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i can tell this thread was made by a Brazilian even if you hide your flag

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Rude and childish

he doesn't hide his flag, the thread was probably moved from a different board, YOU FUCKING SUMMER FAG.

The weak should fear the strong.

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Lmao, fuck Trudeau

yeah except no because when i spoted the thread was already on Jow Forums and another ? popped up after me

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summer is here.

I feel sorry for Canadians, their whole country and identity became an international joke because of some dumb frenchman

"frenchman" an anglo mutt freak you mean. He can't even talk french right. He's just finishing the work of his late father, you know the faggot under Who the multiculturalism constitutional mission of Canada was established.

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Hes half cuban

xi's lower face is actually his locus of expression

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No one likes flamboyant cuckolds that destroys their own country’s heritage and history with pc culture. Based Brazilian doesn’t want to shake hands with a traitor.

Your right all threads should be "fuck Jews" "fuck womanz" "lol let's shit on whatever insignificant "microaggression" my fucking self identifying inverted chode was offended by today and have ZERO fucking fruitful conversation" neck yourself you fucking loser.

Now that's based. He knows Trudeau is Castro's son.

Sometimes I have pity for this guy but then I remember this meme.

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Such a beautiful couple

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Bolsonaro lurks on Jow Forums

If only Jow Forums could do this with leaf posters

dont bully my boyfriend!

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the commie block


So proud

I think the best part is that Trudeau's team somehow pulled off getting the Japanese to arrange a seat next to Xi Jinping only for it to turn out like this.

Attached: trudeau chinese.jpg (923x615, 55K)

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Absolutely fucking based. I mean it. BASED.

Compare him to the half-Bulgarian commie shit before him.

I see sir, that you are a man of culture.

The thing with Bolso for me, is that he never went over the position of captain in the army...only a moron cannot be at least a colonel in an officer career. But I don't know the details, feel free to tell me.

J U S T i n

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From left to right

Yeah, good thing they got rid of that bitch. Bolsanaro is great. And I like his hairstyle.

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