I'm a Gen Z in my early 20s and I just got into an argument with my liberal boomer mother after talking about the...

I'm a Gen Z in my early 20s and I just got into an argument with my liberal boomer mother after talking about the Democratic Debates. I asked her why she votes for the party that is in favor of making her future grandchildren minorities. I asked her for the hundredth time why she is in favor of her own demographic replacement, and if she knew what would happen to me when Whites are less than 25% of the population when I'll be around 70. Her own child.

Usually she ignores the question, or says "we won't actually be minorities" or "it doesn't matter because race is a social construct". But this time she said "you should be on their side". I'll never be able to look at her the same again. I always knew that she was pathetic, and sick, but this is the first time she's told me to essentially shut up and accept my genocide. It nearly broke me to hear that from my own mother. All of my friends and family feel the same way as her and if I even bring up my future as a minority they shoot me down. I want out of Clown World.

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You can check out any time you like

But you can never leave

It's programming, user. Break it and stop bitching

It’s ok. You have a new Mommy now.

Women don't belong in politics.

women are cunts, film at 11

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Why would you WANT this?

Dems keep telling me how bad it is to be a minority. Why would I want that for my kids?

I just want to say thay I has born in 1998 and I'm not a zoomer, stop calling a zoomer. that's hurt my feelings. muh VHS movies, Muh blockbaster,

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oh, i get it, because we are becoming california.
good one, convict!

Im sorry your mother said that. She's completely brainwáshed. She may need help. Keep talking with her.

> arguing with holes..
Eventually, as you get older you'll understand why you never do this and the futility in doing so. This also goes for dumb ass men who are feminized cucks and are unable to use logic/rationality/truth/reason to come to informed sensible views.

The basis of these people's views is privilege and ignorance. They have so much and feel guilty about how they got it. Thus project this on society.. Of course, they want others to pick up the tab and pay the price... which goes again to their privledge. don't waste you time. Older people told me this when I was younger. I never understood it. Now that I am older, I understand that stupid people will never change. It's a waste of time. If they weren't so stupid, they'd see the world for what it is. If they are unable to do so (often unwilling) a third party never will. It's good though that you are being red-pilled by trying and seeing the absolute dog shit behind their views

Christ, you've really had your mind fucked by the psyops on here. Open your eyes retard

Store that anger against those who brainwashed her and your other equally brainwashed loved ones.

Every time I try to talk to her she just stonewalls me with buzzwords and if I manage to get past all that she just resorts to "race is a social construct so white genocide can't be real". This has been going on for years. I will never get to her, she's been brainwashed her whole life and isn't very smart to begin with.


Why are you asking a womans opinion? Did dad not stick around or wut do user?

You had no vhs. You never drove to blockbuster, faggot.

This is YOUR war. Snap out of it you fucking pantywaste faggot. It’s time. Prepare

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why not tell her that you can't wait until she is too old to care for herself and that you will deport her then into a black neighbourhood?

Become the program.

Join your local Clown Rave today!

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someone post the pasta or screencap of the user who said he put his non-white loving boomer parents in nursing home then bought a subaru.

Whites having low birth rates != genocide by shit skins


Learn to let go and find better outlets for your energy. She's basically indicating that she willfully wants to be an idiot. Let her be one. When life hits her, she'll change and not a minute sooner. Some die retards. They suffer in the next life. Put your energy into something productive. Never argue with women... They have no life experiences that reinforces a reasoned viewpoint. They don't take care of men they are taken care of by them. They make excuses and bullshit for just about everything because that's what life rewards. If a man behaves in a similar manner as a female, also don't waste your time with them.

>I want out of Clown World
Embrace it. The jews have pushed to hard to fast again. Stock up on ammo and attack dogs. I'm 41, I don't know if I'll get to see the day when shit hits the fan, but I'm ready, and at least my kids will be as well.

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Live your life well. If you are a slob then people will treat your ideologies the way you live. Your mother loves you. Be successful and take care of her. She will see through the example you set.

Definitely put her in an inner-city retirement home full of blacks or muslims

>trying to convert liberal boomers

They deserve the pillow most of all. Just hold her in contempt and fleece her of all the money you can.

depends on who you ask. Personally I think OWS scared the elites, so they changed the birth years of millennials in order to reduce our numbers and break late-90s and early-90s into easily controllable blocks.

but I do, I don't even know how to use snapchat/instagram and I just have 3 friends on facebook

He's one of those retards that thinks a decade of Boomer Hate Threads are just mossad propaganda, rather than pissed off people genuinely hating boomers for the retarded way they conduct themselves in almost everything

sorry to hear that OP. Both my parents are based and redpilled and I don't know what I would do if they were cucks.

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No, but depressing their wages by importing tens of millions of non-whites, having a media that almost universally shits on white people which in turn makes the women hate the men and the men hate themselves, having academia do much of the same thing, etc. sure is.

You're trying to prance around genocide by acting like it can only be that if you're being loaded into train cars or something. Same principle AOC is using by talking about concentration camps and then saying "What do you mean I'm trying to make you think of muh Nazis? lmao"

That's basically just a nursing home

>all the staff is straight from nigeria

It is when we let tens of millions of shitskins flood into our countries while our birth rates are below replacement levels.

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Facebook is pretty much dead anyway. Anyone I actually want to look up either closed their account or made it private. When Trump slaps them with an anti-trust lawsuit it'll just be the final nail in the coffin.

I'm sorry to hear that.
On the good side : welcome to the side of those who understand that females must never have rights again.

Whites are rapidly becoming radicalized. When they're a minority anyone who isn't "part of the group" will be hunted and killed, that is if society descends into war which is looking to be inevitable at this point. Even in the miracle where war is avoided, any white not acknowledging and embracing white identity will be ostracized at the very least, so I wouldn't worry desu.

Great story faggot.


Dont listen to him. Most likely a shill.
Right now there is a communist/antifa raid going on.

You can identify them by their smugness tho.

All of this leads to more and more whites banding together, so it's impossible to genocide without total war, in which whites would mercilessly kill anyone not on their side.

>isn't very smart to begin with.
She's female, bro. That's just how they are.

If we want more space per person that’s our business. No-one is giving permission for immigrants or refugees.

Lool, thats good.

Her failure to realize the reality around her is your failure as the one with the clearer perspective for not being able to sell it to her. My family is at the point where if the next Hitler were to come to power in the country they would look past what they didn't like and enjoy the fact that the things I've convinced them to value over the years are being preserved and brought back to life. The second you lose hope in those closest to you is the second you give up on the rest of society too and become a blackpilled accelerationist puppet.

Her passively hostile programmed responses should brush off you like water off a raincoat and it should be outwardly evident that what she says has no effect on your value. But the fact it cuts you so deeply solidifies her self-reassurance that she is right in her positions. When you are consistent and practically show that what you are saying is of merit she will convince herself without your ever needing to engage with her on any issue overtly.

You lack the personal strength to lead, but that's not to say you can't develop it. Get good, loser.

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Slap that bitch.

Based son

Step 1. Move out of Mass, Jersey, NYC, Cali/entire west coast, Chicago or what ever commie hell hole you're in. No saving anyone in the blast zone

Step 2. Accept that your mom and likely entire family (maybe not but possible) would not be on your side if war ever broke out, love them none the less, just understand that things can't be like they were before and that is ok. Make your own peace with it.

Step 3. Go where you are happy, do things that make you happy, be FREE. I was from a liberal hell scape where Communism=free thought and Trump is a curse word. I am now living my happiest life in the state I've always wanted to live in with a beautiful wife. I can shoot when I want. Say what i want. My friends don't care about politics or are of my school of thought.

The grass is much greener user, you just have to go to it.

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Honestly, people are just dumb as fuck. It's always been this way. Most of human advancement is because of a handful of strong men. It makes sense that all democracies will be short lived because the masses will inevitably fuck it up with their stupidity. We pretty much just got lucky to live in this tiny patch of history where white people had a couple of hundred years of prosperity before we're swallowed by the brown wave.

Wait a second!

If you are generation z and you mom is a boomer, that makes you a menopause baby.

Even if you were born the earliest Z in 1995 and she were the latest boomer at 1964 she would have been 31, but the max spread would make her fuckin 60 years old and the average would put her at 45!
What? Are you some kind of an IVF Surrogate test tube baby?

No, not New England! We just chase the libs out (unironically, the Italians and the Irish, thinking of Boston).

It's pretty simple, even though it's heart wrenching, the world is divided into Whites and non-whites.

We've actually always been friendly to others, but they insist on taking everything from us with a big stupid smile on their non-white faces - it's typical non-white behavior - they want something for nothing because they're good for nothing.

We've always been outnumbered, and a minority. But we've never been a minority in our own lands throughout the world.

So it's war, genocidal and total. They've said and done everything, except outright mass murder, to make it clear that they want us dead, our children dismembered, and our women raped into worthlessness.

The time will come for a global genocide, and they will all gang up on Whites, right now is just the part when they make the most of weakening and dividing us before this outright genocide.
Your family is already a psychological (demoralized) causality - they're long gone, so are mine.

If you want to live then you're going to have to accept that the entire world is programmed against Whites, and that's besides the part where they're fundamental (without being influenced) behavior always goes against the best interests of Whites. Every breath they take in our lands is an act of genocide - all that's left is to make them and the traitors pay when the time comes - either we die first, or every man, woman and child of theirs either dies first.

>I want out of clown world
There is no escape. Take solace in the fact that there is nothing we're experiencing that wasn't foretold thousands of years ago. The Day of the Lord approaches, and come the End you have a choice where you'll stand.

don't argue with your mother about politics
as many said in this thread they are retarded in a no return lvl.
also never talk with your family about politics less if you're right wing.

based and redpilled

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She was born 1960 I was born 1996.

It's ok, just learn Spanish!

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Truth is, my friend, the game was honked from the start

I used to wonder why no one was doing anything! Then I realised I wasn't doing anything. I don't think that anymore - Brenton Tarrant

boomers transcend generations, boomer.

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youtu.be/zjJ1lK9oAyI just a popular spanish song


Sperging out and martyring a couple shitskins isn't the answer. I'm waiting to join a real army.

It is the answer just a couple thousand more people need to do it all at once. You're just selfish and don't wanna sacrifice anything let alone yourself.

>I'm a Gen Z in my early 20s
This is stupid since In about 10 years time no one will be calling anyone born in the 90s gen z anymore. Like how late 70s babies used to be considered early millennials 10 years ago, whereas now they aren't

No, don’t do it. Don’t keep talking with her about politics, just appreciate her role as mother and ignore anything she says politically. You’re never going to changer her mind no matter how much you make sense, so the only thing that can happen is it exhausts both of you. There’s a reason why women weren’t allowed to dominate politics for 5000 years.

pic very related

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Op should keep quiet, listen to his mother and eat up all of his Zyklon B.

similar problem with my Boomer mom
>be IL user
>Mom is dumbass Dem
>IL passes rape you in the ass tax and fees hikes
>she complains
>Donal Blumpf did this
>nigga Wat?
>explain it is only for IL
>which is controlled by Dems
>with a supermajority
>for 40+ years
>her answer
>well every state is suffering
>yep, Mom, that's why all my friends moved to red states

I swear she is so disconnected from reality and willfully retarded that it hurts to be around her.

Imagine being old enough that you’re actually old enough to have” friends that moved to red states”, but you’re still stuck in your moms basement.


>imagine having a relationship with your parents once you no longer need their resources
NEETs are leeches.

these people are privileged dumbfucks that think they can live in their dream world forever as long as they virtue signal hard enough, they have no idea what is coming.

i was also born in 98 and used a vhs until like 2008 or 2009
also i did drive to the local video rental store (it was not one of the major ones like blockbuster but did have a decent size location)

Don't have the link but there was a study that linked estrogen levels to less open mindedness, women were retarded from the start, makes sense for low test guys too. To be a man is to be on the right path

you're not gen z if you're in your early 20's.

Post 2000 gang

Had much the same argument.
What does it matter? It's normal for civilizations to fall like this, in the grand scheme of things it is going to happen anyway, etc etc.

Boomers have sold our future for their short term personal gain.

It's because your mother was white and raised without any sense literally beaten into her as a kid. It is paramount, user, that you beat the dumbass out of children or they end up like your mother and others. And of course, it's only white people who don't understand the true power of the chancla or belt.

Makes sense.

Also an IL user, hopefully out of this state within 5 years since I just started my job and paying off debt a month ago. Fuck Chicago, fuck the remaining population that acts like pea-brained lemmings, just fuck this state overall.

>when Whites are less than 25% of the population
But Jow Forums told me minorities run society and have all the power. Are you trying to say being a minority somehow puts you at a disadvantage?


With all due respect, your mother is a fucking retard. But you already knew that.

Have a good day.

You aren't going to change the opinions of old people. They're set in their ways. Just move somewhere else, the U.S is a suicidal model of government. It can't last long term.

no, you're a typical 21 year old who can't just learn to keep his mouth shit and are probably very disrespectful and a piece of crap to your mom. I mean jesus, do you pay rent? some utilities? do you help with chores? or is your head so far up your ass with satisfying your fucking libido that you fail to do anything for others? Probably. Lord with user.

Be you're own man and stop defining yourself by your mother. People like you make me truly afraid for the future. There is no courage

Boomer post of the millennium


Holy shit, this should be not allowed.

this, just accept your family is a bunch of subhumans who don't want to fight for survival, let them die, you on the other hand, out live them, start a family out of that bullshit and show your kids how nice the world can be thanks to us

same with my dad who's about 60. "I've met great people who are black" etc etc etc. I tell him in 1965 the country was about 90% white and that he and my grandparents sold out their progeny's birthright for cheap labor and cheap consumer goods and pathos.

Let me guess, being encircled by blacks and spics will be great, which is why she chooses to live in an all white area, instead of Southern Cali or Detroit. White for me, blacked for thee. Maybe she'll die from ass cancer.

I was born in 96 and used to ride my bike to blockbuster

I'm a millennial and my mother is a NPC. She says that we should welcome all illegal aliens with children and it doesn't matter if Mexicans become the majority. I ask why and she says she won't be alive then, so it doesn't matter.