When i was younger and more liberal i was more pro jedi as i grew older and became more conservatives the ideology of the Empire grew on me. Pros Cons The Jedi is for planets having their own sovereignty But the jedi are also pro degeneracy
Empire is for federation and centralizing control but they are also pro order and for civilizing the "back woods" planets, they also seem pro business as the empires territories are somewhat wealthy and have their standard of living improved.
>jedi are pro-degeneracy they are? never read the books, can you give some examples?
Asher Thomas
I think captain kirk was a based jedi. He knew how to treat women and didn’t stand for degeneracy
Carson Cooper
for the empire obviously, the rebellion promotes terrorism and degeneracy across the galaxy
Isaiah Robinson
You fucking retard the jedi dont have a political postion they are just anti sith. The jedi wouldn't care about the Empire if they werent being killed by them. If the Empire let jedi alone and told them to GTFO of government they would be neutral. You mean Pro-Rebels (New Republic) vs Pro Empire. The Rebels are terrorists and they establish the New Republic which is gay. The Empire in theory is based they hates aliens and were authoritiarian, however they were burecratic and corrupt. A psuedo oligarchy, in the novels we learn that the Empires military is based mostly based on family ties, and less on military experince. Futhermore the Empire was atheist, except for Vader and Palpatine who were Sith. The Empire was built by destroying a faggy Republic and the CIS (the battle driods) which was basically an ancap government funded by private armies. Count Dooku is /ourguy/ he hates aliens and is a real ancap. Or hes a national socialist who LARPs as an ancap (depends what you consider cannon they are conflicting sources). The only good guys in Star Wars are the CIS, the Sepertatists lead by Count Dooku, a bunch of corporations, and General Grevious.