Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that the holocaust didn't happen or wasn't as bad as people...

Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that the holocaust didn't happen or wasn't as bad as people claim it was?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you're a fag (your nan, 2019)

wooden doors.


What happens when this domain gets nuked?

you cant prove it did. Propaganda and URLs dont prove anything

I can provide you with actual citations that I don't give a flying fuck.

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>actual citations

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Baby got cakes in the pan and the pants. Yum.

I don't have to prove a negative aka I don't have to prove that something didn't happen. It is your job to prove that it happened.

Just dig deeper, you’re already asking the right questions.

You see how people call ICE detention centers as concentration camps?

That's how easy calling Nazi labour camps as one too!

3mil/24/365=342 years
342 years/100 ovens= 3.42 years

Can you prove to me with actual citations that you personally didn't jack off 6 trillion Jews? Learn how the burden of proof works.

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It happened and was as bad as they say. But what people don't realize is that it was an inside job by jews themselves. They engineered the whole thing so that they could create their own ethnostate and receive gibs and all kinds of immunities for the rest of eternity.

>It happened and was as bad as they say

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need an extra sauce on that

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it was bad because people died of lack of aid. because germany was fucking bombed.

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Meanwhile 70 million Protestants die. Yet Jews are the victims.

the look of honesty

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If you dig deep things start to make no sense, for example:
>use as source the germans books were they kept track of people in the death camps
>the germans tried to destroy evidence that the death camps existed

it's hard to be honest when the approved survivors keep receiving a shit-ton of reparations and privileges

Can you prove it happened?

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God I'd love to slam my face up her ass and take a deep whiff.

either way it wasn't "bad" enough

Not bad. I don't mind the Ay look. The fuck did she do to her eyebrow though?

>Can you prove it happened?

You might want to start here.

You can figure out the rest from there if you're half as smart as you like to believe.

Here are some citations

>Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that the holocaust didn't happen


From Jankiel Wierniks testimony/book
>“Between 450 and 500 persons were crowded into a chamber measuring 25 square meters”.

>“It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber. “

>“On these piles were stacked three thousand or more old, young, men, women, pregnant women. Everything was engulfed in flames, and the bellies burst open at this high temperature and the babies jumped out alive. There were various shocking sights”

Leon Finkelstein
>“As I stressed earlier, at first the corpses were buried in pits. There were 21 pits like that in our part of the camp, with masses of corpses inside them. I think that individual pits could hold even 200,000 corpses each”

Watch this movie
>Germar Rudolf: The Chemistry of Auschwitz—Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers

or this one

or read this book
>Germar Rudolf (ed.): Dissecting the Holocaust—The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’

or read this report
>The Rudolf Report
Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects
of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz for Picrelated

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I really want to eat pancakes right now...

6,000,000 more or whatever the true number needs to be multiplied by to equal 6,000,000 more. Jews, Gypsies, cripples, crazies, infirm and all other undesirables that it took to come up with the 6,000,000 number.

the holocaust is big business, because Germany so far has given the Jews I think at least $200 billion, so it's big business.
Some of you are still getting $1000 a month, and a lot of people don't know this.
And then... uh, people don't realize who brought the slaves to America.... they were Jewish ships.

No pancake making GF, why live?

Really? The Wannsee protocol states that there will be death camps in Poland where Jews will be gassed upon arrival? Wew, lad.

The problem is that you're asking for evidence instead of just ignoring the holocaust.
Whether or not it happened doesn't matter, that multiple governments foreign policy is based around a war crime that happened over eighty years ago is the real issue.
By arguing "Oh it didn't happen!", "Oh it happened!" you're giving it power, if you just go "Who cares, almost everyone there would be dead by now either way, move on." then we can move forwards as a society.

Here are some links OP, something are a bit too hard to discuss in a few hundred words.

You can read articles watch docu's or read books (and all for free so you know they ain't Jews)

>The Holocaust Controversy – The Case For Open Debate

>What About Wannsee?

>Did the Holocaust Exist? By AnswerMan

>Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth
>Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?
>The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 1

>David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum

>Germar Rudolf (ed.): Dissecting the Holocaust—The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’

>Germar Rudolf: The Chemistry of Auschwitz—The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers – A Crime-Scene Investigation
>Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka—Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?

>Carlo Mattogno: Healthcare in Auschwitz—Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates

>You might want to start here.

And continue with this one perhaps after?

>What About Wannsee?

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migrate to instagram, of course

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i'd add cake mix in her pan, if you get my drift

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It's always 6 million with them.

>can you prove a negative with citations or evidence?
that's not how proof works, user.

that's a beautiful pancake

no, i kurwa dostalem smak na nalesniki, a mama jest 1200km+ stąd. ;/

weak stuff, the door were metal, not that they were air tight or anything, they were just stolen by the locals, when the germans left, and when Oswiencim was rebuild for public, they put in wooden door.

fake/misleading denier meme #1
more info:

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You can't "prove" a negative. The evidence for it is slim. Merely attestation from individuals with interest in the outcome and some German soldiers whose testimony is dubious due to torture. This coupled with many of the extraordinary and confabulated stories by the party with financial interests, the outright lies by many of the party who weren't even alive, inherited holocaust disorder. And the coup de grace, no PHYSICAL evidence has yet to be unearthed. Apparently Von Braughn had been building rockets that jettisoned several tons of human ash into the sun.

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source has vested interest. Its like you're not even trying


my PRIMARY SCHOOL doesn't even cite those guys

extermination (death) camps were in the east because thats where the Jews were. the fact that a small "pure" extermination camp that might have killed only a few thousand Jews from shooting is a death camp but Dachau where "only" 188,000 (heh) died from disease, starvation, forced labor, beatings etc is just because of the terminology. and the revisionism on this matter is almost exclusively done by establishment historians which you will turn around and say are liars in every other case. really makes you think

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>Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that the holocaust didn't happen or wasn't as bad as people claim it was?

Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that the EARTH ISN'T FLAT ?

Can you prove that you are not a faggot

the food stores for the camp of Bergen-Belsen
>potatoes, 600 tons; tin meat, 120 tons; sugar, 30 tons,

Attached: SS prison guards forced to load victims of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp into a trucks for burial (1200x1172, 325K)

The only supposed "gas chamber" in existence was "rebuilt" after the war by the Soviets.

The Soviets were masters of inventing lies (and hiding their own evil)

Ah, a fitting host for my seed.

that's not what this bait thread is asking. what i presume is inconsistent testimony doesnt prove it didn't happen. That would be something like showing what happened to the ~800,000 Jews that were sent there if they weren't gassed and shot, before the camp was dismantled, buried, and trees planted over it. Like showing evidence that they were moved somewhere else, or they escaped, or something. That would BTFO holocaust believers and give them something to actually try to argue against

The fact that it was impossible for there to be a 5x growth in the number of Jews in germany and the surrounding countries, combined with the fact that the 6 million line was used decades earlier in regards to Stalin and his persecution of the jews.

Decades of chinese whispers have blended the two events.

it's called duper's delight. jews make such an inflated fuss over their bullshit hoax, why would anyone of them smile, even slightly over something that they insist happened.

nope. it really happened Goy, now pay.

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just the first couple of minutes is enough

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citations you say? do you one better, here is what auschwitz had according the jewish folk that were there during WW2...

- beer and wine and cigarettes
- tea and coffee mornings
- dentist & medical facility
- fitness equipment
- musical instruments
- an actual orchestra
- grand piano
- regular theatrical plays
- movie theatre
- swimming pool
- post office
- paid jobs
- currency and coupons
- football team
- art and crafts
- day care for the kids

that's more facilities i have access too today. why don't i just let the jewish folk tell you themselves..

so that's pretty much concrete evidence right there. but wait, there's more. the red crosses own attempts to verify claims of mass murder at any of the work camps between 1937 and 1945 turned up nothing and the report was buried. in reality, the camps the japanese were held at in the USA were far worse.

the holocauster meme is a sensational account that the author of the book didnt claim to witness, its a second hand source, and no one knows where it really comes from. historians verify accounts to get the big picture of what happened in any any historical event otherwise it just becomes an interesting footnote which you only bring up if you have absolutely no other sources which is the opposite in the case of the holocaust cause there's countless sources all corroborating each other.
>tldr unsourced second hand account that most historians haven't even heard of is used by holocaust deniers cause its funny and memetic which is most effective for manipulating low iq people, not wall texts or actual evidence
>the revisionists who use wall texts and autistic breakdowns to try to deny the holocaust would be embarassed to use holocauster arguments but they appreciate their effectiveness in converting stupider people

Where does the 6 million number come from?
There are no reliable historical sources that come anywhere near 6 million. 6 million is fiction. The reality is somewhere between 70,000 and 4,000,000. That's a very, very wide margin of error.

Can you prove to me with actual citations and evidence that you didn't murder that guy last night?

they were reinforced wood or something but they were definately air right with small peep holes. They even have transfer documents for "gas tight doors". surely the almost omniescent cabal or force that would be actually required to pull off such a hoax and make everything work, would know better than to use some flimsy bathroom door in their own propaganda museum. in fact it was a door to the bathroom, they destroyed one too many wall during the reconstruction

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>proving the negative
A Jews favorite tactic

fake/misleading meme #2

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You’re bad at math

>mug holocuuuunnsstt

Who cares it happened it didn’t some shit happened call it whatever you want
Nobody cares just like most people react to 9/11 shit with “meh who cares” like
Niggga some shit happen who cares
You can still shit post low energy bait threads and you live your life nigga who cares what some Germans did to maybe a couple annoying bagel feygolas kk nigga? Now go fix your teeth ya ugly flag Op

>say you're going to kill all the jews
>not just shoot them on the spot

Seems like good stuff to read but is there any way to verify it.

How do I know I'm not wasting my time and reading fake information?

>Jews are subhuman
>Jews rule the world
>Hitler was based for killing Jews
>the holocaust wasn't real or was exaggerated

These thoughts are somehow held at the same time by some of the retards on this board and they don't have an answer for it.

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red herring tactic
auschwitz had thousands of Jews and non-Jews living and working in the camp and subcamps at any one time. it was basically a small town. It would be surprising if they didn't have some sort of infrastructure and yes, even ammenities, not only for the guards but for the more privileged Kapo inmates that were in charge of the regular ones and vital to keeping the whole system working. To put it differently, if you found out a Soviet gulag had a library and soccer field, would you want to be sent there?
> day care for the kids
Run by Dr. Mengele. dont think any of the few spergs that actually have Children and push this tinfoil would want them sent there. but maybe I'm wrong

a dirty little moshe in full C O P E mode is a funny sight to see.

>thinks wikipedia is a primary source

If I wanted to kill people I'd just use bullets. Jews always go over the top with their fantasies and lies, pic related

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>more easily dismissed kike deflection tactics
not a single jewish person that was actually at auschwitz has ever claimed josef mengele was anything more than a normal doctor. but like everything you kikies do, you simply spunk a lot of words onto the screen and hope nobody takes the time to proves you wrong. well i got time today, kike.

okay, and the denier and conspiracy sites are totally objective and don't have a vested interest? what are you talking about? if you find something wrong about their info, go ahead and point it out. As it stands, the world Almanac meme is just bullshit propaganda. It literally says right there the population was based on 1939 estimates, like assuming the same rate of population growth. They didn't actually phone around and get a census, which is why it shows the Jewish population steadily going up during the war as well. Use your brain.

Six million souls

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but they did use bullets, thats what the Einzatsgruppen were doing in the USSR, they shot 1 million of the Jews that were killed. the fact that holocaust deniers dont know about this fundamental part of the official narrative and just focus on "lol pedal powered brain bashing machines" show how little they know about the holocaust or ww2 in general

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Is there an actual citation on this? I hear it here all the time but is there an actual official who claims this?

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>more kike lies and dogshit
moshe saying a kike on blogspot is more authoritative that the red cross? nobody should be surprised. everyone, please realise these rabid little turds do not want the truth to come out at all costs. the holocaust is a multi-billion $ industry for them, they will not allow the truth to come out if they can help it.


Are you actually telling me RIGHT NOW that there are goyim who still don't believe that 6 million yids were killed by the pedal-powered brain bashing machines, masturbation machines, rollercoaster ovens, baby skeet shooters, and giant hook machines?

How can anyone not believe that 14 million were gassed and burned in ovens that conveniently didn't use millions of pounds of coal to operate?

How can any goy deny that 28 million weren't turned into lampshades, soap and ash trays?

It's truly shocking that we live in a world where people question if 56 million were gassed over the period of a few days in a single room!

How can there be gentiles on this planet who question even the slightest facts regarding the 112 million that have been proven over and over again by reputable Jewish scholars! Why haven't they been locked up yet!?!

Remember the 224 million! And don't forget that it's all the white people's fault! The goyim are spreading lies about white soldiers from the allied forces fighting the Nazis! They are lies! It was all us! We were the only ones who fought!

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thats wrong. but since when do you believe Jews anyway? or is it only when its convenient? nazi human experimentation was confirmed by multiple jews and non jewish victims, witnesses, and of course the Nazis themselves and their own documentation of the data, which is still used by the medical community today as a source of some controversy. the final cope the deniers do is, when backed into a wall, say the victims were criminals or something and refuse to budge any further. really sad

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Can you prove the opposite?
The burden of proof is on the one that claims shit.

yes, its called reading a fucking wikipedia article or something. Krema 1 was in the admin camp and used for a few gassings, then turned into a bunker. Krema 2-5 were in the main camp and used for most gassing, then blown up by the Nazis before the Soviets arrived to try to cover it up. They didnt destroy Krema 1 so the communists reconstructed it back to a gas chamber based on the original plans. none of this is secret or controversial

the red cross meme is fake. it has a bunch of fake shit photoshopped on it and mistranslations, trying to pass a list of death certificates issued to the families of dead German (!) Jews as the entire death toll of the Holocaust

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i believe the jewish ppl that were actually there at auschwitz when they tell their memories. not some dirty little kike like you that needs to lie to milk shekels. this is how easy it is to disprove anything you claim... so me proof of human experiments. because here is what the united states holocaust memorial museum states...

.. and that's it. they literally use german doctors trying to stop the spread of fucking typhus as an "evil nahtzee experiment!". it's fucking comical.

yes. fat larpers would kill jews today, but nazis in a militarized wartime state who's official policy position was that they are vermin and parasites

>he hasnt read the Leuchter report
literally babbys first redpill

the red cross official documents aren't a fucking meme you dirty little liar. you're the clown fuck from the french holocaust deniers .org aren't you, moshe? you pretending to be irish or french this week? yeah, that's you isn't it. you're literally funded with american money to shitpost on Jow Forums. what a life.

i like this one right at the beginning lol. man, how will holocaust believers ever recover after such a btfo?

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lmfao no shit they used bullets during ww2 the point is why lie about electric floors and lampshades and soap and masturbation death machines, Shlomo? Why the constant lies?

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do you realize how retarded and salty you look?
>The documents clearly state that they originate with a German government institution, the Special Registry Office (we'll call it SRO in this article) in Bad Arolsen (Sonderstandesamt Arolsen), since only such an official institution (a Standesamt) can lawfully issue death certificates in Germany.

the denier fakers are literally trying to pass off a document from the red cross when its right fucking there that it's not, and you're still going on with this ridiculous cope and accusing of being some french guy because of how butt blasted you get. man, reking you guys is so much fun, i do it for free :)

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It's not our job to prove it didn't happen; it's your job to prove it did.

>proving he's a retard with every single fucking post
wait, nazi official policy was that jews were "vermin and parasites"? what is the weimar republic? jesus, moshe, you are dumb today.

soap and lampshades have a core of truth, even if it was sensationalized and memed because of how macabre it seemed to the public. here's more info if you're interested

random unsourced or fake accounts don't disprove a genocide, thats a complete red herring. From the same blog:
>Bernard "Holstein" Brougham (not Jewish [Australian]), of the "masturbation machines" infamy, was exposed by a private investigator hired by his publisher and denounced as a faker by his family. And what have the deniers ever done, except lie?

thats a good question, what have the deniers ever done, except lie? why do they keep having to make up fake shit like the red cross stats instead of just hitting them with the cold hard truth?

>this pic

How is this pic proves anything lol.

see what I mean? you justify them being exterminated while saying it didnt happen in the same breath. its so disingenuous. tell me friend, if you lived in a society where every time you turned on the TV or went to a movie (well, couldn't do that actually) you'd be treated to state sponsored propaganda that your people were literal vermin, and then armed soldiers come and put you and your family on a truck one day, what do you think is gonna happen next? your schizophrenic rhetoric about this is issue is just transparently fake

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