Listen Fags this
The Boston Marathon Bombings , you Mutts made a Wonderful kino Patriots Day, it was NOT rant on Mudslimes but the reality of lifes Tragically Lost an People Maimed , But here in the UK ,
Fuck off
we Not allowed to say a bad thing about the Westminster mudslime terrorists , cut a blokes head off in a brit street an living the life of riley in UK Paki Prison ,
Wheres the Films here about these terrorists ? , Our major cities are all ISLAM run .
Would a Race war help . No cos love island an brits got talent keep the massses down , Charlie Brooker had it right the Black box was the only tool needed to keep the masses down
How can zoomers /twatter /soc media let this Happen , is it the jewbuck who trolling this
I WANT MY KINO FILM where a white working class ex Para guy , takes on the Islam Brotherhood , Respects the muslim who Respects Our Laws , Tortures an slowly kills saddiq Khan as he begs to be forgiven for Ruining the capital , an Then taking London back into UK Law , like Mafia game style , fights/shoots up , Then Para guy goes after Putins enemies in London an kills them all . Putin signs a non warfare pact , Mutts shit selves , we send Para guy to sort out the lefties an alt-Fa in Mutts , trump begs forgiveness to the New UK leader Corbyn , who Says this Enemy Needs Taking out for future peace , Isreal , gets Para guy at top meeting, kills all mossad in a heartbeat ,after bedding most of the hot kikes , Kills them all tells Jews you are worthless nation an give palestian back , Jews get shipped to orkneys Falklands /moon ..Kek
China gets upset we all go have a chat ,Para sneaks in kills party elite , we let real demo /votes happen , Proper wages , no slavery , china no longer cheapest Manufactuer , an all world countries can compete , world order restored cos of
the Para...
he be the nameless one
to stop fat cunts here capeshit him here ,
an that disnae , ruining it pic related as Para
Attached: Strensall Barracks Catterick 01 .07.01 .jpg (453x537, 72K)