"Less than half of US children under 15 are white, census shows"


Yep, its the begining of the end. you can blame jews, the media, hollywood whatever... in the end, its your fault for allowing yourself to become a minority in your own country. the founding fathers would probably spit on white people today for allowing this to happen. they specifically built this country for white people.

goodbye beautiful white USA. It sure was good while it lasted.

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Other urls found in this thread:


First. Based and replacement-pilled, greatest ally.

Tulsi is going to get you

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how long until spics are considered "white?"

It's over.

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White America was forsaken long ago

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True but we could have saved it if Trump was actually who he said he was going to be... it was our last chance, and it's withered away.

Our last chance ended in 1945. It's been a down spiral since.

>left bottom kid
ffs, like he couldn't decide if he's white or black, young or old

we had a good run
there's always the apocalypse, should be soon

even if you stopped all non-white immigration to USA. USA will still become majority non-white because of higher birth rate. hispanics especially breed like rats.

>we had a good run
>good run
who's going to tell him

not if they start exterminating minorities.

You know nobody on Jow Forums likes you people, right?

Why don't you fuck off to reddit. Seriously just fuck off, nobody wants you here. The absolute audacity of someone like you to call someone else a rat. Jesus fucking Christ. Fucking kill yourself.

What's going to happen with that once there aren't enough whites around to make up for the non-white negative losses in tax revenue?

This thread is wierd because kikes are not allowed to tell the truth.

Admit your atheism, OP.

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>You know nobody on Jow Forums likes you people, right?
Why don't you fuck off to reddit. Seriously just fuck off, nobody wants you here. The absolute audacity of someone like you to call someone else a rat. Jesus fucking Christ. Fucking kill yourself.
Its boring in reddit. I come here for the action.
no dishonesty in /pol.

There are 5 states where white people are already the minority, including California, Texas, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Florida.

It's called chutzpah. They're rubbing it in our faces. Just like the state of the union.

import asians and Nigerians duh. they make a shit ton of money

if texas goes, there goes the republican party forever.

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Still won't make enough to keep the nigger population and spic influx alive. We quite literally keep these retards alive.

is that the crippled goblin who poisoned his 5
little girls?

>no dishonesty
T. Kike

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Texas will secede before it is blue.
Or, worst case, shortly after.

>its your fault for allowing yourself to become a minority in your own country.
It will happen to you too, so don't gloat.

He had a pimp walk before it was cool.

I’m not sure if you know this, but we have immense wealth in this country and much of that wealth could be distributed much more fairly. We have no shortage of Billionaires and celebrity millionaires.

>import asians and Nigerians duh.
wtf? Nigerians make more than white people? how low can you go...

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God, our kids are going to be miserable.

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They make more than white people, since they’re are high skilled immigrants

I hate niggers

All the states will secede.

Guess I am moving to DPRK then.

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And that's just gonna remain stable with nonwhites at the helm? We need only look at South Africa or Zimbabwe to understand why leaving a people with zero understanding of Western Civilization never works and only works when being cultivated by the people that made it, and can actually maintain it(jewish influence excluding).

I don't think you get any say in the matter schlomo... you are up shit creek without a paddle when this thing pops off... then after its all over... ayyyyy

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I sleep well knowing that this country as we know it will die with white people.

I blame all talk and no action.

It makes me sad.

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in one hand you import the 3rd world you become the 3rd world. on the other you import the skilled ones they take the high paying jobs from ordinary americans..
just like Asians took over silicon valley.

While you're happily sitting your ass in Israel... Fuck you zionist.

They have been since the 60's counted as white most of the time

The world is pinned against us white people. Unless we rise up, and take back what’s ours, we are doomed.

Not now.
Slow down.

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Tbh I see my future generations in space. Fuck this sitting duck earth.

Like I said there are 5 states where white people are already the minority, including California, Texas, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Florida

This guy himself looks like a kike... like he's dead.. like a fucking ghoul... that isn't no white man in the James Hetfield sense.

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Who would kiss our ass if white america goes? its much of a problem for us as well.

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As a Texan, this isn’t true. Most whites are up in rural Texas, areas such as Kaufman, Crandall, Amarillo, and many more.

there are no shortage of jobs in the west coast, especially the ones in STEM.

Whatever his real role was in the game everything in that quote is right. What are you fucking people?

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it’s in the US census, whites are at 37% or so in Texas. You’re going to get places where people still self segregate and other places where it’s a melting pot of different races

And? I'm talking nationwide. Five states that still depend on their white minorities to stay afloat isn't saying anything I haven't already.

Niggers don't care. You just control them with money. You can control all their little gangs. Spics will fight the wars for you in the "US" military. They're your best assets. Whites are the only ones in your way.

You got 2 billion sand niggers ready to murder you the first chance they get.. and India is starting to wake up to your bullshit as well if you're thinking you're going to control those people too... it's gonna be interesting watching you fuckers try to survive this lol

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Most white areas are areas with higher property taxes to keep the colored people out. And 37% just isn’t true cheif.

>What are you fucking people?
fucked up individuals wth high Iq.

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The Midwest will say white for as long as you could possibly remember. Non-whites dont move there because there aren’t as many job opportunities offered, not as much racial diversity, and location is in the middle of nowhere with barely anything to do there.

Are you fucking kidding me Texas is hispanic country and the gringos love it.

If I had the nuclear codes, I would obliterate Israel with no hesitation.

You don’t deserve to live. You are the reason why peace cannot exists.

It’s not though.

If you aren’t in Texas, shut the fuck up.


41.5%, still a minority. census.gov/quickfacts/TX

>White alone


You alright chief?

Scroll down retard. Hispanics are counted as white.

low cunning is not high IQ.. you are just the scum of the Earth who are willing to do the unthinkable to get ahead but I'm pretty sure that's all over now and it's going to play out like the Bible said it would with a big ass judgement against you

>niggers and spics become majority in other states
>no gibs cause none working
>white people states have jobs
>move to midwest
>collect gibs


Sand niggers hate their fellow sand niggers more than they hate jews. we allied with saudi arabia they soon will open their embassy in isreal.
egypt as we'll see iran as their greatest enemy now.
Isreal situation was never better. our gdp per capita is now higher than france, uk, japan etc..
We're ranked as one of the most happiest countries in the world. things are working pretty good for us now

cry some little bitch.

I'm in Texas you stupid honkey fucker

10 years out of date, open your eyes

>Hispanic & Latino Precent


Most mixed with Hispanic and white don’t even look Mexican.


Nah. You’ll get yours.

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United States of Brazil.

>We're ranked as one of the most happiest countries in the world
Getting WASTED by paley bottle rockets and stones must be a trip

The Arabs hate your fucking guts they know you are controlling America to attack them... they even say it themselves "it's Israel versus everything now"... and like the whole fucking world is waking up to what your Babylonian cult is...

if we're not that smart and we're managed to dominate your banks, media, entertainment industry,academic institutions etc... how dumb do you people have to be for this to happen?

But then again as i've said, only a dumb group of people will allow themselves to become a minority in their own country so....

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Brazil 2.0

South mainly hispanic

Pathetic post. Jow Forums's strength is that anyone can speak here. Friend or foe.
Also, flag does not indicate jew necessariy.

They would be categorized under the two or more races percent. Plus, I thought Jow Forums believed that most Hispanics are the descendants of illegals.

its ok, millions of americans will be relocating to europe in the coming decades.

lets see how the "minorities" run the country

you are delusional, texas will be blue in 10 or less years and it won't do shit
nonwhites are not smart enough to run a country this big, as soon has enough diverty is appointed to the water board suddenly mantence isn't being done right, or food starts rotting because of bad logistics and economics, just a few examples, or they take the fast route and just vote everyone free money clopass wages forever while rising prices.
open your eyes

You around the major cities by chance?

It's all been a fucking scam tho bro not because you're fucking "SMART"... you don't think you're going to pay for all those fucking scams? You're gonna pay it all back bro and THEN some... it's like the Bible says the first shall become the last... that's you and your Rothschild overlords... all you've got is hell coming to you.

My eyes are open.

not really southern most Texas

Remember, god slaughtered his own people before, he’ll do it again.

>and it's going to play out like the Bible said
No it is not. Because that is a jewish book as well i.e bullshit.
Subserviance to jews is your whole paradigm. You can't even argue with a jew without using points from another jew.

Dallas, Houston, Austin, are all Mexican shitholes. It doesn’t surprise me.

>tfw noone checks your boner

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You're de-facto going down with us, kike. Don't forget it.

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enjoy watching your hard working tax paying money coming to your overlords pockets. no money for the wall, huh? LoL !

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your state is hispanic.
just because some podonk hilo town is 60% white doesn't mean most of the state isn't hispanic


Democrats and their greed destroyed it

not a chance, she wouldn't turn on her Israeli puppet masters like that

>god slaughtered his own people before, he’ll do it again.
Who told you all that? Oh, yes, jews.
You're fucking doomed unless you get this shit out of your head.

imagine white teachers beginning to realize they cant learn and amphetamines simply aren't helping