Is it true that zoomers are the most conservative generation since World War II?

Is it true that zoomers are the most conservative generation since World War II?

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No but know what else is true?I fucked your mom!

I work in the field sales office of a fortune 500 company. We do tons of research on emerging demographics.

I can tell unequivocally that boomers are about as fucking retarded as it gets. They are not our last, great hope. They are deficient idiots who like crap and listen to e-celeb morons.

They are trash.

Sounds like a lie that meme-rightists tell everyone to make them feel secured.

Even if there were more white supremacist kids than ever, they would be outnumbered by all the mutts and minorities breeding like rabbits anyways

Meant to say zoomers and it autocorrected.

they have no free speech I feel really sorry for them. At least back in my day there were a few small facts scattered into the public education propaganda


lol no

They said this about Millenials too.

They pretty economically moderate and redpilled on neoconservative corporatism but they're very socially conservative when compared to Gen X and millenials. I guess sharing classrooms with fags and tranny kind of opens your eyes.

No. We are the most polarized though. There are cum-suckers who honestly believe all the progressive bullcrap to the letter, and there are actual fascists among us too. Of course, there is also the larger masses who don’t really follow politics beyond what they can meme or what they hear on the news too, so overall I’m not sure if you could define zoomers with an overall political identity over than polarized.

>google amp

Zoomers are clowns

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Millenials were the first generation to buck the trend of a progressively liberal slide; they're about split 50/50 between true conservatism and progressivism. That's mostly because 50% of millenials are still experiencing the pillaging comfort of boomers.

How old are zoomers?

18-22 generally

That would be the Millennials. Zoomers are more conservative and have a darker, more absurd sense of humor, thus better humor. They aren't pussy failures like the Millennials because they weren't raised by Boomtards.

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Most of my friends love gays and blacks.
Most of the females I know lost their virginities when they were 13-14 (around 80% and another 10% 16-17).
My Gen A brother was one of only 3 other white kids at a NASA summer camp he went to.

Absolutely not.

To be fair Boomers also looked like crap and worshipped celebs when they were young

The whole current internet culture was built by millenials.

My parents are rich boomers and I'm simply disgusted how they don't care about anything at all, just traveling and stupid dinner parties with other boomers.

nice pic :) it's true because the pic says so :)

Based Serbian

Yeah and how'd that turn out

Not at all. On top of that they are even more liberal, cynical, lazyer than then onions ridden millennials.

No that's a literal boomer meme

You are retarded. Keep walking.

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you mean the degenerate shitshow full of unfunny and unoriginal humor?
yeah sounds about right

Rage comics, Facebook, Emojis
Basically all the current internet humor / culture

We all know who are the winners here.

There's definitely been an awakening in millenials who still have some sense of a moral core as well looking upon the actions of their parents.

There is a small subgroup that's conservative, and they get over counted. Even among that group, a lot of it is just nihilism or doing it for the bants. The zoomer chicks are absolute leftist retards, as bad if not worse than millenials. There is no hope to be had there.

God, you guys are such faggots. Just like your parents.

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Nigger Jow Forums was spitting out dank memes before you were spitting out breast milk. Sit down, be humble as you say

No. I work with a 20yr old and his Boomer father. Both of them are as bluepilled as it gets. The father is completely okay with his daughter burning coal and the son is a weed smoking, rap listening, esports gamer faggot. It's fucked jim.

2 anecdotal examples of the worst of the generations not the best. 1 good man is worth a million of them.


LGBT acceptance rates are dropping because trannies are ruining things for everyone, but that doesn't cause an automatic shift to conservatism in all political issues

another pic will prove my point :)

Go away kid, ya bother me.

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Jow Forums needs to come to terms with the harsh reality.
Know the path forward or you will get caught in traps laid out for you to step in.
Ignore this warning at your own peril.

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The only truly good Millennial meme was Pepe. You guys suck are making memes and all of your impact was cringy.

How is it possible you guys are such faggots?

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So sad that a whole generation could become the equivalent of the untouchables in India.

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a zoomer just flew over my house!

Shut up and go dilate your hole, nobody cares about what kids like you think or want.

Absolutely not.

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Stay in your feefee fantasy land of Fortnite and ungodly shitty negro rap music.

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considering that the average iq has been steadily dropping since 1975, they probably just don't understand what is going on

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Yes. Zoomers are based. You can hear (((them) kvetching.

The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That's why results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

>e-celeb morons

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Yes and No, its rather more extreme the lefties are commies, and the conservatives are hardcore too.
Also most dont care about politics but whenever they see the real world(they get robbed or see salary or shit they become red pilled fast)
So I think Zyclon is the best chance, much better than millenial for sure

I would say boomers were brainwashed to dead. And millennials (pic related) revolted against those multiculturalist hippies. While zoomers go with the flow.

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At least for me, yes but being objective about people of my age absolutely no.

Rather misleading headline. And it's just the results from one survey. See

We win

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Good thing I already have property for my family.
Also, only retards amass student debt. Everyone with a spark of intelligence left picks up a trade, not some worthless degree at Tranny UNI


>they aren't pursuing a job!
>they are pursuing their own develobmend!

Riiight like being alienated from the fucking job market due to king nigger and the housing crisis for 10 years isn't the reason.

While simultaneously being over-educated for almost every job position and in debt.

If President Trump manages to employ the millennials he will win in a landslide.

on faggotry sure

Absolutely correct.
I'm one of the older zoomers, and my best advice for all of you is DO NOT PUT YOUR FAITH IN THIS GENERATION.
Unless we can get into a position where we're the ones dictating what is promoted on social media, these retards will keep serving degeneracy. Most whites I know are lefty wiggers who listen to rap, and I constantly see them post about some type of celebrity and anti Trump shit (not MIGA-type stuff, just the usual "ORANGE MAN HATES THE POOR BROWN KIDS REEEE").
Also, the whole SJW mindset is transferring to lower age groups. Recently some girl claimed she was gender non-binary, and another girl just posted some Tumblr post bashing Zion Don for getting trans faggots out of the military.

what is it about avocado toast you cant just make at home? its bread and a spread, it cant be that complex to justify spending so much

Just because we look at hentai trap porn every now and then doesn't mean we're faggots.

Millennial's generational culture consists of shitty liberal hipster gimmicks.


Same for Zoomshits plus rampant tranny worship and POZed videogames

>Basically all the current internet humor / culture
So, Facebook and emojis?

Zoomers are the most retarded generation to date. The only reason people think they are based is because they are either apathetic or make a joke about things boomers or someone else would take seriously like the holocaust. But saying all that they are the most based because they will be the final nail in society when the boomers die off, they cannot sustain what currently is. It will all come crashing down when the torch gets passed to them.

Former vet who is currently going to college here. From what I can tell, it's a mixed bag, which makes since it's a very ethnically diverse generation. Surprisingly the most conservative zoomer I've met was an extremely religious and sweet blonde girl who is a nursing student.

A lot of zoomers are more libertarian right than traditional conservative.

More like the shit you see on Reddit, which is still shit but objectively better than that early 2010 garbage you normies were spitting.

Our generational culture is the complete opposite of that. You've obviously never talked to a Zoomer. We are more conservative than you by far. You guys are offended by everything, we don't get offended at all and joke about sensitive topics constantly.

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your generation is as useless as your acid burnout parents shits getting progressively worse and you just sit back and make fucking nazi jokes when nazis were just another bolsheivsk arm i hate you faggots so much and your fucking matt damon haircuts from 1994 fuck zoomers so much

Generation Z will be known as the ultimate coalburning generation. Most zoomer girls idolise light skin black men and Hispanics. White guys are either emasculated or hated for being privileged. There is no quality of life for zoomer white men. White girls just prefer black guys now

These kiddos are pretty based.

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Seethe more cancuck Millenifag

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Jews have never been more afraid of losing power since the 1930's. I enjoy all the kike shills here desperately trying to not get gassed for real this time.
Look at the coordinated effort by kikes to monitor this place. Insecure and effeminate - natural jewish behavior.

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No, but they certainly are the gayest

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>haha le BASED alpha CHAD who doesn't give a fuck xDDDDDD

absolutely based

The little kids... 6th grade and down remind me 1980’s kid...

daddy? Am I half Yugoslav?

Not at all
Coming from a zoomer

Zoomer here(19 turning 20), Large majority are at the Corners(I'm an ancap for example), the ones that are Apolitical or centrist just meme whats popular to meme at the given time

They don't really give a shit about politics at the moment, although most of them hate fags and trannies

I disagree as a zoomer myself.

Image not related

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Please don't post clowns, I'll cum.

You're a fucking faggot.

lol obviously fucking not, you moron

like 40% of young people believe in democratic socialism

>Is it true that zoomers are the most conservative generation since World War II?
Fuck no, they're all a bunch of faggots. Go to fucking twitch.

Disgusting, just like the Boomers.


Dirtbag Progressives are not conservative, they're just cynical. Millennials are probably 70% progressive.

Holy fuck, almost everything in that graphic is garbage. What idiot composed it?

>more socially conservative than Gen-X
Zoomers are our kids. They are us, meathead.

Here you can see the weekend shift glowbitches putting in time to defuse the coming Zoomerpocalypse.
You guys broke the Millenials with weed, stupid culture, shit music and games.
What will you cunts unleash on Zoomers to make sure they fold and follow the herd?

Compared with previous generations when they were gen Z's age, Gen Z is more conservative.
this still makes them libtards when compared to the currently living generations. But the rule of thumb of people getting more conservative with age should still apply.

> inb4 2033

Oh look it's one of the fags who thinks that any truth that goes against his worldview is a mossad/cia psyop.
Sorry to break it to you bud, but zoomers are a meme for a reason. Sure there are a few who are redpilled and ready to fight (I'm one of them), but they are far outnumbered by the retards I mentioned in my previous response.