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if this is your best anti-tulsi method, then you need to brainstorm a bit more.

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So pro Israel that ever news agency tears her apart all day long and blue check marks on twitter insult her non stop while reddit shits on her too

Try again moshe

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This lmao. She’s clearly hated

wtf i love Zion now

I'm voting for Tulsi Gabbard

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t. jew

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Her voting record is full Zionist, you kike shill. Voting record says a lot more than some Jews on Twitter kvetching.

Find me the kikesteins on twitter that endorses her.

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just like they did for Trump, who is the best goy ever.


I believe it honestly desu. But saying your going to be voting for her IS the joke itself

Trump had never been a politician before tulsi has and we’ve seen her voting records. She’s always against war

you dumb nigger

they know that no one trusts them anymore. so they just pretend to hate the people they want you to like. hardly a breath of difference between zion don and barry osama, but you inbreds all think the world changed on 2016 election day.

kys morons

Trump is against war. Your country is still becoming Mexico

You are glowing jidf

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Exactly. Jews were seething about Trump and he has focused his administation on appeasing Israel.

Tulsi's voting record is staunchly pro-Israel - that says it all about where she really stands.

literally shilling for muh war on terrorism

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She's open borders/free healthcare

>ever news agency talks about her all day long and blue check marks on twitter mention her non stop while reddit memes on her too

yeah that's exactly what they did the last election to force you to get used to a candidate so you eventually have no choice but to listen to them

open your eyes and don't fall for this retarded bullshit again

>shitskin supports more shitskins
This being a surprise to anyone is ridiculous.

I didn’t fall for shit with trump he campaigned on helping Israel and doing anything for them. Everyone saw what he did coming who isn’t retarded. Tulsi hasn’t followed same path at all by any measure. She’s called out israel pm repeatedly even as recent as yesterday and Saudi Arabia.

Voted in favour of a bill advocating for military force against Iran. So anti-war!

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if you're falling for that you are retarded, simple as that

She voted for this bill. She is staunchly pro-Israel and your shitty memes don't change that.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one. The whole "do the opposite of whatever the ZOG says" mentality is just as exploitable as the "trust the system" one.


How do you shitheads even breath when it's so obvious?

The jews are angry that Gabbard called out the White Helmets as terrorist PR and Obama for starting ISIS with the Israeli's

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Nooooo stop it! My based brown woman is going to save the white race!

Shills are pathetic. She's actually scared the Shareblue/DNC faggots.

What is it like to live in this world? Do you just assume everyone is a cryptojew and lock yourself in your room in fear that the Shlomoccubus will come and drain you of your shekels when you're asleep?

Don't be a fucking idiot

>the Shlomoccubus

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ITT Jew tears

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We knew this, OP.

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no, you talk about things that matter. like the fact that zionists assassinated JFK, RFK, and did 9/11

pretending to be "antiwar" without pointing out the reasons we've been tricked into war is an empty charade that is even worse than the fucking war mongers. it's putting a barry osama smile on top of the problem, when really a festering stinky wound would stand a better chance of change

fuck commies, fuck kikes, fuck tulsi

Criticizing Israel a few times doesn't negate voting for pro-Israel bills over and over again, shill. Her voting shows where she really stands.

Free healthcare is based and what has voting for Trump ever done to help the border?

Strawman no ones ever said that


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> "zionists assassinated JFK, RFK, and did 9/11"
Wtf I love Zionists now, all those things are based

>he thinks the jews dont play both sides since the napoleanic wars
shes a member of the CFR for fucks sake, they are all CROOKED
Only bullets and dead bodies represent you.
Make your dreams real.

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of course she is, that's the right thing to do

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>fuck tutsi
I want to user

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That's no surprise. Even wanting a female president is the highest level of cuckdom know to man. While male presidents may not be perfect, a female president will ensure failure. Now I'm against wars in the ME for jews too, Tulsi only pretends and will happily change her tune once the jews game her like the stupid nigger loving cunt she is.

this is kinda sexy ngl

cute momiji

You're right. But don't worry. The "Tulsi supporters" are fake. She has no rallies, no real life supporters. The Tulsi shills are paid.

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nice find, user

well no shit?
kikes will do anything to replace trump.
they really hoped for that war with iran

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She's a Republican plant. Hence the JIDF astroturf army trying to get their pro-war "antiwar" Neocon some traction.

She's member of a subcult of fucking Hare Krishna. She's a nutcase