why doesnt the right wing create its own academia then?
why doesnt the right wing create its own academia then?
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Because people on the right are not subversive like Jews and they don't expect the institutions they built to be so corrupt
thats not an answer to my question faggot
It's called technical schools and they already exist. Next slide thread europoor.
The mainstream right is conservative and isn't interested in change and generating new ideas.
I'm rightwing but hate conservatism since it seek to maintain the status quo, you'd have to create a new right to do something like this really. They'd also face gate keeping from mainstream academia.
Right wing did create the universities as centers for learning, where the knowledge of the past could be kept and tought. Academia was created to be, and is supposed to be, unbiased.
Remember, the left wing is a force of corruption and eventual destruction. It cannot create anything.
It already sort of exists I guess, but is very scattered. The left is much stronger and better organized
You know I have to share a flag with you. When people make retarded comments like this it hurts my credibility as well
What the hell does "create its own academia" mean?
we are doing just that. arktos.com
I created an school on how to fuck your mom.
It's called breathing and getting a job you fucking pollock
Growth and development are not exclusive progressive ideas. Learning is not a partisan matter, universities are just centers for learning. The left wing wants to change that. The left wing is destroying universities. Right wing, and conservatives for that matter, builds and works to maintain the system which guarantees the purpose of universities.
you cant even spell your own language you fucktard
Since this site is mostly INTP's and INTJ's I want to know if they've ever met someone with their same personality and roughly same intelligence who just happens to be diametrically opposed to them in line with a right-wing/left-wing dichotomy. I highly doubt people are "ideologies" rather than "personalities"
We had one. You invaded it.
Because everytime we do we either win the culture war in that country so hard that the entire jew run world unites to destroy us or we have our speaker assinated by the (((CIA))) in an attempt to keep the country working for its true masters.
>why doesnt the right wing create its own academia then?
Probably too busy working real jobs.
>yo whitey own all dese intutushuns n shiet we cantz rise up nam sayin
this is how you sound
academia was created by right wing, Rabbi
The left didn't create the academia
They just subverted it
They have a lot of faggy left wing ideas, they should just admit it. Government should not be funding them indirectly with loans (that they are now trying to steal from tax payers).
Why cant the right subvert the academia?
You need a lot of scummy backstabbers with no morals for this job.
Left has almost a monopoly on this.
>Left has almost a monopoly on this.
The Weimar republic lost to right wing Hitler
Youre debunked - the right is equally capable of this
too busy doing real work
Why didn't Poland fight it's own war?
You'll pretend to be right wing, get in, and subvert. Many institutions were created as right wing, it is your side that has to steal societies and institutions, it is tied with your fundamental inability to reproduce without a host.
>and My Hero Academia
rip poland
>make public foundation to support right wing academia
>paypal cuts funding
>irs curb stomps you
>declared terrorist orginization
>international money lenders organize antifa to terrorize the last of your group
you think unemployed homeless hippies 'created' academia you dumb slurrynigger? Like most things, the right/conservatives created academia, and then the left took it over when nobody was paying attention.
>why dont you make ur own country hurr durr
>why dont you make ur own government
>why dont you make ur own x y z
all the left ever does is parasite and subvert existing structures and institutions and then tries to rewrite history and pretend those things were their's all along. It's so tiresome. And why the fuck do you even care about this subject, is someone paying you to push subversive propaganda online or something?
How did the polock brake his arm raking leaves?
Fell out of the tree.
Also u guys were total bitches in ww2.
>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power
There are "right wing" colleges in the US, mainly christian ones. But they get infiltrated by leftists within a generation and become the thing there founders feared.
Fascist Transhumanism sounds good, but an Aryan child raised by niggers is going to behave like niggers.
I mean, if Canada invaded us and started rounding up all the jews, faggots, and nogs, how hard would you fight back?
You have to understand that christcucks (conservatives) are not really right-wing. There are only low IQ faggots with a need for order. Only materialistic secular anti-egalitarian ideologies (for example: Nietzsche) are truly right-wing.
>but an Aryan child raised by niggers is going to behave like niggers
hohohohohohoh And once again the christcuck shows his true ugly face. Social constructivism is left-wing pseudoscience. Genes determine behavior, nothing else.
Goddamn it fuck you Kojima.
Because the left will do everything they can to destroy it in its infancy.
Most high IQ people are left-wing.
If it was we'd get free rides like the niggers do.
By killing them all yes.
high IQ people can still be evil and ignorant
Graduated from a catholic benedictine college, my last year there the fags on campus strapped a rainbow flag on the statue of the saint we were named after. The school almost shut the gay club down after that because it's still run by a council of the monks. God I loved that school
Besides, in your studies, there were no control variables for religiousness. But the faith of the crucified jew is the biggest clue for a low IQ (pic).
The ruling class always owns the institution so that it may solidify it's power.
How did you get the thumbnail to convert to another picture?
>Abloobloo make your own [thing] then!
>We do
>Thousands of upset articles in the media calling for the end of [thing]
You must feel so oppressed to know that anything we do gets shut down without much effort.
there is right wing academia, it's just not institunionalized like global liberalism is. Also the real redpill is seeing academia as academia, regardless of tendency. Drawing your own conclusions from both left and right is called "third positionism" and it's shilled from both sides. Let that sink in.
Consider how zionist supremacists get away with it, they are pretty much right wing racist and condone the subversion and extermination of gentiles. They get away with it because they do not scream their real intentions as retards, they actually manage to drive the optics and present themselves as victims of these "right wing supremacists".
>inb4 b-but that is being a cuck
screwing the optics is a thing
>inb4 b-but that's adopting kike methods
well, when you stare into the abyss...
Polish are the niggers of Europe
>why doesn't the right wing start it's own acadamia
Because we have to produce durable goods / wealth for blood sucking leech trash Marxist acadamia to demand at gunpoint.
Yes, at my engineering school, more often than you think. A lot of them turned out to be berniebros, just not in your face about it like typical berniebros.
They see the same problems, but because they limit their information intake to msm/kikebook/hipstergram, they come to different conclusions.
For example, they think stagnant wages are caused by income inequality, not inflation and outsourcing. And rising college costs can be fixed by making it "free", not by stopping the floor of guaranteed loan money that artificially inflates prices and enslaves them to perpetual debt. Stuff like that.
I am, I'm getting my teaching credential.
>t. failure lefty trying to subvert Jow Forums
go kill yourself
Nature > Nurture doesn't mean Nurture doesn't exist you mong
shitty false equivalence
historically all white institutions and countries are great meanwhile all-black and all-jewish institutions and countries are either shitholes or receiving gibs from white people.
This. Have you guys ever adopted a street dog/cat and they seem to have a lot of bad behaviours (disobedient, dips on trash etc) from their street days? you can actually train them to behave despite their background.