has not protected their country.

yes, trust the words of a man who identifies himself as a lifelong disinformation agent, great idea

I'm surprised it's taken you this long. But I everyone has their own pace.
And frankly, the answer is we have to reject these things when it suits us because there's so much hostility. Also, we have to take action on an individual and family level to reject the current subverted system that is meant to destroy independent society.

They want censorship so they can hide their lies.
The answer is ignoring the media, breeding with any woman you can find who sees what is happening, and setting up charter schools and home schooling focused on useful skills and avoiding the jew indoctrination.
Remember, we have to make changes on the individual and family levels. And only then bigger changes can come.

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It has protected us from you communist faggots for a long time at this point. Doing it's job quite nicely.

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>Are we going to go full Yugoslavia?
Yes. And it's going to be beautiful.

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I just wanted to teach history to kids, man...I'm already 3 years in and on a government contract because I'm disabled [going blind]

I've seen enough of him and had enough experience with Marxist profs to know he's not bullshitting about our education system being subverted to all Hell

>Implying I'm a Jew

So I should just work on myself and making friends and finding a girl worth starting a family with so I can set an example for the people around me? Jew conspiracies aside, I'd rather live the simple life and make the world a better place that way than get swept up in the culture war

They're not insane, they could swing Texas blue promising this shit. There's going to be more and more illegals in the US, and they're going to start voting sooner or later. The left aren't the party of labor anymore, they're the party of gibs.

>demands you make a statement of faith to the diversity cult.
Holy shit. It has become a religion.

Also, not sure if you know about Weimar Republic, but that's what they want to turn our society into. Stay strong m8 and don't OD on redpills, we've all been there. There are still plenty of countries that haven't accepted refugees to replace their population. And if it makes you feel better, war is likely to break out between the Islamic European nations and the Regular European nations in the next 100 years due to Muslims having nuclear weapons

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Might as well finish and teach high school dropping red pills everyday. You're a "diversity hire" so you'd be difficult to get rid of.

God keep you, OP. if you want to go further down the rabbit hole, read this.

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These pieces of shit have never been a voice of the people, they are all crooked psychopaths who want us all dead.

Absolutely. E-celebs will scream bullet point arguments to "own the libs" but really we just need to work on our own lives and try to vote for the most conservative and non-Zionist candidates there are. No need to get caught up and *try* to convince people. The fruit of your life will be evident.
Of course, we all need Jesus too user. And that's actually a large reason why the Jews are doing what they are. Jesus is central, and not because of the good morals that come with the Bible, but because you need to recognize that there is a Creator and that this isn't all for nothing.

yes they really are lunatics who hate others at first sight and actually literally want them dead just because they have hair, are taller, have nice clothes, have anything at all really

As part of the application process, I have to write a letter about what I'll do to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity in the learning environment. I shit you not, there was even a cute little diversity/equity/inclusion stamp at the bottom of the page. If I can get ahold of a copy I'll post it here over the weekend or something.

I actually finished reading Mein Kampf like a week and a half ago, but I'd love to know more about how for no reason at all people suddenly voted for Hitler

I'm going the middle school route since there's less teenage drama and less likelihood of getting accused of some shit by an uppity teen sloot

I've actually veered back towards Christ in the last few years, had a few experiences while tripping on shrooms that opened my eyes

They are insane. Look up intersectionalism if you don't know what that is. It is unironically their new religion. Five years ago, I had no problem with gays or even gay marriage, but they have pushed things way too far. Kids dancing at gay strip clubs and drag queens reading to kindergarteners is a bridge too far. Also, I'm their enemy because I'm a straight white male. It won't matter how good of an 'ally' you are. Eventually, they will come for you.
Hit Jow Forums and get Jow Forums. Buy a rifle soon, and have at least a week's worth of food and water.

fugg, this is some very serious stuff.
Fake school for smart kids in Mexico was finding white children and trafficking them? Is that the gist of it?

liberalism is nice, leftism is bad
i never understood why bernie sanders, hillary clinton or any other democrat is called "liberal".

no no, just ignore it, they are just joking. ha ha.

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you sound like you have issues. instead of asking this autistic board for help, you should probably see a psychiatrist, your search for validation from extremists tells a lot about your current mental state.

>and have at least a week's worth of food and water.
this is important for general preparedness. But I would recommend a month's worth at least.

>implying a neoliberal Democrat establishment event run by MSDNC is going to be coherent, informative, or anything but shilling
>implying Democrat establishment kikes are leftist

Dude, I have a therapist, I'm looking for a reality check from the few sperglords out there that might have some understanding of what I'm going through, go back to plebbit

I want to be liberal, but we don't have an explicitly liberal party in the U.S. anymore. Republicans are nominally more liberal than Democrats.

Establishment shills or not, their rhetoric is driving our country towards the type of bullshit AOC pushes.

>Seeing Yang raise his hand for free healthcare for illegals
did he actually do that? holy shit you guys need to get him elected, he's the perfect accelerationist president you can get. that + $1000 gibs will collapse the economy of the world in less than 2 years

>implying some liberal psychiatrist will give better advice than anons

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Accept that you're a nazi and fly a swastika flag out front of your house

People will be made to shave their heads because hair is oppressive to the bald. Skinny people will wear fat suits because they would be oppressive to fat people.
It gets so scary going down the rabbit hole this is heading.

Probably both.

"Making *Israel Great Again" FTFY

you had plenty of time to slowly get redpilled. only have yourself to blame

His words speak for themselves. He could be a homeless man giving a talk for a ham sandwich and it wouldn't make what he's saying any less correct.

You're gunna get raked.

Why is it always a fucking leaf?

That was great

Make Israel Palestine Again


you asked if you were ODing on redpills and I answered. keep that therapist, I had guessed you needed it. ;)

Why is anyone even a Democrat anymore? I don't understand. Unless you're an illegal alien who wants free gibs, there's legitimately zero reason to support the party.

On the same note - why not a Trump supporter? The guy isn't a career politician. Sure he's not perfect, but he's honestly the best man for the job we'll ever experience in our lifetime. The fact that his organization is losing money yet he still wants to be President should tell you volumes about his character.

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im sorry guys, my countrymen are cux

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Yeah, they did a "show of hands" thing and every candidate on stage supported free healthcare for illegals and nearly every one raised their hands for decriminalizing hopping the border

Jew memes aside, Hitler was right about the Marxists, you can't deny that

I grew up in a relatively conservative Fox News Republican household so it's not like I wasn't already aware of the issues going on

Fuck off moosefucker, I have depression, I'm not delusional

yup. and recently the NXIVM school and daycares were busted some in the same city as the finders cult

>not insane
idk about that user

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I actually like Trump I'm just not full blown MAGA status conservative, like if I were to sit down and think out my political views I'd be right of center for the most part, it's just that the political landscape lately has been pushing me further and further towards nationalism/populism because globalism and neocon/neolib shitfuckery is cancer

imagine how cucked you anglos are. 53% white including Quebec, which is 87% white. kys niggerloving anglos lol

This is our future. Brace for the storm.

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>is the (((Left))) really as insane as it seems
The elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, thereā€˜s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Read through this thread, it's all there...

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Conservatives love their country and want to improve it.
Liberals hate their country and want to replace it.

It's as simple as that.

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>I actually finished reading Mein Kampf like a week and a half ago, but I'd love to know more about how for no reason at all people suddenly voted for Hitler

>NXIVM school and daycares
I didn't even know that was a thing. WEWLAD

>What the fuck do I do now, Jow Forums
Pray. Come to know God.

These are my fellow "countrymen". Fml

You're here. What's your fucking excuse?

You have friends here. There are people on your side.

None of this is fair. I simply wanted to live a normal, humble life. Somethings are bigger than oneself, if these people win humans won't be able to have normal lives for a thousand years.

Based and paranoiapilled

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Social media is the major contributor to the coming implosion of society because it has given the common people a voice and they have used this voice to let everyone know how absolutely shitty they are.

Go kill yourself. "Everyone who disagrees is insane" is a circular argument that you use to force drugs on people, it's disgusting.

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Bump to keep alive

This IS America's future if everything stays within the legal system. Demographics are destiny.

The filth and degeneracy will consume thin out the herd while it gorges itself on decadence.

The best contribution you can make besides redpilling the youth (which you have limited control and influence over) is to make strong children who will not fall for these tricks and degeneracy.

They will inherit the earth

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Reminder that when he buys an item in a game we have to call him out on supporting capitalism

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Imagine if someone said this about trannies.

I know what you mean user, I was heavily active on Jow Forums back in 2006-2008 until I finally moved on with my life.

Coming back now though. It's all too real. It used to be overreactions about things. There's certainly not things always "habbening", but the content, it's all there in plain sight and a lot of it is un-disputable truths.

Honestly I regret coming back.

I feel like blowing my brains out over the state of the world these days.

I can't fix any of this on my own, and even as a group it just seems so irreversibly fucked and even attempting to fix some of these societal issues seems like a waste of what little time I left.

How do I move on with my life knowing all of this?

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It's a demon being incarnated via the collective consciousness

>ODing on redpills
/sig/ self improvement general is the only salvation, otherwise things just get worse

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The intel community and corporations recognized that coopting the left was actually much better for their long term interests, so they started cultivating more extreme variants during Obama's presidency.
Everything you're seeing right now is a result of the establishment embracing the inherently totalitarian impulses of the far left because the far left hates the middle class more than anything and is willing to destroy them and themselves while leaving the incredibly rich elite alone.

Get through the diversity training for teaching - kids need someone with conservative values in school that can ooen their minds to see the nonsense that they're growing up with.

Forget denuclearization, kill us all already. Humanity isn't worthy

The thing you need to realize, newfriend, is that the point at which the US could have been saved passed long ago. The tipping point passed a generation before most of us were born. There is no fight left to be bought, only the stoic endurance of the path we've chosen until the system inevitably collapses.

So it goes.

Hahahah, you can't be serious, right? Everything is already lost, especially in America. If the Democrats don't win in 2020, they'll win in 2024, and if by some literal miracle they don't win even in 2024, then they'll 100% win in 2028. The time for trying to save things has ended a long time ago; now it's the time for purging and rebuilding. Mostly the first.

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Trump could possibly be the last republican well have. He failed to curb immigration, and barely won in several key states.
The latin american socialist horde wont vote for a republican. Theyll only vote for gibs.
The end is really close now, you can almost taste it.

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Glad somebody else has seen it.

Leftism serves the global elite perfectly. Under vague notions of "fuck borders, let's be one people!" we'll all be living in pods and fighting for scraps living lives of drudgery. Fuck leftists, they're god damn stupid. Especially Vaush if you're reading this, used to listen to him all the time before seeing behind the rhetoric there is absolutely no viable plan.

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america is going to be nonwhite and there is literally nothing you can or will do about it.
>just have more sex
lmao just bee urself

Europe could still be salvaged. Idk about Canada. Probably.
How's Iceland? do they produce their own food?

A lot of people vote one way or another because "that's how my family has always voted!"
There are actually heaps of people like this.

Realize that you are witnessing a rare moment in history. President Trump has the ability to force the truth out of pathological liars (politicians). Modern Democrats had to lie their asses off to cover up their true beliefs for decades.
If voters knew this is how they think from the start, do you believe they would ever even be a political party? No way. So what do you think will happen now? We might see the DNC dissolve or split up.
Whatever happens, it's over for them. This is about good vs evil, common sense vs manic irrationality, critical thought vs programmed conformity, & individual freedom vs serfdom.
From now on, it's either original American principles or Global Communism, and the overwhelming majority of adult Americans do not give a fuck about the latter. Vote Trump and watch the landslide.

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Are you suggesting I secure a future for my children? Also, check'd

Speaking of, I was dating a pretty red-pilled sorta liberal chick that suddenly came out as trans and went full lefty, part of why I'm feeling depressed lately. She used to go on and on about how people that make being trans their whole life are fakes and even after starting transition she'd insist on the same, then as she watched more and more tranny shit on the web she swallowed as many blue pills as possible

Yeah, having basically grown up in chan culture and habbening memes it's fucking weird to see nearly all of it come true

Been listening to 12 Rules and hitting the gym lately and eating healthy, started getting pussy on the regular again because I have my self-confidence back

I'll try my best user, it's just going to be hard not getting the fucking boot for not being able to bear the evangelical leftism. Head of the Ed department unironically preaches about white privilege to classes full of mostly white and hispanic chicks. Can't wait to get called out for being a white male so I can pull the cripple card.

So should I just weather the storm the best I can and try to carve out a little niche for myself and the people I care about so that when everything goes to shit I have a small chance of not getting put against the wall?

Is there any country worth fleeing to right now? I just want to get away from the nonsense. I'm half-considering Australia at this point but knowing it's nearly as bad there I don't see the point

Trump dynasty forever my dude. I only wish he was half the Nazi the Left thinks he is.

>They lack a wisdom score and mask it with intelligence
>Proverbs 1:7 - Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction

>Trump dynasty forever my dude. I only wish he was half the Nazi the Left thinks he is.
He's bigger and scarier than that marxist manlet.Trump is America personified.The Left's worst nightmare.The epitome of the successful red blooded American alpha male.

no, it's fucking insanity. The cognitive dissonance and aware-hypocrisy coupled with the rejection of fact based reasoning is retards that got their information landscape broken beyond repair.

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>Seeing Yang raise his hand for free healthcare for illegals
Kek is that why the yanggang shilling has finally stopped?

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