Who /here/ anti-semtic, because you just want to have friends?

Who /here/ anti-semtic, because you just want to have friends?

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I love Jews

What rhymes with cage and grows on the prairie?

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they have cute feet

Attached: jewfeet.jpg (630x466, 75K)

I met a Jewish girl once and she had a good sense of humour. I asked her every question, it was a discussion that lasted each of us a whole bottle of vodka.

What I learned was that Jews consider THEMSELVES to be the stereotype, and take goyim on a RISKY CASE BY CASE basis. They have a thousand opinions of us.

I believe there was something useful in her words, maybe we should be the stereotype. Maybe there should be a thousand fractured kinds of Judaism. Some eat lobster, some are uncut, our power comes from giving them names. Making a dozen little groups where ounce a faggot of groups stood strong.



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I hate jews because they stole my foreskin and blew up my country.

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Jews are evil they think they're some type of master race just because their talmud tells them

I hate them because i read a lot, one day i readed this book.

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I used to hate Jews but unironically I've taken an interest in Judaism.
Also, Jewish women can be really cute.

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terrible way to live.

exactly. fren.

i like hitler too fren, very sad story ALL FRONTS. god bless ALL OF THEM.

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here is my favorite picture of the jew hitler hugging his best fried goyim dog beast.

Attached: hitlerjew_dogoyim.gif (472x264, 1.74M)

3 close jewish friends. Im antisemetic. AMA

I want young jewish pussy, I need the sauce

That's Agatha, or threemilk. She was an ASMRist who was ran off my cripplechan stalkers.
There is a reupload channel: youtube.com/channel/UCgx0S10ngC6umn1QjvfGE5g

Literally was the most wholesome girl on this Earth.

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>he doesn't know about the OG QT 3.14

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*by not my

jews are some of the best people to talk to.
they can think beyond goyim.
kind of like finding a white person that isn't total goyim.. someone that can understand.

jews are great bullshitters and can think about really far out shit.. so they're good for things like that.
probably why they are so (((entertaining)))
can banter and bullshit all day.

Who /here/ lost friends due to anti-semitism?

They're developing foreskin regrowing technology user. Pretty soon you'll be able to get some comfy foreskin for your peenor.

what are friends?

guilty as charged

I actually admire the Jews

I lost friends to White Flight

True, the jews I know are smart and creative. But also not particularly loyal, drug addicts, obsessed with money/status and very little moral compunction with stealing/cheating/lying. The exception is a friend who was orthodox jewish growing up but now hates jewish culture who is honest and loyal and non degenerate and woke to the JQ.

Based and frenpilled

Have fun.

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I can't

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Me. All my Jewish friends were killed by alt-right neo-nazi white supremacists while they screamed "this is Hitler country"

Look at the bright side, now you have time for better friends.

I don't like jews, but I got nothing against Palestinians and Syrians, etc. Jews aren't even semites, they're a mongrel race of Euro-Turkic mix.

>take goyim on a RISKY CASE BY CASE
take into their closed circle?
>Maybe there should be a thousand fractured kinds of Judaism
don't lump them in?
do greentexts of jews being jews
>think beyond goyim
they are smarter, aren't they? JEWS ROCK!
not me. turns out they weren't my friends at all! who has friends from /here/?
>jew woke on JQ.
I KNEW IT! FUCKING IMPOSTORS! Jews aren't the REAL jews!

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I'm still mad they didn't let Hyde make it "Jews Rule".

>do greentexts of jews being jews

>work with Jew in retail
>become friends
>teaches me how to make fake store credit cards to steal money from the business without unbalancing registers
>told me jews have big noses because they love cocaine
>told me a joke about his brother rear ending someone, then pulling over to the side of the road, and when the guy pulled over and got out of the car, sped off so he didnt have to pay any damage
>jew woke on JQ.
Yup the orthodox jew was woke, I think from having his entire family molested by Rabbis as a child and his parents disowning him for dating goyim.

>having his entire family molested by Rabbis as a child and his parents disowning him for dating goyim
>teaches me how to make fake store credit cards to steal money from the business without unbalancing registers
wow, that's actually the lowest ranking chosen, but such a broad and strategic mind!
was that skit actually aired?

>wow, that's actually the lowest ranking chosen, but such a broad and strategic mind!
just a kid, like 19 year old
im sure hes graduated to much more sophisticated scams now

>do greentexts of jews being jews

>work in private security
>Israel based company holds open training day with free lunch
>"training" consists of going through their catalog
>tries to convince everyone to buy older generation stock which will be phased out in the next few years
>learned nothing outside of one of their products being slightly better at one thing above industry standard
>gives out a certificate for said "training"
>lunch consists of the cheapest ingredients and food colouring flavoured condiments one can possibly imagine
>gives a year planner plastered with enough branding to make a nigger salivate

Given, it was a "free" event, but nothing they advertised actually turned out to be what they said it would be and everything they did was just the stereotypical crafty jew business practices.

As they say, nothing makes a racist like living next to niggers, and nothing makes you an antisemite like dealing with semites.

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Jews are actually good guys that protects us.

whoa, I'd love to have this type of expierence. Just for to feel virulent hate
they are metaphor for evils that reside in ourselves

>foreskin regrowing technology
>patented by Shekelstein Goldblum & Co LLC.

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I don't hate them for it. I just distrust them as a rule when it comes to shekels.

>oh you want your foreskin back goyim?
>that'll be $40,000
fucking kek