Why do white Americans love diversity so much? Why do you hate living In homogenous white communities?

Why do white Americans love diversity so much? Why do you hate living In homogenous white communities?

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=Oregon white people&src=typed_query

mental illness and media brainwashing

the Handicap Principle covers this one.

Saying you want to flood your country with immigrants is one step removed from saying you are well-resourced enough that those immigrants wont be a problem for you. Women respect a man who loves immigration because it shows he doesn't fear competition, he can just out-finance them.

Because they're racist all the same, and they have to direct it so the socially acceptable group at this time.

Someone that's colorblind, doesn't give a fuck and wouldn't mention race at all.

>Profile pic implies furry
>Rabid leftist ideology
Checks out, sir.

School and msm brainwashing

If he actually did live around blacks his opinion would change so fast

Ask them? They won't be able to answer without an inevitable hissyfit, I imagine.

"please kill me last"

Oikophobia, xenophilia, burnt out dopamine circuits/disgust reflexes

Should I move to Oregon?

Coming from a liberal utopia, I know exactly who this faggot is.

This some cocksucking retard from a small majority white town who hasn't experienced diversity yet. But this stupid low-T faggot is virtue signaling on social media for brownie points.

This silly piece of shit is trying to fit in with a social circle he perceives as higher than himself but knows nothing about which is why he's saying this. Yet he's retarded and central Oregon is amazing. Him wanting to get nigger it up just shows he blatantly retarded or a Jew.

Except that random twitter account you posted (not bumping your shit thread btw) doesn't hate homogeneous white communities at all. They literally just explained that they "fucking love" Oregon. Nobody actually hates these places, they just need to signal that they don't think there's a connection between the niceness of a place and its ethnocultural makeup.
Once it's diversified they'll be able to pinpoint exactly how conservatives just so happened to ruin everything yet again.

I remember my grandma keeping the front door open all the time and not fearing thieves.
I much prefer living in the ghetto where I can celebrate sunday with some drive by shootings

>oregon nice
>full of white people
Not like its hard to see but that thing is mentally challenged.

Black families are fine they're typically like white families. You want to know diversity, go to an inner city.

Magic dirt

Hating on whites gives you online points.

Yeah, because some fucking faggot's twitter represents every white person in the USA, bong-boy. Worry about your own garbage, like your muslim mayor of londonstan.

>I love the area but I hate the people who made it that way
Stupid shit like this is what Jow Forums was writing as satire just a few years ago

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>furry avatar
He's probably mentally ill

>I love it
>I wish it was different

AmeriMUTTS aren't white

This. It all follows a pattern and when pushed to their limits, there is really only two sides.
>out-group preference/traitor
If you let the left go wild they would unironically be right where the conspiracy theorists say, sacrificing children to satan. It seems idiotic at first, until you've been watching their progression for a while and it's exactly where they are headed. Also learning about historical leftist movements, they all end up in the same place. It's like yin and yang. Liberals are the evil side.

I just looked up the fucker.
1 comment

Really represents the whole fucking country, doesn't it? I wonder why OP didn't include these numbers.

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i bet he'll be the first to move when niggers make the place unlivable
he'll then move to another white place and ruin it the same way only to move again

Americans and whites in general don’t love diversity or give a flying fuck about any POC they love attention and virtue signaling. This retards thoughts weren’t really on “let’s import more black people here” but on “what non-offensive comment can I make that’ll get me the most retweets and favs”
This is brought on by their virulent individualism and competitiveness, everyone wants to be the one in the spot light and what means they use to get there are just whatever’s popular right now.

It’s a anecdotal tweet that represents real observable sentiment. Lots of white people hate the very idea of a white community despite living in one. Why is that?

Because all memes aside people who work for a living and aren’t flipping burgers while bitching on their Obama phones actually have it really good here. They are spoilt children who, like those shitposters making the threads about race being “debunked”, have no idea how life or human beings actually work. They are so brainwashed, that they honestly believe that phenotypic expression exists completely independent of genotypic differences. Genetics is a fad to them, and the raw numbers when thrown at a layman can be twisted to mean whatever the (((author))) wants to convey. But the fact remains; how on earth can we expect races with an average IQ in the 70s to contribute in any meaningful way to a productive and safe society? We cannot, and this simple revelation, along with the obvious truth that the potential IQ spectrum of any individual is governed by their genetic heritage in innumerable ways, is enough to frighten these people not only into intellectual submission, but in man cases a ravenous and self-destructive rage as a means of destroying any material or genetic evidence of racial mental disparities.

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Because you're a goddamn shill, that's why,
How the fuck did you even find his tweet?
Why the fuck did you make a thread about it?
You're probably that Brit bastard who makes all the "Do white girls hate white men irl" threads. Just fuck off.

Oregon is full of retarded white cucks probably because it is expensive to live there


Yep, you are.
Burn in hell you son of a bitch.


Well put

The Oregon Territory and eventual state had Black Exclusion laws that aimed to prevent blacks from settling within it's borders. The last of the black exclusions were repealed in 1926. These laws are believed to be why Oregon has such a low percentage of niggers living there. It's also cost prohibitive.

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Because diversity is strength.

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Say what you will but suburbs are the epitome of suck.

70 years of kike brainwashing will do strange things to a population

My buddy and I aren't religious and prefer traditional values. I don't think being an atheist makes you a retard but going out and screaming at jesus people for thinking differently is definitely batshit insane

One-way meme filter in favor of cucking. Cannot anti-cuck without people calling you a racist.

OP exposed

fuck off

So my takeaway from his Twitter is he's a scrawny white furry dork in California. Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, but it's weird how this racial self-hatred is only white people.

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This shitty thread was on page 10 and you bumped it. You deserve a kick in the balls faggot.

Virtue signalling. They’re don’t, they’re just scared of being perceived as racist.

>Why do white Americans love diversity so much?

Because sometimes people are different in a good way and not every black person is trying to scam you or kill you.

>not every black person is trying to scam you or kill you

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They hate happy and confident people who don't see themselves as nightmare penis monsters from the hell dimension. It's just contrarianism.

It's the truth.

Every year my family rents a beach house for a week at a place that's priced for upper middle class whites and above. I go a full week without seeing any blacks, spics, chinks or degenerates. It's glorious and I feel so much better for it.

0kbps is his brains rate of information processing right?

Funny, cuz he just said the fucking loves Oregon ... Why does he think it is so fucking great in the first place ?

He should contrast that with a predominantly black area.

Will he ever make the connection?

>only see one black family for 2 weeks.
I fail to see the problem. Do mythical whitopias like these even still exist?

>a self-loathing white furry

I didn't see my first black person until I was like 25 years old

They have been brainwashed by schools.


This dudes twitter is actually really funny

>1 post by this id

>implying that white people are more likely to commit more crime
>50% 13%

They don't exist even in finland unless you want to live in some village with 2000 people max

I hate this board so much.

Lucky you, I guess. Did you feel vibrantly enriched by the experience?

Did it startle you? What was it doing?

>Women respect a man who loves immigration because it shows he doesn't fear competition, he can just out-finance them.
Women should be seen and not heard.

I thought Finland was pretty much homogeneous outside of Helsinki. Is one homogenous white country too much to ask?


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Look at the avatar. He's furry. He thinks he's a dog not White.

There is no hope for this board.
Just delete it.

This. Bringing women into politics will be our doom.

>redit spacing
>redit opinion
go back

Nobody likes diversity

Whites flee diverse areas

I keep telling you guys to come to Oregon, but do you listen? No.

Would colonize the fucking shit out of her though.

Well tell the poster he can come down here to the South! He'll get all the diversity he wants. There is a saying all people in the South you greet outsiders with when they get here;
"You a racist, friend?"
"You will be soon~"

They love diversity until they actually like in a diverse multicultural/racial enviroment then they move the fuck out but continue to virtue signal about how much they move diversity.

What a pointless thread.
Truly terrible.

they just like to show off, it's what they think they're supposed to say
in some cases people genuinely do like racial diversity but it's because they're such shallow people they're taken by basic physical differences of the person rather than personalities

This is the worst thread on Jow Forums

He should visit Ghana,its full of black people.

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Never saw more stars & bars flying in my life than in grants pass/Applegate valley. But I’ve never been to bama

Dry intake of breath! Widening of eyes! You are literally a monster.

>I love Oregon
>Filled with white people
>Flood with immigrants
>WTF I hate Oregon now

The US and to a lesser extent western europe is insulated from all the bad shit immigrants bring. People's lives are too good and white people have an evolutionary weakness known as compassion so they say this because they think it makes them look good. Someone from Oregon will likely not face the problems someone on a border state does for pushing for open borders. I really hope every open borders person gets their children Mollie Tibbetted because they clearly do not give a fuck for their safety of their family. Americans think the US is some infinite resources land where we can import everyone with no downsides meanwhile wages are stagnant and housing prices keep climbing due to the unlimited sellers they flood into this country. I really have no hope for this county and despise the inability of most Americans unable to look 10+ years into the future

Digits of truth. I honestly didnt think pol could sink lower

this meme is old, but it won't stop being true

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>insulated from all the bad shit immigrants bring
Its amazing how much this insulation really goes too. 3rd world tourist countries have demilitarized zones where white people are discouraged from leaving. The "touristy" areas are sterilized corporate areas with all the luxurious amenities a white person could want. Meanwhile outside its sheer hell filled with robbing, kidnapping, and murder and in some instances war. It applies to ALL places especially Caribbean ones. These white people have no clue about the world outside The Bubble.

Because of death stranding.

twitter.com/search?q=Oregon white people&src=typed_query
Searching "white people" on Twitter is always fun.

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When in eastern Oregon last week, I saw more BFGoodrich AT KO2 than niggers it was so fucking comfy

It never seems to dawn on leftists that they love areas because they're not diverse. They think they can just diversify areas they love and it will be the same. Then they get california and new york and then see some other nice white city and regurgitate themselves all over the society.

Liberals are retarded, mentally ill, manifestations of metastasizing cancer. Golems. Useful idiots. Programmed, wound up, and unleashed like a plague to bring austerity and a grey world wherever they go.

I fucking hate them.

Because they consider their own race to not have culture, so instead of inventing something to fill the gap they like to parasitize the culture of others. You need the others around to parasitize them. They basically want to live their entire life like they were on a vacation to an exotic location. They idealize the outsider as being inherently superior. They're the sort that go marching through hostile countries believing in human kindness and that their own culture's warnings are based in racism and inherent bias and end up beaten/raped/killed/butchered/displayed.

But seriously do you meet people in real life who are longing to see niggers on the street?

>Saying you want to flood your country with immigrants is one step removed from saying you are well-resourced enough that those immigrants wont be a problem for you.
But they're supposed to be doctors and lawyers and engineers who would contribute and wouldn't be a problem anyway, or are you now saying that's not the case and some if not all will certainly be a problem for resource consumption? Because if it's the latter, giving resources to them and letting them live here at our own cost is a move out of weakness which women won't respect in the least.
>Women respect a man who loves immigration because it shows he doesn't fear competition, he can just out-finance them.
If immigration wasn't jammed down our throats 24/7 women would care as much about it as they currently care about international trade policies. If you have money, good looks and social status women will respect you, if you are lacking any of those three they will respect you less. It has absolutely nothing to do with your status on immigration and the fact that you tried to use that as a point would be laughable if it wasn't so perverted.

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Done in one


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This. Women vote not with reason but emotions which makes a lot of room for exploitation of entire nations.
The more "refugees" you import, the smaller middle class shrinks. Makes my joggin noggin on who wants that.

Gonna be hard to out-finance you when there’s 20 of them outside your house with weapons getting ready for a good rape and murder ya dumb nigger.

I'm horny just ready that.

Defend me with your gun user