Did you guys see Tucker interviewing Tulsi? You can see a man falling in love in a matter of seconds...

Did you guys see Tucker interviewing Tulsi? You can see a man falling in love in a matter of seconds, just look at him go.


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>watch fox news goy

Russian pawn falls in love with Russian plant

Are you honestly conveying the bs leftist “Russian meddling” narrative on Jow Forums? I’ve never seen anyone oust themselves as a shill so fucking quickly!

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Le stupid faggot

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Ironically, it’s actually better than most

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Fuck off kikes, everyone knows Tucker is /ourguy/

Imagine supporting Tulsi and dare to call anyone else a shill

Isn't Tucker married with a couple children, he doesn't seem like the type to cheat

I've tried desperately to get in the pants of hundreds of women I would never vote for.

Pls Tulsi don’t be so niggardly with your love

you don't cuck the tuck, the tuck cucks YOU

>tucker against endless wars
>while being a supporter of hardcore capitalism that leads to those endless wars

it's like those two cells in his brain don't even meet.

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>you can't cuck the Tuck

But you Tulsi, can fuck the Tuck, if you wanna.

I want her to become the President of United States and I will personally commission so much smutt of her. The flow of erotica will be unstoppable, all while she is btfoing the blood hungry war mongers of the deepstate & MIC.


>muh russia
I know you take all your opinions from CNN and MSNBC but didn't a huge report saying Russia didn't do shit just come out and exonerate the POTUS? Are you so delusional that you're still clinging to this dead narrative?

>but didn't a huge report saying Russia didn't do shit just come out and exonerate the POTUS?

uwotmate. Russian influence on the election is undebunkable. The only thing report said is there is no proof for collusion between trump and the russians (despite like a dozen of people from Trump campaign having clear link with the kremlin)


That's not how you pronounce it, silly.

and report clearly says there is no exoneration

>look she holds basic left wing stances against war which always existed till the migrant crisis, omg based and redpilled
>Time to be just as autistic as /ptg/ and Yanggang and spam mommy memes and feet while ignoring all her other positions
>Any slight resistance to wars in the ME from politicians must mean they're completely based and redpilled and have kikes, absolutely no other reason to be against it.

God 2020 better have something good, this shit is so faggoty so far.

>tucker supporting hardcore capitalism
Nigga wat

Does she really practice sanatana dharma? Is she aware that Adolf Hitler was an avatar?

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I would set her up with a new unused chair then take it home after the segment for safe keeping

Lol he's smitten! She's amazing. She didn't shit on Trump while shitting on Saudi Arabia and Israel. She deserves the nomination, and if she loses to Trump she deserves to be Secretary of State.

she is the Democrat version of Ron Paul 2012.

They will shaft her at the DNC as the RNC did RP

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i love Tucker but that interview was sickening. he ignores all of her other kooky beliefs just to have her on to support his anti war stance with Iran.



Bruh, got any more of them jpg pixels?

Vulsi flabbard

when does he changed his views? He's a Cato Institute shill.

This bitch will fold under the pressure of bibi and deep state so fast. No female leadership.

Man this girl is courting republican and she praise Trump.

This could backfire on her dem votes.

Lewl, Trotskyist fuck.

Tell me how Ron Paul supports endless war.

Dems will not allow her to win so don't cha worry.

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let's see if Tulsi is actually making people jump of the trump train...

I love Ron Paul


So a plant from a non-jewish mainly white country? How is that not a good thing?

you can love someone without fucking them, degenerate animal. im sure he loves his kids, it doesn't mean he cheats on his wife with them.

>I'm Ron Paul and this is my favorite democrat in the primary

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Fuck that Hawaiian cultess.

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Name the twelve people with "clear links to the Kremlin" in Trump's campaign...I won't hold my breath.

She's a very intelligent woman, not at all like that insufferable Hirono, good to know that not all Congresswomen from Hawaii are dunces. But she's still a raging liberal, and the juden will never allow her near the WH since she isn't a war hawk.

Why does she scare you so much?

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I dont know why people keep shilling for her. She doesnt stand a chance in hell of winning

lol faguette

Foreign Meddling in an election! We need to financially kill these people!

Israeli, British, Australian, etc. interference in our elections is perfectly fine. But god forbid Russia try to do it.

For memes? do you think that Ron Paul could win the 2012 nomination?

holy shit is that tweet real

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Tulsi and Tucker are controlled opposition. The Dems only chance is to get a 3rd centrist party to run and split the Republican vote. Tulsi and Tucker will be the ticket.


Ok, Hillary, Obama, Mueller, Comey, Shtokz, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, OPERA, COBERN, LEMON,.....


>"Join me in ushering in a new century free from the fear of nuclear war. A world where there is real peace, where our people have time to pursue happiness rather than being forced to work constantly just to survive, where parents have time to spend with their children, and we build strong communities that care for each other and the planet.

>In this new century, everyone has clean water to drink, clean air to breathe and access to nourishing food; everyone receives the medical care they need, has a roof over their head, receives the education they need and is able to find good paying, fulfilling work. People have financial security and don’t have to worry about making ends meet in their old age.

>Our children, and children for generations to come, never worry again about nuclear war and no parent has to wonder where they will hide their children when the missiles strike. Our economy is not dependent on war, but is driven instead by innovation, green technology and renewable industries."


Nationalism. Pro-Family. Anti-War. She doesn’t want Americans to die for, and pay for Israel’s wars. I don’t agree with everything she believes, but those things alone are important enough for me to die on any hill for her. She is genuine, and speaks in a way I haven’t heard from a politician since Ron Paul. I can feel it in my chest and in my soul when she speaks.

>Russian influence on the election is undebunkable.

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Why do Democrats look so....weird?

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She has a really good speaking voice for an Seppo woman, who usually sound like an air raid siren.

Satan liketo keep them looking differant from normies.

what do tucker carlson threads, tulsi threads and /ptg/ all have in common? take a quick guess

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Kikes out in full force. They fear the Ohana Momma.

>he doesn't know about the Ron Paul endorsement

>Ohana Momma
>Kikes don't want us to support a female shitskin democrat! Its just shills!
quite possibly the dumbest shit i've read in this thread. if anything shills would weigh their options and probably saw tulsi as the easiest to dem candiate to shill on Jow Forums.

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fuck off nigger ron paul wasn't going to end shit and he and rand are total kike cocksuckers since rand reneged on the Israel funding being cut. you are literally the same as bernie sycophants who think he will eliminate college debt. also im going to assume you're a burger using a vpn because nz shouldn't give two fucks about the political farce that is american politics.

You know there's been peripheral support for her here since she met with Assad in 2017, and a small amount of interest after she stepped down as vice chair of the DNC in 2016 right? That she was the go to counter attack against Yang raids right?
Oh no, you wouldn't, as you don't get out of /ptg/ very often.
She got a fucking endorsement from Ron Paul if you had been here for a while you'd know what that might mean.
Anyway the kikes despise her

Tucker wouldn't fall in love with a non white girl

>kikes despise her
same was said about trump
>muh ron paul
kike cocksucker who accomplished nothing but informing a couple normies on the reality of the federal reserve. why are you so adamant about pushing a shitskin female progressive candidate though?


Fuck up cunt

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