Why are zoomers less tolerant of abortion and homosexuals than previous generations?

why are zoomers less tolerant of abortion and homosexuals than previous generations?

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Who is this slut?



When can we expect you to be smarter than an average yard ape?

his name is James

They grew up seeing faggots acting like faggots instead of faggots pretending to be normal with different sexual preferences.

Young people are rebellious by nature. So if being a liberal faggot is whats popular they're going to go against it just because. And who said anything about abortion?

>1 post by this id
why do people make these shitty threads asking such boring basic questions that dont need to be asked?

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Since when is this true? I mean I'd like it to be true, but I doubt it honestly. Zoomers on here change my mind


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When degeneracy is the norm being against it is the new punk.

because fake news of right media

Because their teachers and parents are all bleeding hearts who are fucking obnoxious with their fag and tranny bullshit

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slide thread
it's a dude
trannies organized on discord. they have no other purpose in life.

Because progressives keep importing blood cults and Africans who hate faggots and raise their kids to hate faggots.

also, if you want a real answer, here it is:

1. Zoomers have edgy fucking humor, and so we engage in laughing into taboo shit

2. The millenial "tolerant" counterculture is now the culture, and as such, the zoomer counterculture would be antithesis

They aren't if fact more tolerant than boomers

If they take it up the ass they're still a slut.

because zoomers have access to the internet and can see the big lie for themselves, that its not 'just a bunch of cells'.

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>When I was a kid I smoked weed and got piercings like a normal rebellious teenager.
>Smoked weed and got piercing like a normal rebellious teenager
>like a normal rebellious teenager
>normal rebellious teenager
>normal rebellious
Seems like your kids are just being normal rebellious teenagers than faggot.

probably bc they all know they're a bunch of sluts (males and females) who give and take it bareback

What the fuck that's not real.
T-tell me that's not real...


LunaLamb on myfreecams

I hate the fact that I am right on the edge between gen z and millennial. Why couldnt I have been born a year later or earlier?

it's a fake division, doesn't matter.

Would that Cycle Keep on Repeating for Decades?

idk but this bitch is fire

because they realize that paying for some dumb slut's bad choices isn't really a good thing

that's a dude

imagine seeing this and actually considering it an valuable human life. this node is about as valuable as an earthworm shaped like a human baby

That's a man

>what race is it?

probably a dude, knowing this place.

im 38, and they used to warn us about dirty homosexuals hanging about parks when i was at school. nowdays boys dress like girls at boys schools. the fucking state of it

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Gen Z all dress up in womens clothes you retard

They didn't get slow boiled.
That's why.

Because they can see the fruits of that labor

whats a good new zealand meat pie recipe i should make? i got into making baked meat pies recently and want some pro insider advice

Because zoomers are growing up in a position where they can see what it does to people in the long term.

I didn’t dislike gays because of a religion. I grew to dislike them by being around them.

Zoomers see the ridiculous nature of older millennials.

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>why are zoomers less tolerant of abortion and homosexuals than previous generations?
They're not. Just look at twitch. They're a bunch of raving homos.

>Young people are rebellious by nature. So if being a liberal faggot is whats popular they're going to go against it just because. And who said anything about abortion?
No, they "rebel" into societal poz. Some have been "saved" a bit by the alt-right's counter propaganda, but overall they're a bunch of raging faggots.

>Since when is this true? I mean I'd like it to be true, but I doubt it honestly. Zoomers on here change my mind
It's not true. And the subset of people on here who are "Zoomers" are not even mostly against LGBT.

>When degeneracy is the norm being against it is the new punk.
ALl of that shit was and is degenerate too. Kids do not rebel against "society" they just follow the destructive propagand that is crammed down their throats. In this case they are mostly adopting LGBT as a religion.

>They aren't if fact more tolerant than boomers
Yeah, right-leaners just once again assuming that we're winning.

Hey guys, did you see where Trump recently endorsed LGBT? Just wondering if you saw that.

Stop assuming we're winnig.

>Seems like your kids are just being normal rebellious teenagers than faggot.
They're just doing degenerate self-destructive shit that being in public school subjects and pressures them into doing.

>Gen Z all dress up in womens clothes you retard
Yep. One big reason the right fails is because they were trained that we will just plain win so they are constantly looking for signs that we are already winning.

They watch movies that show them other people winning, or they play video games where they have infinite tries.

Dudes we are not winning. Zoomers are a bunch of faggots. AND THIS GENERATION WILL TAKE AWAY THE RIGHT TO PROCREATE. SPREAD THE WORD OR WE DIE

>im 38, and they used to warn us about dirty homosexuals hanging about parks when i was at school. nowdays boys dress like girls at boys schools. the fucking state of it
Yeah, "Zoomers" are literally "rebelling" like all other generations "rebelled". Doing exactly what elite propaganda tells them to do.

Shirt's even labeled "DAD"

They're not. Stop trying to find hope where there is none to be found.

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Who told you that bullshit? What are you retarded? Jacking off to Soph might be fucking with your grasp on reality.

Goddamn it idk if that's a dude or not. Fuck this ride I want off.

Dunk that motherfucker in some Szechuan sauce from McDonald’s™™

Schools and peers.

because tolerance is a fake meme invented by boomers so that it's trendy and profitable to accept degeneracy in society and they can keep taking cruises and shit every year

zoomers grow up on media and by the time they hit the age of reason they already realized that they were being lied to for someone else's benefit

zoomer pussy is some of the tightest shit ever, defiinitely a based gen

Take it from a 32 year old who remembers the world before the internet really took off.
Everything was way, way more bluepilled before it happened.
It's that simple, the zoomers grew up with the internet. It's why (((they))) want it locked down right now.

Irmr sure as fuck is worth more than you. It had potential, you have none.

Because fags are targeting them the hardest and the poor zoomers are also in schools at just the wrong time in history.

"only 2/3rds aren't faggot" AKA only a 1/3 are faggots and that's slanted at best in fags' favor.

boomers hate faggots just because it's natural to hate faggots and the full-on indoctrination didnt take place until the 90s so gen x and y turned into faggots and the ones that didnt turn into faggots became queermongers and faghags. gen z hates faggots because theyre swamped by faggots, queermongers, and faghags and these groups of people are fucking detestable.

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That unironically looks like a girl a used to know
except I'm pretty OPs pic is a dude, i hate this gay earth

To put porn in the catalog