>socialism cant be achiev-

>MIDAS ROCK Giant golden asteroid contains enough heavy metals to make everyone on Earth a billionaire – and Nasa is heading there in 2022
We could literally all become Bill Gates turn our cities into El Dorado with this

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God I hope it crashes into the North Pole and kills everyone in England and the United States.

>for socialism to function a giant rock from space has to fall to earth-

omfg you cant be more stupid

>we'll all be billionaires

Or, you know, gold would become worthless.

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I hope it crashes into Israel and then all the Jews who didn't die flock there to scavenge gold and then Iran nukes the crater killing every jew in the world

Or we could just stop giving billions to military contractors every year. If everyone is rich then nobody is.

>mining our precious metals from space


What does Islam have to do with it?

>flood a rare commodity market with an unlimited amount of said commodity
>expect there to be no change in the value of said commodity
Anyone who buys this shit is beyond retarded

>real extinction level events haven't even been tried

>everyone acting like theres gonna be some equitable distribution of this find.
If they get that gold on earth, jews will already have the safe built to keep it locked away from everyone for eternity, this is what will ACTUALLY happen.

stop dreaming faggots, its childish

You can't eat gold faggot

We are not all equal

>over supply of gold
>every wealthy nation on earth is worth nothing again
>society falls back to it's worst state again
lol lets get some GOLD

same senpai

THIS holy fuck, how can these dumb fucks be so retarded, the market adjusts, prices devalue and consumption goes up because all of a sudden people can use gold like they use copper, THE PROBLEM WITH SOCIALISM IS NOT RESOURCE RESERVES IT IS THE LACK OF ECONOMIC INCENTIVE TO ACQUIRE SAID RESOURCES AND UTILISE THEM EFFICIENTLY

World's first trillionaire will be the first guy who figures out how to send ice and metal rich asteroids into orbit around the moon (or earth if one dares) and then mine it efficiently. It won't benefit anyone down here, but it'll make giant spaceships and stations a reality

yeah because that's how economy and distribution works

Bon appetit eating your gold nugget moron

They wouldn't even be able to flood the market, same as on Earth they could only mine it as fast as the machinery can run. Then there's also be the added limitation of transporting it hundreds of millions of miles back.

But imagine the applications. Pure gold conductors in all of your electronics would be fantastic, dropping the demand for copper, which in turn makes electronics even that much cheaper

I hope your mom get raped by a kangaroo right after you eat a steaming pile of her shit.

it won't happen. taxpayers will get the bills and parasites will get the profit


>Make everyone a billionaire
>Now being a billionaire is worthless as everyone has billions of dollar

>How to make gold worthless
God I love commies, guess I should invest into silver.

>and so when everyone's dead socialism finally works

Read 1984. That is if you're able.to.read at all

better buy some bitcoin then, since it'll be the new gold

Islam is the most near socialism of all religions

How the fuck has no one made an Austin Powers reference yet?

That isn't how it works, gold gets its price from scarcity, it has very few tangible values apart from that.

It would just completely devalue gold

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> ayo der whytie, wat yo mean billionaire is worfless ? We wuz billionaires n shieeeeeetttt

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Gold worth so much money only because it's rare you dumbfuck. I'm not surprised tho - lefty and dumbfuck are synonymsfor a reason.

>We would all be rich
Leftists are so god damn retarded it's dangerous

Anyone heard of the tulip fiasco? Same principle.

There’s too many applications that would benefit from having near limitless cheap gold for it to not be worth the trouble

>be redpilled boomer
>all the boomer tier youtube channels tell you to buy gold
>put all savings into gold
>NASA just fucking decides to get a ball of gold to earth
>gold is worthless
Kikes do everything nowadays to screw you

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that's like saying $1 won't always be worth $1 and that just sounds like some bullshit

Yeah but how the hell would they get it here?

You have to go back

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sure it would increase standards of living in some aspects and gold could be used more liberally as a catalyst for certain products and used in certain compounds cheaper but it isnt going to do anything for the amount of relative wealth everyone has only the level of ABSOLUTE wealth

lmfao these fucking retards
more proof leftists don't understand shit about economics and are just after free shit

wtf i thought we were friends australia :(

what are you trying to say?
$1 will nominally always be $1 but it won't have the same purchasing power

fpbp why even bother replying after this

we fucking hate u fucks, litterally americanism is a fucking cancer, now we have cunts kneeling for the national anthem because of u fat fucks, ur shitty neoliberal system has spread and fucked every new world country in the world

I’m just arguing for the value of gold in the applications such as engineering and medicine.

Gold has no real use other than trading cause of its scarcity, it isn't like uranium where you can actually use it for fuel.
A huge surplus of gold won't provide much benefit to the world, it's resistant to corrosion, has uses in medicine and electronics but small amounts are needed anyway so it really doesn't matter.

Won't that make gold worthless as a form of wealth?

Goddammit, how many fucking yids are working at nasa for fuck sakes?

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>Giant golden asteroid contains enough heavy metals to make everyone on Earth a billionaire
Thats not how value of something works.

>Last time a giant rock from space hit the earth it didn’t make socialism worm
>That wasn’t a real space rock and besides, it’ will work this time. Trust me

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believing in the capitalist system to the extent that having more of a shiney metal (shiney bead *ahem* *ahem*) solves economic problems

the inalieable state

Enjoy drowning slowly with your leb boyfriend, cunt

It would make gold cheap you dumb fuck.

ya debeers has this perfected

Precisely, Journos don't understand basic economics.

>tfw money uses the Rock Band font

When everyone's rich, noone will be.

After the Jew has taken its cut, I sure there will enough left for a happy meal at MaccyD's.
Actually maybe not.

>every society
They said nasa nigger, we aren’t sharing

this is a very very very lame bait dude....or maybe you are just a retarded redditer...i dont know..

sounds like a pretty retarded idea

calm your tits

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Its an alien ship in disguise, nuke it with all our finest nukes.

the title of the article is just a click-bait.

this desu.

Lol, gold is expensive due to supply and demand. Increase supply 1,000,000 fold and gold just because as worthless as lead. Nobody becomes rich. Just lol.

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Why must Aussie always be so goddamn BASED?

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why so salty, dingo eat your baby?

Awesome understanding of economics you have there.

bunch of retards arguing about a fake story.
Dont you think a responsible journslist would mention how they know what the asteroid is composed of?

I wouldnt say worthless, it has lots of industrial uses that could send the spacerace into exponential overdrive. But yeah, also lots of paperweight.

Strap rockets to astroid and steer it into Earth
That way we can mine it here and any survivors will be Rich

>Everyone is now a billionare
>The economy tanks
>Hyperinflation everywhere
>The rich gets richer
>The rest of society devolves into somalia
also >implying they wouldn't just pocket everything and crash the gold standard

there are alot of practical uses for gold so it wont become worthless.
the only thing it will make worthless is gold investors.
they're already worthless tho.

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>poverty level becomes $10,000,000,000
we really showed them didnt we?

Kinda puts $1000/mo yangbucks in perspective

You are right! Socialism not having the problems with resource.
Anons, please heed words of internet asshole! He has identified one and only problem, and no way he is wrong about the one problem. Mother Russia would never waste space resource with mouths to feed

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actually gold is a worse conductor than copper, i cant see gold being used that much

We survive, right senpai?

Imagine wearing a white tie.

Alright Jimmy, listen up.
If everyone on earth is a billionaire, then there will always be people wealthier than others. Therefore wealth is relative.
Prices will shift, rendering all that extra wealth useless.
Its supply and demand, the primary economic principle.
Apply yourself.

Because it's going to cost alot to bring that mined material back to earth for processing.
And you as an ordinary person will never get that gold, because it will still go to the jews.

>gold becomes common
>somehow wont change its value
When everyone has too much it's worthless

Value of asteroid / deposit / whatever = value of extracted resources - cost to extract - cost of transportation

It's literally less that worthless

Doesnt he know the story of Smitty Werben Jaggerman Jensen?

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>I can't into basic economics: The Thread

are you literally mentally disabled?

are you economically retarded?
gold would just become worthless. socialists really are fucking stupid

Just fuck off already lefty shills, all of your threads have the same exact format.

No, there arent. Sure it is used in electronics. That doesnt mean gold is useful to the average person in normal every day life. Value of gold is due to scarcity. Precious metals are as such because they are rare. If everybody has billions of dollars worth of gold, it just sets to 0 value.

Some Jew is going to build a space ship and claim that rock and hoard the gold for himself to avoid the prices bottoming out by keeping most of it off the market

I thought we was best pals :C

And canada please

How are socialist soya-boys and their pet niggers going mine a fucking astroid lol.
Let's say for arguments humanity some how got these precious metals, all that would happen is the rich will keep it for themselves and restrict it to the common man like they do with diamonds.
Or if you go the other way, dumping loads of precious metals on the people with make it worthless.

So many retards in this thread. They mean in theory it has enough value to make everyone a billionaire. Not that it would or will make everyone a billion. Literal minded fools.