We're fucked

We're fucked.

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nah, if you all just decided to start playing another game, it's over
the old money super rich dont want that so they use psy ops and shit to keep everyone hating eachother
pro tip: you fell right into their trap

we're not fucked because of the economy but because of demographics.

we can solve economics.. look at Hitler. we can not easily solve demographics without a huge war or some type of conflict or revolution.

Get a job hippie

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Wagies and debt slaves will vote with Mexicans for gibs, it is a real threat to the stability of the nation. And to an extent, cronyism in government made it even worse.

And is a mouth breather

why do things like education and medicine cost so much? they're dirt cheap in mexico.
>inb4 quality
don't even try to make this argument, you fat sick halfbreed retards.

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doubt she has $8k net worth given how much screeching I hear about student debt

yeah she looks pretty fucking stupid for a hapa. maybe we shouldn't promote racemixing among the goyim anymore

Can't life because of being sheltered as a youth, tough love recommendation.
How can you have a 8k net worth and be 80k in debt?

Stop waiting for Bernie to rescue you from your poor choices. You've dug yourself into a terrible hole of shit. Start digging out. Waiting for a rescue that will never come just means you'll be in that hole of shit much longer than you need to be. It's not going to be quick. It's not going to be easy. But it's better than spending your entire life wallowing in shit. Bernie nor anyone else is going to rescue you.

medicine doesnt cost that much. most doctors will give you a coupon that drastically reduces the cost, and your insurance also reduces it.

Nah its the jews

Can afford $55 sunglasses because she doesn't pay her bills

Silly kids, just living for the moment.
Cannot see past the end of their nose.

Millennial here. My net worth is probably around a few hundred dollars but I am free. I live off grid and have all of the skills a good old country boy and mountain man has. There are not many in my generation like me. Slavery is death.

Feels good having parents who raised me to be smart with money, and who saved (instead of taking us on vacations every year) so that they could afford to put me and my sibling through college.

>implying there is a future for them

>mfw millennial
>mfw no debt

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Millenial here
My net worth is a few hundred thousand
Get a job hippie

She's got a cute face, if she's not fat she should come suck and fuck I'll pay her. t. millennial who's not a financial retard

You are a slave to fiat. You will never know freedom and could probably never handle it. Freedom is costly but it is well worth the price. I live two miles from the beautiful country you reside in, too bad it is filled with Canadians.

>8k net worth
>student loan debt
I'm no expert in these things, but how does that work?

This is good for bitcoin.

>inb4 quality
>don't even try to make this argument, you fat sick halfbreed retards.
ah, the old "heh, and don't try giving the correct answer, im not falling for it" trick
gets them every thime

The average asian / white millenial is doing better than this. Spics and Nigs drop this down.

I don't think they're addressing solvency in their measure of net worth.

This. -8k net worth is more believable.

They or their parents paid off a new car for them
Priorities right?

mine's a few million ahaha

Millennial here. Just started a job at 50k a year, with benefits and paid time off plus paid holidays. Quit being a bunch of fucking faggots and get a job

Nice good job
Hopefully you keep growing financially.

>why do things like education and medicine cost so much?

Education is a scam that targets impressionable kids and their parents. Medicine is expensive because the hospitals know the insurance companies will pay up.

When you blow your money on pot, booze, and eating out, it’s easy to get that far into debt.