Be me in America

>be me in America
>see atleast one or two churches literally every square kilometer
>see Christian schools everywhere
>see bible put in nightstand in my hotel room
>see people praying before eating
>see people with crosses and Jesus bumper stickers

Why are Americans so backwards? It’s the 21st century, religion isn’t relevant anymore.

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>religion isn’t relevant anymore.

says retard on continent being overrun by Mohammedans.

>be me in Bongland.
>eee at least one or two mosques literally every square kilometer.
>see islamic schools everywhere.
>see Quran put in nightstand in my hotel room.
>see people praying before eating.
>see people with headrobes and suicide vests.
Why are Bongs so Progressive? It's the 21st century, Islam is relevant now!

A whole lot of problems would be solved if all of America was as Christian as you're trying to imply.

And we’re the degenerates lol.

Your daughters will be raped by religious sandniggers.

Tell us again how religion doesn’t matter, weak one.

>>A whole lot of problems would be solved if all of America was as Christian as you're trying to imply.

Gen z has a higher rate of church attendance than the millennials and boomers and is less degenerate than both generations so we’re making a comeback.

Show your flag Israel

Yet you guys seem okay with minarets and shitskin heathens praying the street.

You ought to be kidding me. Those social-media obsessed vidya-playing niggerised freaks that are the Gen Z Americans are LESS degenerate?
All generations are worse than the last one.

Its more relevant than ever

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Retarded, bait or both.

>t. Never been to America

Unfortunately you're not wrong. All there was in the town I grew up in was gas stations, baptist churches, and bars/liquor stores. Very depressing

Nah I don’t think this is a Jew. I’ll bet this meme flag is some obnoxious progressive from the west coast.

Desert religion indoctrination

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>hurr durr show flag
Shows flag
>derpty derpadoo nao take off vpn
is not using vpn
>herfherfhurgledee i knoo it ur a kaik!

Just kill yourself you brainless nincompoop

thats nothing. Here in utah theres 5 mormon churches for every little small town lol.

Fuck off euronigger

Fuck off kike.

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This is now a holy thread.

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>be yuropean
>go on Jow Forums
>"why do americans: ...."
Rent free faggots. Just more proof we're still on top

Dear lord please help OP stray away from homosexuality and find salvation in your son Jesus Christ.

Libertarianism is a tool of satan. May you find salvation.

Mohammedans, this needs to be brought back. It's entirely innocuous but it will immediately tell you who is a brainless moron not worth your time.

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>is being ethnically replaced in his own country
>just more proof we’re still on top

May god have mercy on your soul.

Half of Americans believe the rapture is coming within their lifetime. It's why evangelicals literally worship Israel.

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Nice bait


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#notallamericans user. At least we don't have a "church tax" like Germany.

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And a ching chong bing bong to you too, Mr. Chang.

I wonder (((who))) made this post

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Religion is still relevant for those that wish to partake in it, I prefer to not get angry about religious beliefs because in the twenty first century it is silly. The problem with America is its a smorgasbord of every religion, including high level Satanism, Christian Nutters, Muslims, Jews, fucking everything. It kinda sucks.

>and is less degenerate than both generations
Gen Z being the least heteronormative, most transgendered generation, I doubt it.

Proof that God exist? What is having Faith atheist retard.

>proof that god exists


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Fuck off boomer. We see through you.

>he thinks going to hell is cool
Enjoy being tormented by satan. I’ll have fun in heaven with my bro Jesus

Tell me more about how some penguins got on Noah's Ark.

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The infographic is foolish. Its implication is that in order for there to be an existence of God then the Universe must be perfect. If this perfection existed then what would be the point in free belief? We'd instead all believe and there wouldn't be free purpose to our lives. The deeper (pointless) questions you retards might want to ask can all be asked when you're judged before Christ and sent straight to hell.

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Too bad the american youth lost their way to the faith. May the Lord have mercy upon your great people.

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It seems like Catholics weren't Christians at all.

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but everything that went wrong is atheism's fault :^)

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the day of the bullet, rabbi

>its aproaching

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Yes, atheism supports strong family values, while Christianity is just a backwards religion focused on some random guy from the sands. It’s not like Christianity helped slow the spread of homosexual degeneracy or anything.

In Europe, a outside religion is taking over.
Mosques being built everywhere.

Why bother complaining about America?

Here only 60+ people go to church, if youre christian here youre basically larping same with pagan, theres no community.

Fortunately for burgers
>blow up the church
means something else in Alabama than it does in Sri Lanka

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>God could've created the universe with Free will and no evil?
Contradicts free will. If people dont have the choice to be bad, then free will doesn't exist

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Who the fuck makes these charts? I get people not believing in god because "Eh, I don't see it." but some atheists seem insanely invested in something they believe to be entirely made up and inconsequential.

Sounds awful.

*crack* *siiiip*
Don't you have a fornite dance class to attend, sonny?

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That really depends on where you live. Our church is chalk full with people of all ages every Sunday.

fucking christcuck

Religion will always be relevant.

This is the most retarded argument I have ever seen.

At least I'm Catholic.

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We only have this bible belt here, there are plent religious people there but its very concentrated in certain area's.
I wanted to find a church where I live for me and my gf to go on sundays but I could only find these elderly people.
We dont really believe anyways, we just thought itd be nice.

AVE MARIA, Plena Gratia

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Yup and they do more for the community then any of the mexicans that are flooding this great state.

Sauce on cosplayer girl please gib.

Why don't you go and suck islamist cock. mosque humper.

>religion isn’t relevant anymore
You mean people don't find it relevant anymore. It's a different concept, you social fuck.

Good thing Protestantism is as degenerate as the more modern atheism.


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les huguenots à la seine ! m'enfin, ou dans le saint-laurent.

>Says the Talmudic Babylonian.

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>>be me in America
>>see atleast one or two churches literally every square kilometer
>>see Christian schools everywhere
>>see bible put in nightstand in my hotel room
>>see people praying before eating
>>see people with crosses and Jesus bumper stickers
AND YET america is the most degenerate country on earth, creates and exports all of the degeneracy in the world, is soon to be a,thrid world country, and very soon to be majority nonwhite


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Keep looking. Sometimes all it takes is one particularly passionate pastor to draw people in. A neighboring community saw a massive rise in attendance after someone else started holding service, because his sermons were just that much more interesting. Also the first step to getting more young people to go to church is to actually go to church as a young person yourself. Imagine you had seen a young couple like you and your gf there when you went. You would have been reassured, right?

>You will never have a THICC Spanish Christian gf.
Why live bros.

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hideous, do you worship Nyarlathotep in there?

>be euro sodomite
>bloody asshole from last nights meth party
>some prude ugly fat american is praying
>project my inner hate onto him and expect him to hate everything like a victim emo bitch


Personally I chalk it up to many American Christians not wanting to have liturgy and also not reading any early Christian writers.

You get raked last leaf.

Are you sure? Lmaoooo

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Least we don’t have nude beaches.

That is God talking directly and specifically to Jews and about how people are to be tested in Israel

Religion is important OP. Have you ever considered that current Christianity is a byproduct of subversive influences infesting it with moral decay? In the end, religion gives people faith and hope for a better tomorrow, along with a strong moral compass to live their lives by. I do not care, we have this thread every single day. Every single day, it's the same nonsensical rambling over and over again on both sides of the aisle. Religion is important to people culturally and socially, but it's best to not let it get out of hand. That is my philosophy. Now fuck off, and stop your pointless bickering.

I go to church...

& I also say a prayer gratitude before I eat.

That's my right to due so.

There's nothing wrong with that.

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>Least we don’t have nude beaches.

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fuck off grandma

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I'm 35... and I'm male.

Your nation has become Muslim from you NOT being a Christian nation.

>religion is irrelevant

Can you jews stop trying to turn us away from Christ and plague us with low birth rates?

then see a neurolog fast you clearly have some advanced defeciency it could be an early degenerative desease

That doesn't belong on Jow Forums, but I can't report on you.

>That doesn't belong on Jow Forums,
yes it does, gore posting is how we use to get rid of filthy reddit faggots like you back in the days

cut your dick off and livestream it

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>EU flag
fucking Jew.

Posting something like that is just trashy and unpleasant. That's probably the most brutal gore video out there.

>Posting something like that is just trashy and unpleasant. That's probably the most brutal gore video out there.
please follow filename instructions

Attached: back to reddit you go.webm (216x400, 2.46M)

You really mean to ask, Is this why America was so Great? the beacon of hopes and dreams all over the world! And the answer is yes. Christianity and the golden rule