Jow Forums humor thread; This kills the Zoomer edition

Daily reminder: DOTB (Day of the Belt) is coming soon.

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Daily reminder:i fucked ur mom

Spoken like a true summer break zoomer.
You will get the belt first.

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these are so fucking bad that not even the shittiest tier boomer could even consider posting them.. this has to be a false flag to make Jow Forums look like shit.

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I love these Tomi memes, someone send one to her

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NONE of anything you've posted is fucking funny, is your sense of humor really this unsophisticated? Fucking kill yourself

Q: how do you make a hankercheif dance?
A: put a little boogey in it.

Boomers get the pillow.
This is now a memeball thread

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what is this? pizza place and caller said AnneFrank as name?

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the fuck?

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Libtardism is a mental illness! I’m so happy I found friends my age on this Jow Forums, it gets lonely here at the house sometimes.

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this real?

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fortunately yes.

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owh wow, this is likely real too. shouldn't you let such monkey do the thing as they're ill-tempered and stronger than you?

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This shit is Gang Weed tier

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Bre. Bruh. Brel.

I just can't. This is too cringey. Mke it stop.

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Benin Empire flag, yes, that's in Africa.

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wtf are these boomer tier memes?

I hope this one was made ironically.

this pic is british propaganda, germans are more modest than this

i don't know, i'd try to run, or at least crush his nuts just before my... deflowering

everything but be a democrat

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you dumb nigger, it says 2013. that's someone's deviant art


i'd let her faust my panzer, if you get my drift

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this is boomer humor, don't wet yourself ya little baby

I want you to know that I love your posts whenever I find them.
They make my days bright.
Now what political cause do you want a million dollars to go to in your country, mr. serb?

Why the fuck hasn't anyone compiled a list of all these sources, along with everything they've claimed, the camp they claimed it all happened in, and if any traces of such evidence was found.
Additionally, add if something like US inspections has since determined the camp not to be a death camp.
Have all this, then a list of everyone who claimed something since proven to be false.
Then, flag every claim of gas chambers that were claimed by someone proven to have lied elsewhere, see if there's any gas chamber claims left by people who didn't just make up bullshit elsewhere.


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ok, dad

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good thing they got tiny dicks and don't last long. you'll just have some nigga sperm between your buttocks.

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He was or at least i hope, joking

they have. and they published, they were smeared, and went to jail

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Ray Hagins that you?

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that's a reverse coal burn. do we even have a word for this?

>it's real

we've reached memetic levels that shouldn't even be possible

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>the left can't meme

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poor snoop dogg.

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toll reversal

boomerism shows huh
oh well

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dude these boomer memes, and sadly boomers can meme better than the left. their humor is antiquated, but at least they have it.

not my proudest fap

After the first debate

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just looked him up, wtf

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Has anyone got the dolphin edit, could use some girly giggles.

Most tolls have some sort of reward program. They must have cashed their points in.

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I audibly laughed at that one. My mom called me after the debate and asked if Cory Booker is gay.

Uber boomer cringe.

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