Guys why are you so against woke culture?

Guys why are you so against woke culture?

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Its designed to turn my country in to a latin american welfare state

(((They))) should do Charlie Angels with guys!


this movie is going to bomb so hard


It's a racist dog whistle for White genocide?

This is literally less diverse than the original movie. Both characters on the right look practically like the same person. But nig = diverse in clown world.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out Charlie was a woman all along or some shit. Can't have a man in a position of power over women.

Because I'm neither a faggot, nor a fool.

It's all fake. It's actually just modern wives tales that normies believe.
Pic very related

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What's the expendables??

Nigger tier trash

A woke person saying they are woke is the same as a sheep calling everyone else sheep

Much like social realism it seeks to "empower" a certain class of people while at the same time attempting to "represent" them. The problem is that if you want to represent something realistically you are gonna have to represent less appealing aspects of reality and that's not very empowering. The way this tension is usually resolved by whitewashing reality and virtue signaling resulting in a boring propaganda piece.

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This shit will bomb so hard

>This is literally less diverse than the original movie.
>mulatto, poolatto, and white woman
>less diverse than 2 white women and a chink

Peak mutt post.

>brown hair white
>blonde hair white
>black hair asian

IS more diverse than

>blonde hair white
>brown/black hair brown
>brown/black hair brown

Having two ambiguously brown race women that look similar isn't diverse.

Attached: 27893.jpg (500x417, 122K)

The brown women are two different races and look totally different though. One of the browns is more brunette in hair colour.

James Franco in a wig?

You could tell the previous Charlie's Angels apart from the back in a darkly lit room with poor visibly.

I can barely tell them apart in OP's pic facing forward with the son visibly lighting them up.

Attached: 51bLQcswtnL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 26K)

truly a shitskin connoisseur