When compared to Whites

>are more intelligent
>are better educated
>earn more money
>start more businesses
>are more conservative
>commit less crime

That is why countries with Asian immigrants like Canada and Australia are the best countries in the West.

Attached: FancyVikki-20190627-136025.webm (800x600, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


God she's beautiful

Those are stereotypes.

Be specific about one of your claims and I will work through it with you using images and sourced data.

>Best countries in the west

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I guess Asian supremacy is not just a meme

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Asians should stay in Asia..nothing truly interesting about them. Sorry, chink chong ...

>slowly licking ice cream
i hate people who do this, then they complain when the ice cream drips on their hand while not having eaten even half of it
better a pig like me who eats it in 2 minutes but keeps himself clean

Good maybe they can stay in fucking China if they're so smart and make their own country

God you’re so obsessed with whites that even when you’re talking about Asians, you’re really talking about whites.

They’re also highly group centered and vote basically uniformly for socialist policies and don’t have a history of freedom and responsibility like Europeans

If she does porn I want sauce.

who cares, we just want to do our own thing in peace

>and why that's a good thing

Asians are boring af an nobody likes them. Their whole identity is build around risk-minimization. Only incels are interested in the females and that's about it. I do not want them in Europe but it's getting more every year, mostly women.

Correct. That's why I married one.

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brailets infactuated with a camgirl ho, imagine my shock.


>Elites from Asian countries that emigrate are more successful than X.
Kill yourself, faggot.

Yeah but also uglier and with no personal charisma which negates all of the above pretty much. Asians are the uncool nerdy kid of the world

Attached: slide6302.jpg (1090x650, 568K)

>wellow wever


kys kike

Attached: 1555397885430.webm (720x720, 2.69M)

Or you could get a dog wife. She will stay home, be loyal, and love u

Attached: 1561663784541.jpg (640x640, 61K)

1 post OP's should be permab&.
Change my mind (you can't).

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>tfw no big-titty hapa gf

Why even live, lads?

Attached: 1352438936724.jpg (648x1280, 154K)

>chinese bug men
>plugged into the chinese botnet
Asian white mix is better.

>leave their countries in droves to live in western societies, created by non-asians

hell yeah nigger
we don’t like mudslimes

Nigerian Americans are also better educated. Poojeets are richer. Are Nigeria and India decent countries?
Asian immigrants are not representative of the average Asia Asian.

Imagine being such a blind, touchy that you’re shocked by the shape of their faces which is still obvious with their hair down. I’d still tap every one of them.

Attached: 1F0CFEDF-0DF8-49B0-A297-E1753E6665A2.gif (277x400, 116K)

Who is she? THe name in the filename wasn't enough.

another gook for the pile. light em up.

Too bad the vast majority of Asian have no tits or ass, basically looking like little boys.

Big titty chubby Asians are fuck top tier but too rare.

That term is meaninglessly vague. Even East Asians are diverse between Mongols, Koreans, Japanese amd Chinese. Southeast Asians are diverse too, you wouldn't confuse a Philippino with an Indonesian.

also asians:
>insectiod looks
>no soul
>hive mind
>no creativity

>risk maximization is an intellegent strategy
Good choice of memeflag, import more Africans.

Tits and ass grow during pregnancy, dumbass.

guys I've seen some white asian mixed people and they look weird. Imagine a puffy asian face with a prominent nose and longer chin, or imagine a chubby face with a thick stubble.
Or, imagine a person with a strong jaw and high cheekbones but with very slim eyes that are hardly visible compared to their face

hello fellow based asian country

Lmao, the best countries in the west are the countries in North-West Germany which were quite homogeneous not so long ago.
Canada and Australia are gay meme countries without any culture besides the fact that they were an extension of the anglo-saxon cancer spreading around the world.

Not enough when the starting point is zero.

75-80% vote Dem tho

I have WMAF parents.
Luckily, I didn't turn out to be a beta Redditard SJW faggot like most WMAF kids turn out however I did struggle with identity issues growing up. Having an American first and last name but looking more Asian infected my mind with a touch of madness. Being seen as foreign to Asians even though I spoke fluent Japanese and looked more Asian and as lesser than whites due to my physical appearance only catalyzed this.

TLDR: Don't race mix; even with Asians. It creates too many identity issues for your offspring and unless your kids have a strong sense of identity, they'll most likely grow up to be leftist, kike loving turds that are no better than niggers.

Source: just trust me bro

That’s because they’re brainwashed by the nigucation system

Attached: roundface.png (512x513, 161K)

Fuck Japan, Dokdo Islands are Korean soil!

Asians have less empathy and are very conformist and cowardly
Which is why they create shit holes like china and north Korea

Japanese are good though


Attached: Support.jpg (1280x1120, 207K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

that's japanese you autist leaf

Chinks are, if anything, are 40x worse than gooks.
All the good Chinese people were killed off 1,500 years ago.

Asians don't have a concept of inalienable human rights, inherent in every human regardless of their status within society. They unironically believe that those beneath them in a higherachy have less worth, can be abused by them, etc. That's why all of their countries suck.

>Muh dik
You are a nigger. You have claimed worth only as a sex toy, much like disgusting women who claim their only value is being a wet hole.

I think this is what we are all thinking

I support Tiananaman square posting, but you are retarded. It is japanese that translates to "shut up Korean"

American national identity is weak and garbage
If you import an Asian girl to an European country and will raise your children as nationals of this country it will work out way better
Same if you're the one migrating to Asia
New World countries in general struggle with identity and often lean towards racial identity, it's not just Eurasians in US/Canada

Written in English you filthy gook mongrel. China GDP per capita lower than Mexico FYI.

Dregs of humanity.

I fucked one before. It was nice

poo more in streets

we found the dinky doodle boy

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actually you picked two Nations from south East asia which are easiest to confuse. Only thing that gives away a Javanese person to a Flip is the accent head scarf on the women/ whispy beard on the man

Identity issues only exist when you try and hang out with explicilty racialist groups on the internet

This was called Asain Disease by the British explorers and colonial administrators.

Nepotism , Corruption, Obsequious craven conformity to power. Stasis, belief in chance, fantasy medicine, on and and on


Wow how conservative!

They also vote left. Once again, another tool of global kikes

that's not an issue tho. they cause no trouble in society but further the general economy.

You've just described by ABC wife's extended FOB family.

Mongoloids are disgusting.

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coming with the real truth. if asians are so smart, why is she eating her popsicle like a lollipop, huh? shit was making me irritated.

I have above average intelligence
I have two degrees
I earn over 230,000 a year
I own my own business
I am conservative
I commit no crime

This is why I don't care

>Asian immigrants

And that's where your comparison falls apart. Most immigrants outperform the countrymen they left behind.

Attached: opinion.jpg (998x934, 155K)

Is there a way I can contact the mods and talk to them about making an auto ban if you make 1 post by this id threads to stop the bots? I mean I can make them this script if they are cheap or dont know how to.


According to the Census, "Asian" in the US includes South Asians and South East Asians but not Central Asians or Western Asians. This roughly corresponds to the common vernacular definition of Asian, so we consider Asians from the following ethnicities:

Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malaysian, Maldivian, Mongolian, Nepalese, Okinawan, Pakistani, Singaporean, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Using the stats in the link above, here's a quick table with Asian ethnicity IQs listed:

Bangladeshi - 82
Bhutanese - 80
Burmese - 87
Cambodian - 91
Chinese - 105
Filipino - 86
Hmong (unused, ethnicity spread across multiple countries)
Indian - 82
Indonesian - 87
Japanese - 105
Korean - 106
Laotian - 89
Malaysian - 92
Maldivian - 81
Mongolian - 101
Nepalese - 78
Okinawan (unused, Japanese prefecture)
Pakistani - 84
Singaporean - 108
Sri Lankan - 79
Taiwanese - 104
Thai - 91
Vietnamese - 94

Now, the unweighted average IQ of Asian ethnicities can be calculated. To keep it simple, it just averages national scores without accounting for population sizes:
(82+80+87+91+105+86+82+87+105+106+89+92+81+101+78+84+108+79+104+91+94)/23 = 83.1

Thus the average IQ of the Asian ethnicities represented here is 83.

Attached: 1543577876735.png (600x302, 100K)

>>are more conservative
False, they have voted for Clinton more than the Latinos

But it is true, it is a perfect for petite bourgeoisie.