Ahahaha Jow Forums was right

The absolute state of german women.

This popular German ASMR youtuber shows her husband for the first time. Ahahahah

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Other urls found in this thread:



ucking hell germany

Government trained that slut well.

I mean what the fuck you expected in 2 fucking 019, white men are becoming pic related, and Black men are the most normal plus every fucking movies has a nigra flirting with le witeminin.

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White men are become pic related what the fuck you expected, black nigra are everywhere even in your movies fucking le white wimmin



prove me wrong anglo

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Interesting how most ASMR chicks are childless and married, still shilling for shekels on jewtube.

Well I love how white nationalists kept using outdated stats like always. Everything is immutable until it isn't.

I still have no idea what ASMR is
I reckon it's a form of porn where the roastie doesn't take her clothes of?
>inb4 search engines exists you know

That makes me really angry. Women lack the will to greatness, so they have no appreciation for the world that men have created for them. They have no sense of belonging and will betray their people at the first chance.

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Jow Forums was right? White nationalists were saying over and over again that naturally this is impossible.

This. I'm not looking that shit up.

It's when a girl whispers into a microphone and says sexy and/or cute things. That's literally it.

>it's a Jow Forums complains about trivial things and does nothing episode #13450

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>pro nigger

>Jow Forums was right
Jow Forums is always right.

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sounds annoying as fuck
>donate to my patreon
so i was right. sexless porn for losers

>give me (Yous), guys

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what's wrong

Why do we still have to act like womens isnt the mans greatest burden forever? The white race will never endure as long as white women have rights, they've proven that themselves.

that guy is jewish not white

>3k in views tops
Funny whenever a white girl gets blacked burgers are the first to know


Link since OP is a dumbass

Exactly, their rights should be the same as children's.

Using make up to cover your black eye (soft spoken, inaudible whimpering).

who is that and why should i care

hahah say goodbye to your subscribers

The betas and dykes will always be there for pussy crumbs.

>mediocre looking slut goes for a nigger/arab
never seen that before

They deserve to be locked in chains like the niggers they love so much

They literally have no concept of liberty because, by nature, they are subservient. Any country with female liberation will fall eventually.

kek you guys are on it

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i'm pro nothing xan-wing fin ching just saying the facts, i'm probably the last good looking normal white dude int his planet


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Sandman and Roosh V have blackpilled me on women, there are times I think Islam wouldn't be so bad if it meant thots being stoned to death

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What the fuck are you waiting for? Start harassing her?!

I wonder if this video was sent back to late 1944, if it would have given the remnants of the Nazi army enough superhuman rage and anger to drive back the allies despite massive material disadvantage.


And now she can't even break 3k. Seems like the freemarket long fucked her over for something else.

Also subs don't mean shit on YouTube anymore

do cumskin women really prefer shitskins?

Give me precisely one example of when Jow Forums was not in fact right again.

And don't say Pizzagate. We're still working that.

No your granddaddy would have doubled down on killing Germans so his great granddaughter can be blacked

case 1:
Oh my gaw ! Jow Forums is harrasing me !omg now I will find a white chad and start a white senpai
case 2 : omg all those racist comment i will delete the comments with my oogaa because i love BBC

Pick the most real one

Has something to do with auditory senses causing intense relaxation/tingling feeling in the body.
It can certainly be sexual but many sounds can cause it. Once or twice I might throw on a video if I have trouble sleeping but I stay away from spoken videos and stick mainly to people playing solitaire/sorting playing cards without speaking.


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uh who care she's at best a 6 and agewise past expiration date soon

my granddad was a Czech volunteer for the Kreigsmarine where he worked on u-boats from about 1941-45. More service than your granddad in all likelihood.


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Es geht ums Prinzip du Hurensohn

Your mistake is thinking any of us actually give a fuck about her the real aim is to dissuade any other females who might be considering betraying their race

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LOL Surensohn fucks her

Hahahhahaha faggot frog knows even less geography than the average mutt

nigga coruptin wite germ buty REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee

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>I still have no idea what ASMR is I reckon it's a form of porn where the roastie doesn't take her clothes of?
Kind of but not really. I've experienced ASMR since I was a child. It's basically a feeling of extreme relaxation and calm. There are many different triggers for it like the sound of rain, or writing, someone whispering in your ear, and personal attention. This causes 'tingles' which start from your head and move outwards throughout your body.
Personally the first thing I think of when thinking about asmr dongles is my mom washing and playing with my jair when I was a kid. Maximum comfy feeling.

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case 3: pic related

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It's not inherently sexual




I wonder how long until her pet ape goes bananas and it's posted in the BURN COAL PAY TOLL threads.

BASED LEAF you are now an honorary scotsman

Ok frog

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Should cut those swarthy nigger hands off with an axe, then spike them to her forehead.

Can someone give me a quick rundown of ASMR? Is it fag shit or kike shit?

White women fuck dogs.

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ASMR is for fucking retards
I get maybe listening to recorded sounds from nature.
but women whispering into microphones is the cringiest shit I've ever seen or heard

The dude is spanish according to the chick.
What the fuck are you all on about?

it would certainly be enough to convince enough allies to butcher their Jewish overlords, so who knows?

>faggot frog
le evil rire

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its like an npc brain wash thing

I would rather be with a girl who used to fuck a dog than a girl who used to fuck a nigger if I'm being perfectly honest.

Majority of the yt asmr "artists" have non white husbands and bfs, so whats your point?

>being american means tough choices and liberty

Gibi too LOL ?

Yes and almost all from the UK have indian/black bfs, quite an interesting thing to observe to be honest.Oh and she is not white but latin american she did a test recently and talks about it.

*honk honk*

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Just to clarify the husband isn't black. Pretty sure hes Arab or Mestizo.

Gibi is a kike and so is her husband.

Incestomutt invade the thread

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Take the dogpill.

>but latin american
yeah i noticed she looks almost like the latino girl in the Purge tv show

>give me (you)s
i give you one, but only because you posted gigachad

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>the New German
I joke all the time with my parent when ever he watches German tv. Theres always that black tv host or a black comedian for no actual reason besides diversity quotes and then you wonder why they murder politicians.

Europe is going to collapse because Germany will go full retard son, Spain Italy and Greece are poor countries by default and they can endure most of the shit going on, but Germany wont endure a democratic crisis.

I suppose you won't understand it if you don't experience it. I'm surprised that Jow Forums doesn't seem to experience it since it's more commonly associated with introverts.

Anyway, to put it in a way that's easy to understand, it's like a brain orgasm I guess

both is bestaility and disgusting, m8.
Seek proper wife-material.

Isn't she italian descendent?

I will spit on the next french I see here in your name of course.
Even so she is pretty good when she does all of those cosplays.

>she is not white but latin american
She's Italian and German with a bit of English and North African.
But she's southern Italian (sicilian), so still not white

Jow Forums behind by half a decade again lmao.

was known for more than 5 years that she was married to a spaniard.
summer gap is real

the white race lost the game in the 1945 the jews have simply been rubbing our noses in it ever since

How do you retards find this shit?
The only videos I watch are about restoration of old tools or Forgotten Weapons.

I always imagine women who marry Indian men or Hispanic men who can barely speak English got badly hit on online and was so desperate they went with them.

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I was introduced to it by an ex-GF. Like all women these days she had trouble sleeping and this somehow helped her.