>socialism cant be achiev-

>MIDAS ROCK Giant golden asteroid contains enough heavy metals to make everyone on Earth a billionaire – and Nasa is heading there in 2022
We could literally all become Bill Gates turn our cities into El Dorado with this

Attached: IMG_20190627_203133.png (720x1040, 571K)

God I hope it crashes into the North Pole and kills everyone in England and the United States.

>for socialism to function a giant rock from space has to fall to earth-

omfg you cant be more stupid

>we'll all be billionaires

Or, you know, gold would become worthless.

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

I hope it crashes into Israel and then all the Jews who didn't die flock there to scavenge gold and then Iran nukes the crater killing every jew in the world

Or we could just stop giving billions to military contractors every year. If everyone is rich then nobody is.

>mining our precious metals from space


What does Islam have to do with it?

>flood a rare commodity market with an unlimited amount of said commodity
>expect there to be no change in the value of said commodity
Anyone who buys this shit is beyond retarded