Do white girls irl hate white men like they do on twitter and Jow Forums memes in the US?

Do white girls irl hate white men like they do on twitter and Jow Forums memes in the US?

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No, in reality most white girls find the vast majority of nonwhite guys unattractive.

Do we really need the same damn thread every few hours? I saw this exact thread made multiple times just today alone.

Is OP a mentally ill British hapa transsexual browncel on the verge of suicide so he spams cope threads

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You deserve a bullet to the head you autistic nigger.
3 fucking threads in 3 fucking minutes.

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Starting to think it’s a automated spam bot.

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Why won’t this obvious spammer get banned?

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The smallest minorities are the loudest.

"These bitches be soundin like a goddamn army or some shit but niggas know theys only got lime 20 bitches bitchin cuz dey jealous on the non bitches. Alsro make more Nvidia card now!" -Sun Tzu

Attached: sun_tzu_general-300x300.jpg (300x300, 15K)

No, but I know those types exist. I don't see why a white guy would date a bitch like that other than to degrade her, abuse her and spread her nudes around the internet.