Based Canadian Pan Man Arrested, Charged With Assault With A Weapon

Charged with assault with a weapon and denied bail. Now he's going to rot in jail for six months until he goes to trial. You can't even smash Antifa faggots in the face in Canada. Fuck you, Canada.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I watched the video. A clear case of self-defense! Damn those leafs.

The leaders of the western nations are out to oppress and Murder whites. There is no reasoning with them have to fight back

our legal system has lots of leway based on feels and politics and "racial injustices"

not surprising he got fucked

"racial injustices" code for anti white in all these nations

Fuck off priscilla pedo.

Do not bring your brass knuckles to pride bring your booty





The raw video clearly shows that Anifa had been attacking them ALL day, and they were defending themselves. Unfortunately, this won't matter to the pozzed justice system in Canada. They will make an example out of Pan Man.

So opposing the gay community is now religious extremism? That just made at least a third of the country religious extremists

But in the video it's obvious he defended his comrades from assault.

hahaha I love the sound effect in that slow mo video.
I was half kidding about the self defense, but actually I shouldn't have been. The mask-wearing antifas are attacking people, and pan man is stopping them.
I was told the right of self defense includes protecting others:

>hahaha I love the sound effect in that slow mo video.

What's even funnier is the fact that it's literally not a sound effect. That was the actual sound, just slowed down.

Canadians do not have a right to self defense

Why brawl with the druggies and homeless scum that are shock troopers of the elites? Why not just assassinate the elites directly? You're going to get decades of jail regardless.

We like peace and non-violence here, glownig.

If you look at the UPDATE FROM DETENTION CENTER video above, it shows the email where you can send Pan Man commissary money. He's already been attacked in jail, so sending him some food money would be helpful.
The email is:
[email protected]

No it was a legitimate question. Violence is already being used. Why is the violence directed at poor homeless and mentally ill people and not the people who herd them into the streets in the first place.

Thanks, I'm gonna look into that.

>it shows the email where you can send Pan Man commissary money
Literally anyone can have control of that email. There's probably a way to deposit money into his jail account directly.

Any based countries out there left or all we all doomed by zog

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it was not an incitement to assassination because it had a question mark at the end. Case closed."

Good point there, fren. Well I personally think the best strategy is to found Orania-like communities in White countries all over the world, and let the racemixed societies collapse around us so we can easily retake them. No violence necessary.


Also if we're looking at subsets of countries, the Afrikaner community in South Africa are at 2.3 birth per woman. And the Amish.

this gay loving boomer really showed him that he has to show respect.
I mean that boomer's father died for gay kids rights on the beaches of the Normandy
we all should be thankful for the timeline we have now!

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Yeah true. I used to correspond with a White prisoner (about 20 years ago at this point), and I mailed him money orders. Definitely gotta make sure whoever's controlling that email address isn't skimming off the top--unfortunately that's a perennial issue in the pro-White movement these days.

Should have worn a mask like those anti fa guys.

It showed the email in the video, which was made by people who are legit a part of his group. Watch the video above. They show the email at the bottom of the screen near the end. The guy in the video has done other videos with Pan Man, so we know it's legit.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Ohio. The court ruled that incitement of events in the indefinite future was protected, but encouragement of "imminent" illegal acts was not protected. This "view reflects longstanding law and is shared by the Federalist Society, the ACLU, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and the vast majority of Americans, including most staunch free-speech advocates."[19]

Incitement to riot is illegal under U.S. federal law.[20]

>Can not physically assault antifa without major jail time
>Undisputedly the best snipers in the history of mankind
>No guns

Lel lel lel lel lel lel lel lel XD

We're fucked

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I think if you email the address listed above and ask them how to direct deposit money at the jail itself, they will tell you how to do it. It's supposedly run by a pastor. The jail he's at is named in the video above, and Pan Man's name is Chris Vanderweide. So you might just be able to call the jail directly and deposit money into his commissary account over the phone. The dude in the video said that several people have already done that.

Ok, sounds good. Thanks for doing this for this guy.

the worst thing is I had harder fights when I was 12 years old. We fucking beat each others with sticks and stones. I remember when we put fire ants into waterballoons (pro tip: doesn't work). That time we grinded down some toxic plants and put it into a children's water gun was fun tho.

Canada is lost. Even kids here are allowed to be more rough than adults in Canada

>be white male
>defend other white people from being attacked by anti-white terrorists
>go to jail
kek. I don't understand why anyone bothers anymore.
The white race doesn't deserve saving. Just take the Asia pill and watch it all go down from the sidelines.

Wear the mask to do the task

I'm 28. male and have never been in a fight in my life, not even a friendly or sport related one for fear of the law.

We need to take care of /ourguys/

Y'all are idiots getting into it with Antifa and not wearing a mask. They literally want you to fight them so you'll get arrested. Start using anonymity like Antifa does.

That's how ZOG infested states around the world have always disarmed their serving, expendable Goyim....thru control of the media/Jew Propaganda and then the Jew-owned National legal system falls inline. After that the Goyim are fucked, as in this case



I haven't been in a fight since like grade 6. Someone could pull a knife; there's no honour here anymore. You always hear about fights that started normally and then someone ends up dead.

Also, I'm a big guy: 220 lbs. 6' 2" with 16.5" biceps. I'm convinced that if I connected well enough with a punch to the head I might kill someone. Or, he falls and smashes his head. I don't need that - I have a white family to start with my wife.

That video was infuriating.

Not even atifa, they got what was coming to them. It was those fucking liberal boomers inserting themselves at the end. Left attacks right: nothing. Right fights back: "Come on maaaannn... can we all, like, get along?"

Okay. I'll gladly toss him a few bucks if I know it'll go to him. If a proven legit gofundme shows up, I'll give to that, also. This whole thing is bullshit.

I think it may be him in this video as well. Sounds similar in another video, and looks like the same outfit.

Oh my god It's him.

>Canadians do not have a right to self defense
>White Canadians
fixed that for you

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If this were America I'd be pissed but this is Canada, we have to accept that they practice their own, albeit backwards, culture. Just make sure to oppose any efforts to bring leafs into our country.

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>be Amerishit
>get shot

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Another angle and better quality here
Fight is around 23:00 not sure if the rest of video is kino like the last one.

if hitting people with pans gets you prison (which you probably wont survive, remember the bacon mosque man in britain) then maybe you should just go ahead and bring a gun

>Charged with assault
He was defending others. It's clear from the video he was having a smoke, and only jumped to defend a guy who was being assaulted by 3 antifa thugs.

Is there no justice in this world anymore? Because if not, then why not go full Tarrant next time, if the penalty is the same? You get jailtime for defence while antifa thugs get away scott free for aggravated assault. The "Justice" system is inciting violence instead of preventing it.

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why didn't he simply put on a surgical mask and say he was performing an abortion?

LMAO @ this fucking coward crawling away in fear. Not so tough after getting his honker smashed. Fucking piece of shit.

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>heh you may have won the battle but you lost the flag
>its over for rightards

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pretty retarded that this wasn't ruled self defence. The video clearly shows antifa committing theft and then assaulting people, all while the accused was having a smoke. He jumped in and leathered them with whatever he had to hand

It wasn't premeditated, fatal, or unjustified - clearly an activist judiciary.

CBC coverage of mall fight

There is also video from a demonstration earlier in the day where they were uttering threats. But Lady Justice has to listen to Drag Queen Story Time before making her judgement.

Sauces on the loli?

That is where this is heading. If you get max punishment for lawful defense as if you were the attacker...

why not attack instead? This is becoming a war.

That man is a national treasure

disgusting spin.

>raw video is no longer available

Rly makes me think

This is also the type of stuff they read. Even if it does not sway the court that they clearly advocate a culture criminality it can sway public opinion.

>“ soon as you begin to act in harmony with nature the Law garrotes and strangles you—so don’t play the blessed liberal middle-class martyr—accept the fact that you are a criminal and be prepared to act like one.” - hakim bey

>Crime has been the core of queer since queer came into existence. The Church and State criminalize our bodies and sex. We, in turn, embrace this criminalization as a means of survival in the capitalist economy. Ed Meade and Bo Brown robbed banks to fund the George Jackson Brigade, an anti-racist and queer guerrilla cell. Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) turned tricks and mugged straights. They distributed the wealth so younger trans people would not have to resort to the same measures. The list of crimes perpetrated by queers in resistance to capitalism goes on and on. Bash Back! chose not to confuse the criminality of capitalism with the supposed criminality of survival of queer people within capitalism.

There are other quotes which sexualize this form of violence as well. I will try to find the essay, it may be from another anthology with a similar title.

Attached: queerultra.jpg (1008x1600, 94K)

The key is to manipulate the situation to make it seem you are the victim. A great way to do this is to subtly antagonize the other guy and they usually flip out in front of the cop and then you go "see? The guys a fucking lunatic and should be separated from society". I've done this twice. The cops always go for the one who appears to be the most aggressive of the two. So if you can control your emotions and override the adrenaline and do a "gee golly, sir I dunno what this guy... " type of thing while the other guy is flipping out you're good

Still work. Watch on youtube.

Another good one:
>We have been robbed of our anuses, just so they can turn them into parts for their ignominious machine which produces Capital, exploitation, and the Family. Reduced to its most practical biological functions the anus is becoming fortress—impenetrable, singular, productive. Our very excrement is assigned commercial value—so many nutrients per cubic foot, average moisture content, cost of processing.

>To reject the commodity logic of shit, we embrace the anus becoming flower—pleasurable, penetrable, commune. The anus has five muscles; the flower, five petals; the fist, five fingers. The anus is the common sexual nexus, an enclosure in the commons of pleasure. We refuse the mediation of our anuses under the logic of biopower, instead unveiling their insurgence by elaborating a logic of scat. In other words, the anuses of our revolt are scatological rather than biological.

>The human strike blossoms at every point of rupture; which is to say, at every point of emergence. Let us speak of the anal rupture, the emergence of fecal matter from our bodies. The human scatological strike will produce nothing in the act of defecation; while leaving nothing behind but an empty rectum. In the space of this void, we become whatever singularities. Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police, while our anuses, no longer mere appendages of flesh upon a machine of nitrate circulation, are filled with found objects. Our anuses becoming… cumming glitter, shit, whatever.


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>denied bail.
No, his bail is opposed, not denied yet.

>Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police,
This specifically is advocating one of the worst forms of violence there is. Cops and prison guards would have no sympathy for this at all. They have to deal with this shit with the lowest of criminals.
It would be a shame if they found out that the people they are protecting advocate such disgusting tactics and ideas.

>If we genuinely want to make ruins of this totality, we need to make a break. We don’t need inclusion into marriage, the military and the state. We need to end them. No more gay politicians, CEOs, and cops. We need to swiftly and immediately articulate a wide gulf between the politics of assimilation and the struggle for liberation.

>We need to rediscover our riotous inheritance as queer anarchists. We need to destroy constructions of normalcy, and create instead a position based in our alienation from this normalcy, and one capable of dismantling it. We must use these positions to instigate breaks, not just from the assimilationist mainstream, but from capitalism itself. These positions can become tools of a social force ready to create a complete rupture with this world.
>Our bodies have been born into conflict with this social order. We need to deepen that conflict and make it spread.