Too many wh*te """"people"""" in the NFL

>As we sit mere weeks away from the start of 2019 training camp, about to kick off the NFL's 100th season, you can count on two hands the number of true high-ranking non-white decision-makers among the 32 member clubs. There is just one managing ownership group (not counting minority partners): Shad and Tony Khan in Jacksonville. There are just four non-white head coaches and just two general managers (Chris Grier in Miami and Doug Williams in Washington, though Williams does not have final say over personnel decisions and Bruce Allen is in fact Washington's highest-ranking football operations official). And, as conversations about the topic have intensified around the league with Warren's abrupt departure, I've had several people opine about the lack of diversity across the board.

>It begs the question of whether the demographics of these positions will actually change significantly from the top down, or if more systematic changes must be made in the way individuals achieve these positions in the NFL. Will it take more people of color atop team front offices to see more people of color serving as coaches and general managers?

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Attached: hello i am huwhite11.jpg (600x463, 123K)

theres too many niggers in NBA

correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most of your NFL players burly black dudes?

diversity = getting rid of whites

Attached: giphy.gif (400x270, 298K)

>74.4% of NBA players are black.

>70% of NFL players are black.

sports fans are cucked beyond belief.

>on two hands
So somewhere between 6 and 10 out of 32. So 19% are non """white"""

The NFL and NBA should purge all non-blacks from their ranks. Then we can watch as they self-destruct in a spiral of corruption and incompetence.