Japan is the worst example of an ethnostate

japan is the worst example of an ethnostate

name a single people more depraved and degenerate than the japanese. pornography is rampant. pedophilia is normalized. japanese women have almost no children. japan is a dying society. the fact that so many Jow Forumstards idolize japan as an ideal ethnostate is baffling to me.

dont even get me started on japanese actions during the second world war. not only did japanese commit mass rape and genocide against chinese and koreans but they also used allied prisoners of war as living targets for bayonet and rifle drills. they even cannibalized POWs. unironically they deny these war crimes.

even italians are more honorable than backstabbing japanese. italy declared war against the soviet union in solidarity with their german allies. japan gave the united states an excuse to join the war in europe while contributing nothing to the war against the soviets.

so much for japanese 'honor'.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/japan is the worst example of an ethnostate/results/thread/

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>Kill Jews
Interesting idea OP

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I just farted and it smells disgusting and tasty at the same time

does it happen to you as well, anons?

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sloppy job mossad

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This is only because of westernization. The jew sends it's weapons first before destroying the ethnostate.

This copypasta sucks, get new material.

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Three Japanese people interview Jared Taylor

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>imagine being 5'11"

Look, mom, I posted it again!

Is that weev?

Japanese homicide clearance rates are artificially high because their detectives only take the cases that are easy so they can look good and get those sweet promotions. They label hard cases "death to natural causes" and "suicide" so they look like master detectives that solve every homicide. They're corrupt.

Korea is far FAR more degenerate and mentally ill than Japan.

Rampant narcissism, rampant plastic surgery, rampant alcoholism, some of the most horrible and feminist women on the planet, etc etc. SJW bullshit is rampant there. Literally the California of Asia. Japan is the fucking Aryan Fourth Reich by comparison.

Stop giving him attention already.
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/japan is the worst example of an ethnostate/results/thread/

That school is run by a Jew. Honestly, Japan should kick every non-Jap person out of there.

Japan has robots. It doesn't need dumb multiculturalism

based traps

Its so easy to spot a redditor these days.

t. Jamal