Brit/pol/ - Glastonbury edition

>Jeremy Corbyn: I'm not too frail to be Labour leader or PM

>Khuram Butt: The partygoer who turned into a killer

>Jewish novelist blames ‘climate of fear’ in UK for cancelled talks

>Glasto gets naked as HOT festival pics emerge with bums, boobs and nipple tassels

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Other urls found in this thread:

international jewry is the biggest threat to the entire universe

I await with baited breath to see the Brexit Party’s policies. Kosher nationalism all round me thinks.

>implying you wouldn't

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Stubbed my toe again lads, fucking Jews ammirite?

I would gargle her period.


Loving the radio 1 coverage of glasto rn, based as fuck

I think you're in an alternative timeline my dude

Stormzy shouted out over 60 aspiring artists, if that isn’t based then nothing is

I hurt ngubu today
to see if he would feel

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been enjoying fine scotch again today lads

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I'm not sure you quite understand what 'based' means.

Oh my

isn't Stormzy that christcuck gospel singer for white nerds lmfao?

I thinking of a number between 1 and crashing a small passenger plane into the main stage at Glastonbury

Guess the number

Why are you intimidated by Stormzy?
Vossi bop is a fucking tooooon

My guess is he won't even mention immigration and bang on about Brexit which we all know is irrelevant now.

fuck Boris

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Lmfao based, boris is a tool

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Imagine her in this photo wearing a g string.

There are.literally no bikini photos of her which is based, but also a shame.

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he's are tool, you filthy paki

There are still lads out there who haven’t taken the brapper pill, can you believe that?

I’m white British mate...

You what...

>no gibs me dat is why we keep stabbing

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if you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best

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How is it not based that Stormzy is helping out under privileged black youths get into education and out of the trappings of poverty?

>pregnant sister is home
>went up to see my aunt for a visit
>came back minutes late and mother's long-term partner is annoyed we're late and won't go for the drink as planned
>mother ends up going out for a walk without her phone as she's always done when she gets upset

Fucking hell being in a broken family can be hellish.

oh didnt see this was posted lmao

Pic related

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Get a grip

For all their faults these Eton Types are inherently better leaders than your average Common Purpose android.

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been smoking good weed again today lads

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clean your nails you filthy swine

In many ways, wogs complaining about whitey oppressing them is analogous to whites complaining about kikes oppressing them. They even had a massive albino chimpout back in 1944 but ended up destroying their own country KEK



They are closet gays

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Fucking kek

Dat ass

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>A prom organised for LGBT teenagers in Florida has been cancelled after fears that protests against the event would jeopardise the safety of attendees.

>a dabbing rainbow-maned unicorn
Modern society.

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Whys that guy so mad that people are camping out and enjoying tunes?

Lmao hes pointing at your tr1ps. Nicely done.


is croydon dangerous? i want to go there because it's where they filmed peep show. Planning a long road trip around europe

I bet her piss feels warm on the face

Sounds like something from an episode of Coronation Street.

they skin yanks alive in croydon. The only place in the UK safe for yanks is the isle of wight.

why are you so mad that I can afford fine scotch?
why do you envy me for my piglike ways?

im a rusfag. Not yank, but i do speak like one.

>tfw no plump ginger gf

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dirty paki go home

only place safe for Ruskies is the Isle of Skye.

are you implying that africans had civilised communities that were being eroded away and their culture and history poisoned .

Explain that to them while they’re stabbing you matey

Croydon is like paradise compared to an American city. You’ll be fine... probably.

>clearly pink fingernails
lmfao why do you envy me for my white genes you nigger?

She's a revolting cow and you're a shit taste pleb

Shut up cunt, she’s perfect.

we need more youth clubs is cos dey aint got nun dat mandem gotta stab wasteman ya get me blud ting? BIG UP.

im on street view right now, and it looks really enriched. Like, as brown as new york.

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Goto Birkenhead mate, it’s the capital of Cheshire

You should have gone to Specsavers™

Why did you post a picture of a cow? I don't get it.

i cannot play table tennis, therefore i must stab.

Not as bad as NY yet, but give it time.

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i don't get your birkenhead gimmick eddie, could you explain it to me?

All I want in life is to part an Italian woman's legs, taste her moist cunt and then pump her full of my Saxon seed until her womb swells with the next generation of ANGLO babies

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they look brown and greasy on my monitor. maybe you need to check your colour settings you nog.

CH postcode La, Birkenhead is the capital of Cheshire, FACT

And the closet gays come out in full force.

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Dat ass!

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it's still really upsetting, considering it's in ENGLAND. I know it seems bleak, but dont just accept that you're going to be replaced.


Jesus fuck man, yes

Typical woman, running away when times get hard.

Kennedy’s head looks reasonably intact here.

this Michael Buerk documentary on C5 on how the Victorians built Britain is incredibly comfy

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cool fact, don't know how this is relevant though, surely having a postcode from another city makes it more like you are a subsidiary of that city though, rather than it's superior?

I live in Wales in a 99% white town. Shitskins don't come to Wales really. Apart from Cardiff and Newport, but even they're 75% white.

Everything the BBC does is pure fucking malevolence. There are no words to describe how much I despise it.

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Her face is crap, she's fat and you must be some sort of non-white if you like those ridiculous sheboon arses, kys.

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Fuck what’s the game called where you try and recreate the shots, his brain explodes and everything

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Listen Fags this

The Boston Marathon Bombings , you Mutts made a Wonderful kino Patriots Day, it was NOT rant on Mudslimes but the reality of lifes Tragically Lost an People Maimed , But here in the UK ,
Fuck off
we Not allowed to say a bad thing about the Westminster mudslime terrorists , cut a blokes head off in a brit street an living the life of riley in UK Paki Prison ,

Wheres the Films here about these terrorists ? , Our major cities are all ISLAM run .

Would a Race war help . No cos love island an brits got talent keep the massses down , Charlie Brooker had it right the Black box was the only tool needed to keep the masses down

How can zoomers /twatter /soc media let this Happen , is it the jewbuck who trolling this

I WANT MY KINO FILM where a white working class ex Para guy , takes on the Islam Brotherhood , Respects the muslim who Respects Our Laws , Tortures an slowly kills saddiq Khan as he begs to be forgiven for Ruining the capital , an Then taking London back into UK Law , like Mafia game style , fights/shoots up , Then Para guy goes after Putins enemies in London an kills them all . Putin signs a non warfare pact , Mutts shit selves , we send Para guy to sort out the lefties an alt-Fa in Mutts , trump begs forgiveness to the New UK leader Corbyn , who Says this Enemy Needs Taking out for future peace , Isreal , gets Para guy at top meeting, kills all mossad in a heartbeat ,after bedding most of the hot kikes , Kills them all tells Jews you are worthless nation an give palestian back , Jews get shipped to orkneys Falklands /moon ..Kek
China gets upset we all go have a chat ,Para sneaks in kills party elite , we let real demo /votes happen , Proper wages , no slavery , china no longer cheapest Manufactuer , an all world countries can compete , world order restored cos of

the Para...

he be the nameless one

to stop fat cunts here capeshit him here ,
an that disnae , ruining it pic related as Para

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Half Life 3

>when you're with your side chick and you see your girlfriend walking down the street

Got Ross Kemp interested .

>white British

proves you are a paki - only white people can be British. No one would every need to add the 'white' part


JFK Reloaded

Only British people are technically white as well. Everyone else is a pooropean larping.

bring a strimmer, they don't shave above the knee.


based bojo

Take the Lucypill

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Fuck yes! What an awesome game lol

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Based. A lot of Italian women I've seen tend to have quite large noses. Not horrible ugly Jewy ones, but nice, noble-looking ones, makes me think of a Roman lady or something.

>tfw ginger woman to impregnate