New poster campaign to reach wider audience

By now I think our White Poweder movement basically includes avery White Aryan Chad that exists, but to make this a mass movement we need the incels too. I know I know, us chads do no want anything to do with cringy incels, but remember that we need shocktroopers in the comming rage war.

So what do you think? Will it work?

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Thanks for believing in it. In case it is not clear, this is of course the follow up to the moderately successful It's OK to be White campaign

But it is the Jews' fault that I don't have a GF man

that is awful. please kill yourself

further proof that greeks are actually retarded

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highly ineffective slogan
even if someone was slightly convinced by this, what would they search to look into this in more detail?

Retarded for wanting to recruit incels through the only thing they care about? Not at all

>recruit incels
>immediately blame the jews
>incels think wtf
>post is obviously lambasted as racist
>you are a fucking retard you stupid greek

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why its always some greekfagg behind the most retarded ideas?

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And how could they search for "it's okay to be white"? I think this one is more on point

Dunno, we're a nation of philosophers and sorcerers

Chad on pol you wut mate

>moderately successful

Literally the most successful meme campaign ever. Literally forced to opposition to state 'It's not okay to be white'.

You don't even know the rules of this game, do you?

that one doesn't need research for a person to realise, it is a clever way of pointing out a double standard

this however, blames with no clear link and even that will not stop the crazy feminist train

Yeah that was pretty cool, but we can do better if we use my campaign. Trust me

>Bet these dumb drumpfers will buy into my strategy to make them look terrible hahaha

Jews are cockblocking them, how is that hard to understand? Jews = No Fuck. Gas Jews = Much Fuck. Simple

just sage this shit before the retard doubles down and gets thrown in prison for taking pictures of islands.

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The Jews sent an Illegal from Israel. Married her to give her papers and now I have a sexfriend. Thank you jews.

I'm just a regular hero trying to save Evropa

far too direct, it will be suppressed immediately.
try again

you should an hero to save "evropa" you irrelevant amoeba

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>D-don't do it Goy!
It's afraid

Go prep your bull cuck

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we have less refugees than you you Athenian dog

well if you are gonna have that attitude by all means do it. make us victims so we can take more of your jobs.
you deserve it for being so short-sighted.

>we have less refugees than you you Athenian dog
I doubt that, but either way we got less rapefugees. Enjoy your multiculti Nigel, it's what you voted for

Once the incels learn that it it is your fault that they can't have sex they will literally gas you within a weak. At this point it is really just a matter of if Jow Forums got the balls to post it or not. Ah life is good Kike!

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>ITT: Greece saving Western civilization as usual
Why are we so based Jow Forums

Because we are the one nation the Kikes can't control

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This is true for many because of the state of society. Normal, decent guys get fucked over by the way things are. Work like cattle, sell your soul, live a material life. White women get brainwashed to laugh at them and date blacks

>without the jews women would be willing to fuck you even though you're awkward, ugly, bitter, and anti social

You idiots, OP is obviously some stupid journalist from some fag leftist blog who created this thread to screen cap the results and then write some faggy article that aims to accuse “alt-right incels or blaming Jews for their failures.”

when you try to threaten someone it helps if you have good grammer.

obviously or he's a CIA or Mossad operative. Watch your back out there anons..

You don't understand how psyops work. You need to say something which is normal but triggers liberals. So normies do not side with them.

More like: "We want H (for Heterosexual) to be added to LGBTIQ, why? Because LGBTIQ is an inclusive society and H is just another sexuality"

See what I did there? They cannot include H so that expose them.

has a better ring to it

I don't care about optics.

I like it OP. please do poast it all over

>thinly veiled Stage 2 disinfo
Stick to making gyros and hairy women.

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I think it's more my wife's fault.

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People claim they have high iq and then can't spot a fat troll

No wonder the American empire is dying

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My pic related is a good message. The Jew fears every truth, no matter how innocent it may be.

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Do you see the Svastika on my chest? It says youre not welcome here!

Piss off, you filthy Journalist.

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>47 replies to this shit thread
JFC newfags just stop. Sage

Hiding behind a Hollywood actor with a fake tattoo
while posting anonymously on Jow Forums

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