Ask a Mexican anything

Attached: Mexican girl.jpg (1080x1349, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off

What do you think about Zona Norte?

Where do your white women reside?

why did you guys breed with the natives


why would I want to ask you anything?
are you brown?

are you Doomentio?

My GF is Latina. How do I control her wild mood swings?

How does she wipe properly? Would you say cumin is your version of curry since it makes you stink similar to indians with the curry thing?

Are you part of the 12 tribes of Israel

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Why you have too much murders and kidnappings??
Why your country is so dangerous?
Why your country has a lot of druglords?
Greetings from a felow latin american :D

Fuck off

What does it take to get a top tier mexican girl?

Get out normalfag Jow Forums is for social outcasts only


north and west mexico, rich in central parts

mestizaje malingno, de donde eres?

please, im half castizo, please fix your fucking bullshit, if you let us americans fix ours, chances are we could help fix you in ways you see fit......

no, white

you break up with her


Doomentio is that you?

Sauce of the photo?

>being a social outcast before coming to Jow Forums

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no, whos him?

No te lo diré :D

Youtube search him, based white Mexican

You have to be such a total man that it puts her in her place.. that's the only thing that can tame them... be the man and they will naturally assume their role... but is you're one of these metrosexual faggots they will never submit to that.

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dame una pista

Can you please flush your toilet paper.

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Good, good, i will make easy for u and i will reduce your search to only three countries, I'm living on the South Cone

Mexicans don't stink anymore than white stink... actually whites smell horrible especially the old ones and the rednecks holy fuck

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Why do some short fat Mexican bois look like replicas of Carlos mencia?? And does anyone else have the urge to kill Them as I do??

How do I get a woman like in the pic?

Can you please fuck off back to your own country and attempt to have some self respect. You are trash.

vale, una mas, eres del pais mas blanco y pequeno del cono sur? urugay?

do you have hot women, that i give you :D but i hate how the localization of all the shows and stuff are voiced with mexican slang.. c'mon... south america is too big to concentrate all the fucking slang on one sector

si :D

How hard is it to get an average north mexican gf?

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los tres son en parte blancos pero argentina esta en la quiebra y chile esta lleno de negros que creen que es estados unidos de suramerica xD

le ganaran a chile? que va por la tercera

He is a fag.

what is wrong with her butt?

esta dificill, aunque estamos 8 en la clasificacion fifa chile de ganar todo, si nos vamos a penales nos ganan de eso estoy seguro estoy 80% seguro que la final es chile + algo... estan muy descontrolados esos chilenos

me parece un alto pelotudo

That's it not on my face

What brings you the most happiness?

elaborate burger

What do you call a Mexican couple with four children?


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use a leather whip

It had gotten plastic surgery.
Go back to r/eddit, mutt.

Why did you use that pic when you know very well 95% of Mexican chicks are fat hogs.

Go kill your fellow wetbacks.

Will you take California and Arizona back as a deal and allow us to keep New Mexico and Texas?


Nigger detected

pic related

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>not willing to fight the war for your country

kys faggot seperatists get the rope

How hard is it to get a 8+/10 latina girl as a white blonde male?

xD california is full of AIDS, why you dont raid that place?

i want the old days back

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When will the people finally stomp in the cartels?

Spoken like a true faggot american. AZ is so rich in minerals. Lotta good whites too. New Mexico and South texas can fuck right off.

Thoughts on Spain?

it depends of what latina you want, latins are more mixed you want an euro latin one or a african laitn one? and what country do you like? i dont recommend colombia.. they're narcos and shit..

Their government is on the payroll, so never.

when US decide it

im of spanish descent, i like spain, bro tier.

When leave?

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What happens when the USA turns into Mexico 2.0?
Where the next migration destiny?

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Let's say something close to pic related

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I believe that there's more chance to have the south cone united and the birth of the nation of the southern cross... many ppl want that specially on the southerns parts of chile and argentina...


Show her videos of what white men do to their entire families if their women piss them off.
Then proceed to show her the shovels and plastic sheets.

nah, you hate each other with passion

Cold but ok.

Why the fuck do you treat this place like it's your blog?

that's more a caribean one... if you watch regaetton or trap videos that's the thing that those women like... not worth of marry, if there's one men with more money and power than you she will left you and charge all the cost of tuition and stuff if you have kids with her.. if you give her ypour money nad care of her like a princess she will be loyal.. there's a patron with latin womens, dont pick anyone of the capital cities.. they're crazy like the white ones...

I'm mexican. I will tell you from experience they only look like that until their first kid. It all goes to shit quick.

here in north mexico the temperature can be -20 C

Have lots of money

Spain is being invaded by Muslims right now
Nice reconquista faggot.

nah, that is a misconception... i go to chile every year.. i have family there.. some argentinias too that i know.. the football separate us.. but at the end.. we're some like the real brothers nations.. argentina have a lot of common things with chile.. and also with us.. and chile with argentina but not a lot with us.. is like a rivalry of brothers... we have a common army.. and stuff.. the three countries..

And what about pic related?

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the Mio Cid is rolling on his grave :C

How do I get a gf like in your pic?

Is the Hong Kong club a nice place?

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not being an incel

I'm Hispanic and I'm an incel boys. What's wrong with me? I mean the Hispanic population is booming therefore lots of sex but I can't get laid with a decent average woman. Is it because I'm one of those rare 300iq types?

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Poor people reproduce like rabbits for some reason.
Have you tried to be broke mate?

F that noise she looks cuddly-sweet. I want to meet someone like her so I can take her out to 12-star restaurants and buy her expensive presents and shit.

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They are meant to be fucked by the white man and then discarded. They don't age well enough to be lifetime partners

Mexican women are a White man's practice for fucking a White women and having White babies with her.

Maybe after she has fucked hundreds of White men will she be allowed a US Citizenship, and only if she is hot.

if not, would you buy a gun and start to shoot people?

on the places that i live is more common to find those type of women, it is funny mostly of the lightskin latin americans have good economic status, those chicks have common likes... she might like to dance or maybe not, she may be on university and stuff, some girls likes to drink and smoke pot, others didnt drink at all is a larger fan of possibilities with one like her.. but the patron is this.. if your have a well worked body, and dont show desesperation you can approach her.. if you arent secure you can be the best men in the world but she will be boring at the minuytes looking for her friends to save her from you, to aproach to a latin girl you have to be natural and secure, the girls here like that of his man, be secure, the girls want to feel protected.. if you want one for only a night you can try approach to them in the way you want.. 1 on 5 might be glad to be with you.. BUT!! don't go after girls that like the teatre carrer, or have visible mandalas, or dressed with ethnic ropes.. those hags are mad my man!!!

Based and leatherpilled

good one xD

you knoe that girls smell the insecurity? i have a fren who is autistic AF and have a GF you can man, find your balls and stop complain yourself :D

I'm a college student on financial aid leeching off others shamefully. So I'm a poorfag, hardly any money to my name.

That's true, negros breed like fucking rabbits, they don't know 'bout condoms and stuff, and the goverment give it for free on hospitals and stuff...

I'm not an incel, I just wanna meet someone as curvy as her.

Oh shit I forgot my id changes