How can i get these nigger dogs banned in my city?

How can i get these nigger dogs banned in my city?

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Wait until a nigger child gets killed by one and push for legislation.

You cant but you can try banning me because i fucked your mom too many times.

pit bull stands no match against my pet gorilla

banning things only makes them stronger

Its just a doggo


gentrification. if enough rich white people move in, the nigger dogs cant afford it have to move out

No it gives you legal authority to remove niggers who keep these in banned areas

Make them a symbol of white nationalism.

No. You can't.

>rent a room
>bitbull judging contest
>$1,000,000 top brize
>offer free kibbles
>boison all of them

Fuck pitbulls

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Get attacked by one

When Australia tried this my dog simply identified as a "Terrier" try banning those. Alternatively, sue me and make the courts pay for a DNA test, if you can afford it. But by then I will have a new rental in a new county and also all your personal details thanks to the court proceedings.

There's no salvation for good people like you. Accept it.

Boison them.

Nice...i can use this link

its a nigger breed for niggers... and fags trying to virtue signal

Boison da bit bulls

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Attached: pitbull.png (798x578, 53K)

the mentally ill trash that own these disgusting things will devote every second of their unemployed lives to ruining the lives of anyone that speaks out about these shit beasts

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I see all sorts of assholes with these dogs. I don't like them either, but no particular brand of person prefers them.


Import Muslims

i see roasties having them, without a leash, not picking their shit up in areas where leashes are required, also if citypersonel sees you not picking your dog's shit, you will be fined 60€, but I've never seen any kind of park controller where I live. Also you need a licence for most fighting breeds, but nobody is controlling that either, you can get pitts, rotties and sheperds everywhere. Me and my wife carry pepperspray everyday. Also made a slamfire pipegun and a diy pepperbox. Dumb mutts (dogs, not americans), I gonna cull all of them and make dogsoup once day x happened.

I like your moxie and capacity for adaptation, but I have to maintain that 'trash' is the common character trait for ownership of these dogs, rather than any particular race or political orientation

I own pitbulls and they only bite non whites

Why would you make your daughter fight a pit bull :(

Jesus Christ even as puppies they look evil.

this isnt the answer, she prolly paid full price for them and creates demand in the market. Just create awareness and be non violent most nigger dog owners have a habit of making bad choices not just their dog preference

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Kill them all

>and also all your personal details
As if you'd ever do something about anything.

release a few of them in a daycare.
let public outrage do the rest

Then OP will fall in love with nigger dogs if they end up killing and eating niggers. *button press meme*

Lmfao. How hard would you laugh if you were walking down the street and all of a sudden pit starts absolutely shredding the face off of some dindu in an absolute rage?

not very nobody deserves to get niggerdog'd pitbull owners should be shown the testimonies of former owners who were attacked in a 1 week course or something IMO if you want a pitbull

niggers most definitely deserve to get their faces gnawed off by a pitbull. If you disagree you are either a full-blown nigger yourself or have never lived around niggers, quite literally kys.

They're not nigger dogs. They're more like tigers. You need to be trained to safely handle them. In that regard, they should be treated like big cats or other dangerous pets.

don't let your nigger genes out like that, you're embarassing all the other mutts

don't let your nigger genes out like that, you're embarassing all the other mutts

Associate them with right wing white people

It's true though. Owning pitbulls is like owning wolves. Some people actually do own wolves but they generally have to get permission and be trained to handle them. And you're sure as shit not allowed to own wolves in suburbs/cities.

Personally I find pits and related dogs ugly as fuck and pointless to own as pets. As attack dogs they're great, but there are superior breeds for that as well. Shepherds and dogs for tracking/hunting are GOAT.

If you figure something out, let us know so we can use it on niggers next

Get a strong laser pointer and clandestinely get the dogs to chase it into other people.