How has mass immigration affected your hometown / city over the past decade?

How has mass immigration affected your hometown / city over the past decade?

I returned to my hometown recently and the streets is now filled with hordes of Caucasians, Central Asians, niggers, mixed race couples and mixed kids on bikes, large Muslims families, women in burkas, etc. Never thought it would happen here. I want to move to Belarus/Poland/Czech Republic.

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Before some random retard chimes in, in Russia caucasians refers to turks and other mudskins, not "whites" like it does in the west


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It cut the pay for construction workers in half. You can make more starting out at Mcdonalds than starting out as a mason now because spics work for $6/hr.

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i live in berlin and see fucking niggers everywhere now. i hate this

Only thing I've noticed over the years is the insane amount of asians and indians at the center of our campus/hospital (KYfag). No difference of blacks, but are at an all time high pride supporters.

well our borders are not open.
we dont have free shit to give.

so things are mostly the same here. We have more foreign tourists, but thats it.


>I want to move to
Nice try, stay in your own shithole Sasha.

I learned about different cultures. My town used to be almost pure white, now not so much. I like the new restaurants and learning about different languages. There has been some new crime, but not enough for me to care. Before they came we had a white guy murder children in the woods, so a few robberies and only a couple rapes aren't the end of the world. Most get caught anyways.

The Czech Republic is the same except with niggers instead of Asians.

My little hometown is filled to the brim with Arabs, Eastern Europeans (Romanians, Serbs mainly) and Indians of all people. Not to mention Turks. The past decade has been horrifying. Our town started out with one nigger who was the son of a doctor's family and well-behaved.

Beggars in front of stores. Sex offenders. Even had some rough clashes in the streets that prompted me to buy two Dashcams. Motor revving and loudness in general peaked here. Drug dealing is done in the streets. The police cannot do a thing. Mind you, this is a small town next to Bielefeld.

my hairdresser is on a street which is almost exclusively inhabitet by kebab and falafel makers from whichever shithole they came from.

Except for the EU citizens, everybody else is your fault.

If you leave candy to your open window, flies will move in.

>police cannot do a thing
ask not what the police can do, but ask what You can do for your little town.

I cannot take the blame for the politicians.

My hometown is abandoned now lmao.

Which one is the worst and which one is the best in your opinion

You can take the blame for being a statist cuck.

wrong. we should take blame for politicians.

Nice. Fuck russia.
(reeeeeee our muslims not like this t.ivan)

Shithole countries don't get immigrants, nothing new here
Shitty pasta

In what city do you live?

Look at the bright side:
someday, they will also be replaced


if you're anything like North Africa you should stfu.
We're on a whole other level than your shithole.

I think that we should act to our politicians like in 19th century "нapoднaя вoля". There is no other exit.

Barely any difference where I live. Maybe now I see a nigger once a week instead of once a month and I live in a pretty big coastal city

>I want to move to Belarus/Poland/Czech Republic
Ruski dog thinks he welcomed here AHAHAHAHAH

Kek, You honestly should shut the fuck up
You subhumans are paki-tier and everything that is said here also applies to you

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just outside Ljubljana.

some immigrant came to my town and shot up a bunch of other immigrants, now some other immigrants are trying to take my gunsys. everyone should fuck off back to their homelands

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Turks are the worst, you stare at them when they linger in groups, they will become hostile. Turks are the German Nigger-equivalent Beggar Arabs (Syrians, Afghans etc.) are a nuisance. Eastern Europeans are the next-in-line Turks / Niggers. They blast their shitty rap music in old cars with loud speakers. They rev their engines all day while staring like literal NPCs. You wouldn't believe it. Open the door, turn on car, rev a few times, move steering wheel, turn off car, stand there, staring at the car. Niggers are surprisingly docile but smelly and dumb. To every foreigner, there are exceptions, of course. But those are rare, in my opinion.

Turks>Eastern Europeans>Beggar Arabs>Niggers

Jordan/GDP per capita
4,129.75 USD (2017)


Fuck I thought that Slovenia is based. How did it happend?

>Actually joining people to talk about muh immigration and crime
>His subhuman country has are one of the biggest criminals
Makes you think

Jordan's economy is among the smallest in the Middle East, with insufficient supplies of water, oil, and other natural resources, underlying the government's heavy reliance on foreign assistance.

>literal parasites

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Strange, I thought that rap(e) music, old cars and that all shit stay in the past (90's). In my city there are a few retards, but it's like ~ 0,000001% of population.

Ljubljana is a liberal shithole, on top of that we've had our wave of immigrants from the yugowars. bosnian refugees. in Jesenice, you can't find a slovenian last name. and now they're forcing us to take in niggers and 'asians'. My eldest son had a classmate from iraq for one year. they get brainwashed in school about immigrants. its horrible.

also this thread was literally about immigration and how demographics changed in our hometowns
you low iq inbred filth

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I don't know what happened there. Rap music and its "culture" is a big thing in Germany. But the last ten years have really made life worse for everyone. Then again, Germans do not teach their culture and behaviour in school. You will never hear German music in music education.

thats the free market i guess

most people prefer western, modern music over native traditional ones.

I think its because turks have been around for a long time and have established their grounds to be static so they feel more confident in the actions that they are doing. On the other hand syrians and the newly coming arab flood is the just tip of the iceberg and they still feel scared to get caught by the police if they engage in illegal activities. Analyzing the outcome of other countries(nordic to be specific) its a matter of time before the arabs gain confidence and start raping women (as they already have in small villages). Thats why im scared of arabs more than turks cuz at least turks are doccile and generally retarded but arabs are sneaky and evil just like their kikes

>tfw born in East London

Even our state propaganda admits the native cockneys have been replaced.

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Imagine a clean sweep. How silent and peaceful our streets would be again.

We got a load of homosexual Turkish barber shops. They do amazing haircuts but they rub their dicks on you a lot. I love their haircuts so a little dick rub on your shoulder is worth it. Don’t see any Muslims, any mosques or any blacks at all, ever.

I mean having a few gopniks that blast music and drive around in their shitty cars can't be worse than

>They do amazing haircuts
>but they rub their dicks on you a lot
>I love their haircuts
>a little dick rub on your shoulder is worth it.

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Hang yourself you disgusting tranny yid.

unfortunately, the cockneys weren't all killed, and instead have spread out across the country looking for somewhere better to live.
the problem is that cockneys are the lowest form of life above shitskins, and so have shitted up the rest of England with their fucking 40 iq coiled dogshit dripping from their mouths and disgusting, degenerate behaviour, absolute lack of manners and general hideousness.
fst leering career criminal men, and rancid leathery squawking tarts for the females.
you should have formed a suicide cult death squad and fought to the very last within london against the invaders, at least you would have done the country some good for once in your existence.

my hometown is already long infected by Turkish and Palestinian vermin and gyppos, the town was spared from the distribution of the 2015 invaders and only got a few more

well, if people like that rather leave than fight, you know everything is going to shit.

0% non-Whites living in my village
Rural regions > cities

it would be nice to go for a walk at night and not be raped, killed and melted with acid while being called a racist white supremacist and then getting doxed and sacked while they rape my white children and steal my car and wife. one day maybe

I live in Berlin.
Someone mind handing me a flamethrower?

A mosque has been built near city-centre.
I see sandniggers and niggers every day.

Thankfully, they aren't ganging-up at this point in time because of their low numbers.
The stereotype of the constantly pregnant Muslim woman is definitely true; compared to our bellow-replacement levels, they breed at unprecedented speed.

I have three, christian neighbour has 5. are you doing your part user?

That is very bad, I hope it'll be better in Germany

Went to a theme park a few days ago 40% of children are shitskins/niggers/asian

Wtf? Why are thereso many mosques?
Redpill me onSlovenia right now

My hometown is now little mexico.

>1 post by this id
>women in burkas on the streets
Proxy negro spotted. It's illegal for muzzies to dress in garbage bag fashion here. Hijab with fully open face is maximum of what allowed for them. Also, even hijab is forbidden in schools.

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Bitches in Burkas at the playground. I now know it’s because they are trannies and in Iran they forced surgery on them and ship them here to do childcare for haram leaders.

cockneys are an underclass of criminals.
when was the last time you heard of a brave criminal?


burn the mosque down, in minecraft.
they'll never build another in your town

The traffic is 10x worse then it was when I started driving around 12 years ago. It's not just illegals also cali fags and other assorted trash people. The traffic is so bad and the people are so terrible at driving now, that I honestly fear for my life every time I go out. My state is turning into Cairo or some city in India where no one follows the rules of the road. Also there are large areas that are 100% mexican. One second you are in the U.S. and the next you are driving down a street in Mexico City.

>Also, even hijab is forbidden in schools
Cкaжи этo мнoгoyвaжaeмoмy Paмзaнy Aхмaтoвичy.

Both sides of my family were the last whites on the street, it's like driving into Pakistan.

even in your borders were open, the shitskin would circumnavigate your roma infested country

bosnians and albanians.

There is no place in Holland anymore i can truly call "home". The politician elites think i'm a "monster" for saying this.

The absolute state of it all. The west is doomed.

based albanians and bosnians, i hate serb roaches

My hometown is fine, I had to come down to Ottawa for the last 2 years for work god I hate it here niggers and fucking poos everywhere

I see arabs from the ME, mostly Saudi,turk and chinks everywhere I go.I also saw a bunch of nigger women with their kids and burka trash bags, overall I intend on leaving so it doesnt affect me in the long run.

It keeps raising the rents in the white neighborhood, I live in as more and more whites are willing to spend more and more money to compete for the same real-estate.

Enjoy living in Putins Russia, its gonna be worse in the future.
Personally i didnt saw many shitskins when i come back home, only few subhuman sluts with niggers. But thats like five bullets and problem is gone.

You are living definition of a cuck

Literally horrible, I wish you good luck. Also, I want to immigrate in Slovenia or Poland

calm down Arben

It never should have been allowed to happen, but they deliberately targetted distributed places, and the governments deliberately covered it up.
I used to go to Holland frequently in the 80s, and it was a truly beautiful place, with the best looking people in Europe.
That it has been deliberately destroyed is a crime against life itself.
No non-europeans at all should have been allowed to enter Europe, ever.
Can only hope for a giant catastrophe, an asteroid or new ice age to wipe these fucking things out completely.

Where do you live? Lithuania is great

Welcome. we could use some normal slav immigrants.

at night if you see one walking by herself, shout "disgusting nigger whore" or something to make her feel ashamed.
catch it early or it will spread.
I just want the world to end now, I'd rather see it all burn in nuclear fires than be taken over by the planet of the apes.

We don't want more Ivans here, fuck off.

>How has mass immigration affected your hometown / city over the past decade?
Literally not much.
They tend to keep to their own in their apartment block communities and not cause any problems, unless of course you count not speaking English as a problem.
I really don't care that they're here.

>rancid leathery squawking tarts for the females

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The old people who lived WWII must be loving it.

There's a university near my house. As a result of Obama allowing the total number of H1B and Student visas to balloon out of control, my county is basically overrun with shitskins that are eternal students who come on student visas and never leave- even when the visa expires.

It's near a major city so it was always pozzed to some extent, but since 2008 and especially since 2013 when Obama really let whitey have it the extent of the pozzing has become noticeable.

Of course they do after all they fought for this.

Damn, the west is really dying huh. Oh well, when China become the top superpower in the world, they will gladly rid of the mudslimes for you guys.

>implying they will want to have Europe strong again so they will have competition

Athens and to a lesser extent thessaloniki are completely overrun.

The city-centres are full of pakistanis, afghanis and misc shitskins.

No serious crime waves yet, because our police makes an example out of them with extreme violence, but it's only a matter of time.

Greece will be the 1st to fall into civil strife. The other countries have closed their borders and ship the shitskins back to greece. We are the only country that sees extreme upturn in migrants. We are months away from a state of emergency and turkey trying to invade.

It always starts like that.
When they reach a certain number they encroach on the public spaces, and become bolder and bolder as their population increases until they take over completely.
Doesn't take that long, either. It can happen quite suddenly.
Was working in a small, isolated town in mainland Europe for a few years.When I arrived there were perhaps half a dozen niggers out of 100,000 people. They kept away, rarely saw them.
2 years later their numbers had risen considerably, and they formed a cluster, hanging out all hours of the day on the street, niggering up a once very pleasant and prominent part of the town.
Next year even more, then ragheada started to appear, head to toe in black bin bags.
Within about 3 years of going there, I would step out of the house and within 5 minutes of walking I'd see half a dozen different shitskins, arabs, niggers.
Western europe is being overrun, in every last corner, and it is delineate and targetted.
You'll see in 10 years that your town isn't the same anymore, and that the shitskins begin to dominate the spaces, and the young are corrupted by them in the way they dress, act and speak.

If golden dawn hadnt been killed off, do you think it would have made a difference?
I always saw Greece as fiercely independent and defensive of their culture and lands.
What has happened.

They attacked GD so much that it's insane.

False accusations and court hearings that never got anywhere, they directed twitter, facebook and google to ban them, they peddled 24/7 propaganda against them on every single TV channel and paper. They still got enough votes to be the 3rd most popular party.

Then they literally banned them from appearing in ballots in certain peripheries and they propped up a right-wing moron that copied trump's spiel just to sever GDs voter base. The boomers all voted for the controlled op and GD got basically half the votes they had gotten in the last elections.

Our general elections are on July 7. Once that's done I expect escalation. They will completely destroy us so that migration cannot be mitigated.

They understand that EU counties are fighting back so they want to speed things up. If greece is a failed state then no one will be able to regulate immigration into europe. We will either become a literal country-wide Hotspot or the migrants will simply walk through the borders en masse.

my suburb used to be a chink suburb but its recently being poo'd. a little while ago a taxi driver was caught after repeatedly shitting in a street even though there are public toilets a few metres away.

Why are (((Russians))) constantly making threads about migrating to central Europe? You don't need to post this propaganda here. Central Europe will end up being a hyperdiverse nigger liberal shithole anyway. Just wait until Western Europe can't cope anymore with all the niggers, and you'll have all the subhumans mass migrating to the last few white European countries. Russia isn't even white so you don't have to worry.