This Ape-bama appointed nigger faggot judge just blocked border wall funding permanently

Say something nice about him.

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>A federal judge appointed by former President Barack Obamaafter contributing heavily to his campaigns hasblockedthe Trump administration from reallocating $2.5 billion to construct border barriers

>US District Judge Haywood Gilliam expanded on a May 24 order, forbidding the Trump administration from breaking ground on specific border wall projects in California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.

>"Congress was clear in denying funds for Trump’s xenophobic obsession with a wasteful, harmful wall" said ACLU staff attorney Dror Ladin, who argued the case.

Trump has no choice but to go through Congress to get funding now.

I hope he still has some good leverage on the commie-globalist assholes.

he can't block anything PERMANENTLY

It will be appealed.

I am so fucking sick of niggers


will take years

>expecting roberts to not be a spic-loving turncoat

Abolish the 9th circuit and re-appoint judges chosen by Trump.

Obongo was called the deported in chief. Obongo wasn’t very welcoming to spics, although the left tries to get us to forget that.

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was slavery worth it? lol

fuck niggers

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Bypass the 9th circuit and take it to the supreme court. Only way.

you stupid stupid fuck
the congress is approving over 4 billion for the wall
nancy caved this week, dont you read the news?


When it turns out RBG has been dead for years and has been ruling on close SCOTUS decisions as a dry corpse the revelation will be a catalyst for Civil War II

The legitimacy of those decisions will be thrown into doubt and they will be ones that each side needs to go their way.


just because you call something permanent doesn't make it permanent.
appeals courts exist and this ruling WILL be overturned

it's literally outside his jurisdiction and he should be held accountable for such a gross misuse of his powers and the resultant media spin

Great when are the ICE raids?

Only the SCOTUS has the power to block presidential executive orders nationally. 9th district judges at the very most might have the power to block the effect of the orders in the 9th district. I have no idea how this absurd idea that the 9th circuit can block Trump orders nationally developed.

>no Obama judges

They've been happening for years

No. Speaking as a Southerner, I really wish my ancestors had just picked their own damn cotton.

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Oh but he happened to cancel the bigly one for whatever reason.

clarence thomas already threw a shitfit over lib judges doing this. hopefully we'll see him follow through on his threats to have the conservative majority limit the power of tro's now

MIGA, trump is such a failure am I right shills?

For SJW, it's always about how much the latinos are suffering which is why illegals have the right to get USA taxpayers to take care of them.

Great for Trump, now he can continue to hide behind excuses about as to why he didn't make use of the powers he has as President to secure the border.

i wouldn't know you faggot, i never owned slaves

Activist judges are traitors

Because he doesn't want them gone, just like he doesn't want to combat the invasion effectively. This is great for him, now he can just continue to point fingers at everyone else while accepting no responsibility for sitting on his hands from the start.

YESSS lmaoo

> xenophobic obsession with a wasteful, harmful wall
lol. nooses are needed

Biochemical warfare what is needed to get ride of pest.

why do nigger heads look like they feel lile tennis balls?

Worry about your own country’s political processes disgusting merchant flea.

im SO FUCKING SICK of our useless government, judicial overreach, legislative uselessness.

I swear to go every one of these motherfuckers deserves a bullet to the goddamn temple.


wrong, see how fast muslim ban was appealed and upheld...will less than 1 year at most

>Only the SCOTUS has the power to block presidential executive orders nationally.

But if everyone simply obeys it as a "judicial precedent" then it de facto becomes national. Just like that Californial federal judge Pfaelzer ruling that illegal immigrants can apply for and receive social welfare benefits.

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It's still getting built as you and I typed our posts out. Construction won't stop because a judge said "NO U", they'll just continue wherever the judge didn't specify and if it's on land that the government already purchased, they'll ignore him same as last time. Supreme Court just needs to rule on it already so we don't have to hear the peanut gallery screech anymore.

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>blocking funding for a wall that was never getting built

I don't know who's more of a dumbshit, this judge or you idiots


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she looks like if Shaq had a baby with Oprah

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Trump explicitly stated long ago he alone has the authority to stop immigration

I’ve seen the law, can’t find It because I can’t remember what it is, but it’s real and trump basically quoted it, only to then act like he has no power and no right to do this without help from the rest of the government

This is all a show, trump doesn’t want to stop immigration

>blah blah blah hearsay, blah blah blah orange man bad

you shartblue soi boyz are gettin started real early this time huh

> xenophobic obsession with a wasteful, harmful wall
lol. nooses are needed

Rulings in other circuits are advisory, but aren’t official precedent.

They would have been glad to if kikes hadn’t devalued the labor by shipping in tons of slaves

Just like they do now with Mexicans and agriculture

I voted for him. I might vote for him again

But every single politician needs to be publicly executed for treason in Minecraft

The point of Judicial obstruction is to prevent an agenda until the president is replaced. It takes time for cases to bubble up to the supreme court but by the time is does 1-2 years of the president's agenda is blocked and that's assuming the supreme Court ruled in favor of the president

>trump doesn’t want to stop immigration
>Trump wants to use immigration as it is to prove a point about the hypocrisy of the left's ideals and then use said law to cement his 2020 run

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And it’s not hearsay I saw the law you fucking stupid miga cuck boomer

saying you saw or heard something and not being able to show evidence is the textbook definition of hearsay you dumb faggot

Until you can provide this thing you say you saw but can't remember, you're full of shit and it is hearsay.

Too late faggot, Pelosi cucked.

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Hearsay for you, not for me

The fact that you retards don’t know this just makes me not even care to bother with you

Thanks for confirming how much of a waste of time Jow Forums is now, that you fags still don’t even know this

But here you go

Under Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code, the president has authority to use a proclamation to suspend the entry of “any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States [who] would be detrimental to the interests of the United States,” for however long he deems necessary

>“The immigration laws of the United States give the president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons. Now, any class — it really is determined and to be determined by the president for the interests of the United States. And it’s as he or she deems appropriate.”

— Donald Trump, speech in reaction to Orlando shootings, June 13, 2016

He’s a do nothing kike pawn

It's a district judge though, the lowest ranking federal judges besides magistrate judges.

The leftist news media is somehow spinning it as okay for a California Judge to block border wall building in fucking Texas which isn't even under the 9th Circuit.

ACLU sued in California instead of in the Texas District where the border wall was being built.

This is actually an insult to Texas federal judges since a California Judge is intruding into their territory.

lol he doesn't have the ability to SPEND MONEY though, which ICE ENFORCEMENT and THE WALL


Maybe. This was expected. You're acting like Trump being stonewalled by judges is somehow a brilliant move out of left field.

Then how did he just give 50 billion to isreal out of nowhere

Good. Only a turbo mutt would support something as caveman as a fucking wall kek. Invest this money in real border security by making the wages of border patrol competitive and investing into border facilities and judges you stupid kikes

congress did that you retard

This has to be a troll, no one is this stupid.

He has an American flag so he must be a paid shill or something.

sorry cucks

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>massive ongoing spending payments that will be quickly overwhelmed by the large numbers of fucking mexicans coming in

>compared to a border wall and removing everyone that actually gets in, making the thousands of dollars they paid to cartel coyotes to get here not worth it

Making the wall almost impossible to safely cross on foot is a great deterrent too.

We do need more legal white immigrants that speak English and hold Western values.

Nope...6 mos. Max

Trump pardoning a Jew rabbi who was being punished for hiring lots of illegal immigrants as one of his first moves in office doesn’t give you a hint?

Bragging about the economy being great, how women and nonwhite have so many jobs, and how he wants more “legal” immigrants than ever?

He did a full 180 and became a sellout just like Obama, doing nothing, if not the opposite of what he promised

They probably do have a vid of him to use for blackmail. He flew on Epstein’s plane

see and also talking about Obama-era promises that didn't get passed isn't helping you.

Going to SCOTUS. This is liberal feet dragging. Obstruction of agenda.

I thought Mexico was paying for it

This judge should be beheaded as an example. If we allow any judge to overturn an executive order, it means that any executive order must be UNANIMOUSLY approved by every judge in the nation. Which is absurd. The judge does not have jurisdiction, and those who filed the suit have no standing.

>speech in reaction to Orlando shootings

Hey dipshit, did you read what you wrote? That was referring to Muslims because a Muslim shot up Orlando. That law was also cited in (successful) defense of his travel ban. That is an entirely different matter than illegals coming in from the Mexican border. We could ban Muslims because we could prevent them from even boarding the plane. How do we stop people when we don't even know exactly where or how many are coming because they sneak across?

Next time think before you end up spewing shit out of your mouth hole

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that's still pretty cucked. us québécois don't like anglos and wops much more than niggers. what about your own people, user ?


He’s done fucking nothing. Barely slowed down the speed of the west’s collapse if at all. Fuck this shit, let it collapse for all I care, I’m not hyped to go vote for some piece of shit who wants to stall the happening until I’m a fucking weak old man

He has the authority to declare a stop, he doesn't de facto have the authority to stop it because the government officials would find ways not to carry out orders.

Jew that got life in prison for ripping off Jewish bankers.

He hired illegals just like a lot of food processing businesses but got a heavy sentence because Obama and Muslims didn't like him.

Time to make New Afrika!

>How do we stop people when we don't even know exactly where or how many are coming because they sneak across?

Shoot them and they stop coming

for better and for worse, that's not how things work in first-world, non-fascist governments

Anyone got his email and number. Call the court

He's done a great deal, not that you'll admit such, it's not my place to spoonfeed every accomplishment to you either. If your inquiring mind wishes to know, there's enough news sites out there to accommodate you or just lurk moar.

“That’s not how things work”

My ass. We could carpet bomb Mexico off the face of the earth and nobody would do JACK



No one gives a flying fuck about them to start shit with America

Fucking pozzed faggot boomers and your cuck rationalizations


WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED that a mulatto nigger abomination appointed by another mulatto nigger obamanation was in favor of miscegenation?

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I'm with this guy.

you're on a power trip, user, and being delusionnal. you're not #1 anymore and you've been trying to pull yourself out of losing wars since Korea, ideally with unwounded pride (it doesn't work).

that's a nice fantasy you have there but again, we don't live under fascism

We don’t even have to be the most powerful country in the world to shoot people for invading our fucking country

Literally what the fuck do you think would happen? You think lefties would start a civil war and win with China on their side or some shit? The fuck


How is shooting them fascism but throwing them into camps isn’t

Fucking eat shit

mitt has still got his magic mormon panties in a wad

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>muh deportations are fascist
Either hack out that blackpill or just kill yourself.

Who is stupid enough to believe this?

put them in a camp == eventually they get released into our country (if libtards win) or get sent back to where they came from (if libtards lose)

shoot them == immoral

No I’m saying shooting them wouldn’t be fascism for the same reason putting them in crowded 110+ Fahrenheit camps isn’t


I think you'd lose allies and influence really fast, and find yourself out of people to believe in your exceptionnalism. since this is such a strong component of american identity, I'd expect more white suicide alcoholism and drug abuse, and you'd go down the shitter faster than you will by having a balanced approach. your sons would also die in avoidable conflicts that would become a given, you'd find yourself with latino terrorism on the inside, and you'd need to spend a couple more useless trillions on security.

imperialism and world power status breeds power fantasies and violent expectations among the public, which eventually leads to overreach and collapse. think, user.