Snopes says photographic evidence of AOC fake crying at an empty parking lot is “False”

Snopes says photographic evidence of AOC fake crying at an empty parking lot is “False”
It should be illegal for self-proclaimed “fact-checkers” to lie. Change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When you can find me a reputable source that makes this claim then we can have a conversation.

>protests can't be photo ops
yeah alright

there is no way to prove something like this

Owned by facebook
Facebook working with google
Google is corrupt

Who the fuck breaks down and weeps at a protest?

Keep a list when the civil war starts.

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sociopaths who only display emotion to manipulate those around them

She cried because she saw a car? I don't get it.

a car AND a tree

love her response

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how did she not execute her dad for being a member of the bourgeoisie and owning a 600$ watch? this is unacceptable AOC, Tankie death squads start at home

I saw that earlier today, I was thinking about making a thread to discuss how ridiculously slimy Snopes is.

Evil rightwingers callously dismiss the horrors of parking lots surrounded by chain link fence.

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If you do make one just make it about "fact checkers" in general. What doublespeak.

Protests are photo ops though, that’s the entire point of them in current year.
If your protest doesn’t go viral it doesn’t means shit

If you are stupid enough to believe a "fact-checker" over a photo you can plainly see with your own eyes, you are an irredeemable dumbass

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This. A jpeg that some neo nazi teenager made in MS paint is a more reliable source than Soros funded Snopes. (It's Soros funded because I say so, just take my word for it. I'm the super-hacker known as anonymous.)

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Could I get more examples of Snopes lying please? I have a friend to convince.

wtf is a "snope"?

a jew outlet

It's Snopes as in Snope's. Named for its founder, Binyamin Snopestein, an Israeli businessman and CIA consultant who sits on the board of Media Matters.

Can we verify the watch was in production when her dad passed?

If it wasnt that is a flat out lie we can call horseface on

here are a few
Sure grandpa. I’ll look things up for you on your computer.

I was hoping for them in picture format.
Also, not to mock the source, but it's written by some angry boomer and is not credible.

I know for a fact Snopes is full of shit, but some boomer writing a rant does not give me any solid proof.

Such a childish answer.

It was obviously a protest which she doubled as a photo op. Also you have to be severely autistic if you think she was fake crying at an empty parking lot. She was crying and pissed at the facility and what it represents.

No, angry millennial. No coloring books exist about Snopes. You’re actually going to have to do some reading kiddo. It took me a whole three minutes to read that entire thing. Poor you! Loosing three minutes of coloring time.

Wait, people are complaining over a literal $600 Movado shitter? What the fuck? I thought it was a $60k Patek or something.

>Binyamin Snopestein
a search for that name returns exactly one result on jewgoole

i got no problem with putting people in camps

Camps are a waste of money.
Mine the border and shoot the survivors.



Jow Forums has 4 letters
there are 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
therefore 4th of july is the end of the world

Been around forever!

what about being put in one yourself though ?

Sexually mutilated neoliberal kike detected

the cages are inside the tents?

Underrated D I G I T S

She visited a fence.

invade Mexico with scoured earth to set up a 20 mile defensive buffer, anything moving in the buffer gets droned

This right here

I bet she marries a white guy

She was crying because she realized that walls do work.

lol, her dad wore a $600 womens watch?

We already have drones at the border, it would be easier to outfit them with bombs and kill any spics that come in than deporting them.
Mexico might complain but what the fuck is it going to do, go to war?

Snopes was good when it was the urban legend website of the 90s and 00s. Then one day it became politfact bullshit.

She's already dating one if I'm not mistaken.

>it was the last & only possession he left me

So did she pawn all his other shit? Or did she mean first and only?

>Loosing three minutes of coloring time.
You *almost* made it without sounding like a boob.

Excellent plan to drone the invaders.
>Mexico, go to war?
No, the war will be with traitors already in the USA, and it is already well under way


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im not a spic

Snopes trick is they take the obvious lie and tack on another thing that IS true, then only attack the strawman lie and claim the whole thing debunked.

i.e. CLAIM: Trump wore socks today, and they were pink with blue spots.

DEBUNKED: the socks were not pink and blue.

He kept that watch up his ass the whole war.

get thee back to /fa/ (and not Jow Forums) faggot

Find out when that watched came out you can call her bullshit if it's fucking brand new.

"I gradually grew to hate them"

Have you know Movados are found in the permanent collection of museums around the world.

They subvert everything. went swiftly from funny articles about pop culture to SJW screeds...And died.

Found an old article about the snopes guy

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>so did she pawn all his other shit? Or did she mean first and only?

What makes a liar pathological is that they either cannot or do not know when to stop. They often expose themselves by continuing to add fake "details" to an original lie that may or may not have been believable.

Case in point: Her entire tweet here is a transparent attempt to shame the people mocking her. First she frames the entire thing as the heartless "right" making fun of her for visiting the poor kids. Then she further tries to make them look stupid/wrong by claiming the watch belonged to her father. If she had stopped here, people would very likely have still called bullshit, but a lot of normies might have still believed her. She fucks up entirely by going a step farther than that, and claiming that it was the "last and only" thing he left her. Completely unbelievable at its face, and I'd be willing to bet that it can be confirmed as totally false from information about her that's already available online.

The minds of people like this are always movies where they're the Mary Sue protagonist though, so she had no qualm at all about trying to float such a clear bullshit past people. She thinks that impossibly coincidental drama of that watch being the sole thing she has to remember her dead father makes the whole thing sound more true instead of less, because it's such a good story.

Pathological lying is also known as mythomania. This tweet is emblematic of AOC's entire career, in that she is attempting to create a mythology surrounding herself and her enemies.

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Those "Fact-Checker Websites" are garbage. Look at this PolitiFact Store:

Claim: "Says 89 members of Congress 'hold dual citizenship with Israel.'"

Verdict: No, members of Congress don't have automatic dual citizenship with Israel.

They word things in a way that changes what they have to prove as true/false.

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Don't you know how poor we all are? 600 dollars is the net worth of infinite millennials.

Exactly. Technically they're right, because it is FALSE that she was at a migrant camp because she wasn't.

No no it was

>FALSE, she wasn't pretending to cry at a parking lot, because it wasn't a parking lot on the other side of the fence.

How many bar bro dicks did suck to afford that watch

FACT CHECK: Is it true the AOC prostituted herself to bar patrons so she could buy a fancy watch?

FALSE: She actually sucked the dicks of Cenk Uygur and the Justice Democrats, and she EARNED that watch. So there, goy.


I wouldn't mind killing a nigger or two, personally.

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Just to play devils advocate, why are they saying it’s false?
Saying it’s false is technically true if it wasn’t actually at a migrant detention center

there should be a website the records news sites and journalists laying and catalogues the inconsistencies and lies. that way people can check the credibility of these so called fact checkers and see the truth. at least with dissenter you can leave a message right on the page for people to see.

>I'd be willing to bet that it can be confirmed as totally false from information about her that's already available online.
Was she wearing it at her swearing in? Or how about any of the congressional shit? I've never seen it before, and to go from waitress to that shit and not have that be important enough, I can't imagine why this would be. And the bitch fucked up by paying to have her shit shilled so much. We've all seen that goblina ass day and night for months.

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By the way, that outfit? It belonged to her father. The last and only possession he left her. Apologize.

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I expect the logic to be "it's false to call it fake crying, the tears were not bottled and sent to a laboratory for analysis, anyone who calls them fake is a liar because we can't know"

correction for the female part

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Another thing these factcheckers do is take an obvious joke/exaggeration and claim it's a lie just to add to their "TRUMP HAS LIED 218962767 TIMES DURING HIS PRESIDENCY" list.

Pic related means they can (+1) lie to their inflated bullshit list.

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sure here's a list:

>I wear it to mark important moments
Those are called hours and minutes.


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she was crying? mascara is intact, eyes are not puffy or red

Problem is that said fact checkers would work against ISP to expose and dox devs, if exposed as such. or are probably available and I'd help

>Q: Does an image show @AOC fake-crying at a migrant camp?
>A: False
>C: It was actually a parking lot

>i grew up poor, i'm just like you, comrade
>oh this 600 dollar watch? it belonged to my poor father who barely had enough money to put food on the table.


Classic fact kikers,,, rephrasing original issue questions (why was shooting X used to promote factors YZ) with empty target dummies. There must be a way to prove cohesively that they are lying, as obvious as it constantly is, everywhere...

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Did you just assume her dad’s gender?

No, but I did just assume her emotions. Buy me beer.

Why is she man spreading? What if other people want to sit there?

This has been criminally under reported by the media. They were in tents. And pretty sweet ones, as far as tents go.

I lost it

I lol'd out lout.

>Why is she man spreading?
Because of her toxic maculinity? Probably wants to show everyone she has the balls to be the insane leftist she is.
