Start Calling Leftists Dictators

There was a thread a while back about how the term 'Leftist' isn't memetically powerful enough. It is adequately descriptive, but not very meaningful and easy to shrug off.

The word 'Dictator' is very descriptive:


>Wrong opinions deserve prison/death

>'We' need to forcefully change 'them'.

>Using anger, shaming and emotion to shout down opposition

It is also full of meaning, and negative connotations. Most important of all, it's TRUE. The truth is like a mirror, you can deny what you see but you still see it. If someone says you deserve to be silenced or locked up for your opinions, or tries to do so, calling them a dictator is absolutely correct.

Start calling leftists dictators, and their ideology dictatorship. Watch as their seething rage confirms the power of distilling truth into words.

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I like this plan.

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Sounds good to me

They are wannabe dictators because a majority of them will never have the power they so crave.


I call them evil. But dictators works too.

I generally just call them sociopaths but i think dictator will work better.
They know they are sociopaths.

This will work like the term snowflake. They won't buy into it, then before you know it they will act as if it's their word for us. Just call them Jews.

I hate summer. This is such a stupid fucking idea and anyone who thinks this would be effective must have sub 60 IQ.
>muh democrats are da real fascists!
Shut the fuck up you retards.

I thought we were gonna turn hydration into a dog whistle, what happened?

I still prefer calling them 'ctrl-left'. It's a much more accurate description and has some meme potential. Too bad it never really caught on.

I think it's better to call them commies or pinkos. They may not realize it themselves, but everything they push for is for the end result of totalitarian communism.

I think Pinko is the most derogatory

See this right here?
Proof this will work boys.

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It's a stupid idea but damn this made me laugh.

Glad i could be useful for once.

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dictator isn't quite the right word and its too dramatic. the term should emphasize their policing of thought and behavior imo, something like crybully, extorter etc,


>let’s just call the people we disagree with worse names
>that’ll prove we’re right
This is pathetic.

Thought dictator

I also wanted to write about a recurring phrasiology I've noticed that betrays even quite mild normies' lean towards centrally controlled dictatorship and slavery.

Speak to anyone who's not explicitly on the right about world issues, and they'll constantly use the word 'we' to mean 'all of humanity'. "We need to stop this, do that, and start moving this way" etc. They never specify who they mean by 'we'.

This betrays their collectivist mentality. Take an issue like sea levels (supposedly) rising, threatening low land in Bangladesh. A problem almost entirely caused by China, America and India, and which will mostly affect Bangladeshis. Yet, propagandised Scottish people will describe this as "we need to cut back on pollution or WE're going to lose land".

They all do it. Anyone 'educated', in the sciences, any public office, celebrities, IT people, UN pawns, generally anyone plugged into the matrix. They act as if some Chinese dying of air pollution they caused themselves is a grave tragedy in the West, or students and the unemployed in European cities have some right and duty to protest Trump.

They believe wholeheartedly in universalism, probably not even consciously. But universalism becomes dictatorship. Suddenly it's our business how the Middle East treats gay people, it's the government's business how you raise your children, because 'we' all 'know' that 'we' need children who are x, y, z if 'our' civilisation is going to survive.

Once you notice it, it's incredible how often people use 'we' completely vaguely. They will say it many, many times in a few sentences. It's made watching many documentaries impossible for me because I end up shouting at the screen "who the fuck do you mean by 'we'?"

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>emphasize their policing of thought and behavior
This is exactly the definition of dictatorship.

Fascism is a specific political ideology, dictatorship is a form of government and not the same thing. You can have a left or right wing dictatorship. The point is they associate the word with evil, but it perfectly defines their behaviour.

I hate how the left just enforced what the media says. If you question them with logic they call you racist or bigot for no reason

Thought censor.

Collectivism isn't bad.

The weird thing is all the vegetarians I know are right wing small c conservative, borderline fash, libertarian or at least starting to question leftism.
Including myself.

All the leftists I know eat disgustingly.

Leaving the cows alone is Aryan, senpai.

But to give a non faggot on topic answer, Dictator is spot on. Tropico is a fun game, I’m not even a gamer but has anyone even made socialism work there?

Entertainingly, this completely blinds them to any possible solutions, because any solution in their minds depends on everyone holding hands first and then doing it together for complete mutual benefit. As opposed to competition and positioning yourself and family ahead of the curve, and ignoring and keeping out idiots and fools who can't see the ends of their actions.

They wholeheartedly believe that humanity will either all die as one, or all make it as one. The concept of individuality really is dying out. They are not willing slaves, they are enthusiastic ones.

>give me a cage so I never have to look after myself
>gets in cage
>ooh I do hope we all make it!

Our politics are far too complicated to compare to Americas black and white "left wing" and "right wing" politics.
This is why city people should be banned from voting, you are basically American to the point that you think our politics are the same.

If they were referring to 'we' as their countrymen I would agree. Collectivism and universalism are different though.

Quiet shill. Dictator isn't an ad hominem, it's an accurate descriptor.

that is retarded. they all fancy themselves as the next stalin

>High intellect post sommelier

I need a txt file to post to other Australians ‘I didn’t say that, once.’

With a dose of ‘and here’s why that’s a good thing.’

Also, one day I’m moving to the country, to chat up your women as they make my onions latte, dawg.

But you are an idiot who thinks cows live a bad life, cows live a better life than any other domesticated animal in Australia.

I don’t want to ban meat eating. But using less In general or sourcing it ethically should be a value. That’s White Person 101, what can I tell you...

Understand that your typical fat leftist hates being told that if the left all agreed *Themselves* to stop eating meat, use public transport and walk more, buy less plastic shit and not have long flights every year they could save the planet, they will cry and tell you no - cows themselves need to be banned. Provided they can actually breathe for all their outrage, I’ve seen it happen many times. Leftism is consumer culture. That’s why fatties get the rope - the jump rope.

We live in Australia, it is sourced ethically, you ever been on a farm?

Have you seen factory farming, halal slaughter and live export? If a farmer treats his animals well, I want people to eat less meat, pay more for his quality product.

This is a good idea.

Fucking dictators.

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You do know Australian beef and lamb is all grass fed cattle right?
See how much they suffer?

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Armchair dictator.

Wait i mean backseat dictator.

>I generally just call them sociopaths but i think dictator will work better.
>They know they are sociopaths.

This is the way to go IMO. They are antisocial, terrible people, and describing them on their base personality traits is much more powerful than trying to describe some future job position they want (dictator).

Looks like someone doesn't like being exposed for what they really are.

It's not an inaccurate description of them, think the women who want the right to abortion, they are clearly sociopaths.

Until they are processed.
That kind of herding isn’t good for the land, either.

Yes it is dumb shit.
It is called Holistic farming.

Attached: grassland restoration before-after.jpg (620x300, 146K)

Permaculture works better fren

No it doesn't.
You can't do permaculture in most of Australia.
You want to fix the land or have greenhouses in the city?

This is stupid, I like it

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>There was a thread a while back about how the term 'Leftist' isn't memetically powerful enough. It is adequately descriptive, but not very meaningful and easy to shrug off.

Bolshevik is memetically powerfull, it fit and also can make new generations interested in learned the past.

Just call them bolsheviks, and then subhuman bolsheviks.
If they say anything to you just reply that bolsheviks aren't people and so they don't deserve human rights.

Fuck off, dick tater.

Tarwyn park is permaculture. You just displayed a pic of an open field with no natural vegetation, another LARPer in an Akubra with a Nationals membership, makes sense.

Also the problem is not identity or collectivism per se. Everybody has an identity and everybody form part of a collective.

The problem is weakness, degeneracy and autoritharianism. The problem is that we have impostors in positions of power.

We need rightfull leaders in power.

Tarwyn park is Natural sequence farming

Wana fix the desert?
Holistic farming.
Want to keep the water in NSW and victoria?
Natrual sequence farming.

I’ll concede that you overrode the b8 and know more on the subject. In any case, factory farming, live export, halal slaughter are a disgrace and should end tomorrow.

Bump, I agree. We need something more visceral than leftist, but also not obscene/vulgar. +1 for dictator

>This will work like the term snowflake. They won't buy into it, then before you know it they will act as if it's their word for us. Just call them Jews.

This 100%. We need something that clearly references the left, that cant possibly be used back at us. Remember these retards using the NPC meme for US a couple weeks after it came out? This will be the same thing.

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>Just call them Jews.

Meant to delete that. Thats actually stupid, need something better

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I was always calling them dicktakers. Dictators doesn't seem that far off from target.


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