Why are so many Balkan niggers proud of their "country". I can understand the serbs and croatians little but Bosniaks...

Why are so many Balkan niggers proud of their "country". I can understand the serbs and croatians little but Bosniaks, Albanians and Macedonians and the others have complete shitholes of countries.
>No economy
>No history
>Shitty landscape
>Ugly people
>All in all shitty country
Yet everyone I know from there says haha my country is best everything is so cheap there and we are the best while they all live in a rich first world country. These Balkan subhumans are unironically worse than eastern europeans.

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subhuman s*rb who escape from his shithole with no economy bashing his neighbouring countries for not having any economy

Don't get me wrong Serbs are still subhumans but nothing compared to the others

You should worry about your own countries, not the pride of our own.

Perhaps it will be our turn to shine in the future, or if we are truly limited by the supposed subhuman genes that you claim we have.

Only time will tell, but by then your entire gene pool will be penetrated by niggers and gooks.

Sincerely, all Balkan inhabitants

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How did Albania appear in Europe?

Where do you live Serb?

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> Austro-Hangarian autistic screeching
100 yeras passed sinse your faggy empare fell apart - and yet you stell butthert

Eh, I think most people have pride in their home country.

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NO NO NO the asians have arrived.

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Yeah but if they live in a forgein country enjoy the welfare there it's pretty pathetic to call your country better than the one your monkey family fled to.