Why aren't you ancap, Jow Forums?

Why aren't you ancap, Jow Forums?

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I hate fags

Then don't be a fag and don't raise your children to be fags. Simple problem with a simple solution.

your mom

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I'm 14 anymore

because i'm not a teenager anymore

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Joke's on you, my whole family is ancap.

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why arent you a nazi ancap yet OP

People are too dumb to be given that kind of freedom. Most people need some governing and authority.

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I've been there. You still have some growing up to do.

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It's all or nothing. Why should people who are too dumb to handle real freedom have any protection from the state? They will die of natural causes in ancap land.


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cuz i live of neetbux exclusevily

>most people can't handle/don't deserve freedom
>rights for me but none for thee

Jow Forums wasn't always a statist board

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Anarchocapitalism isn't incompatible with hating faggots, though. You are free to hate faggots.

Because I like roads and don't want to be shotup by the first Cletus walking down the street will his fully automatic AR-15 with extra and extended clips

>Because I like roads
I know you're being ironic (at least, I hope you are) but I've never understood why bootlickers think this is an argument. Private business will quickly build and maintain roads if there is a demand for them.

I was for a year.
Then I realized it doesn't make sense to label yourself like that because nothing like this will ever exist. The word anarchy scares people.
You can only argue whether we need more or less state intervention and just argue always for less.
That way people take you more seriously and don't ask about who will build muh roads. Instead you get people to agree with privatizing one thing at a time.

>Private business will quickly build and maintain roads
Yeah, someone will build a road around your bourgie-licking ass and force you to pay to leave your enclosure whenever you need anything at all

I guess I'm similar to you. Of course I never use the term anarcho-x in public, only on the internet where what I'm saying is actually understood. When most people think "anarchy", they think mindless violence. I guess "anarcho"-communists fit that bill rather nicely.

I think the assumption that anarchy=violence is actually inserted into people's minds by the state, to help them believe that government is a necessity.

>force you to pay to leave your enclosure whenever you need anything at all
How are they going to "force" you to do anything?

You'll violate NAP when you enter their private road without permission which you'd only receive after paying toll

Build a road all the way around your house.
You can't go to the store without crossing their road.


The term ancap is redundant because anarchy would inherently be capitalism. If you are not an anarchist and are an ancap for some reason, you would be a capitalist because capitalism is just the government having little involvement with the market.

But you are actually correct, under your genius philosophy you are not forced into paying toll since you are free not to use their road and wither away without food and if you do pay toll, you do it off of your own, totally not coerced, free will
Also it will for sure lead to higher IQ society since everyone will be basically playing go with property deeds for survival.

Hunter S Thompson wasn't Ancap, dumdum

Because I hate poor people.

More Hunter S. Thompson posting please.

Reminder that Hunter was a pedophile.

>you become your job
>do as much drugs as possible
>watch thousands of hours of porn
>childless marriage
hunter s. thomson is the archetypal boomer.

Because the only to stop a bad guy with a state is a good guy with a state.

But I am.

imagine tying yourself to an ideology with no future

political compass is bullshit desu

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Comfy thread

Meant to put flag on

You can have a personal life philosophy while acknowledging that it'll never be implemented on a wide scale.

Protip: Random blogs claiming he direct snuff films are not proof

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I have a sudden need for a Model 29.

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Comfy indeed.

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He probably was a dogfucker though.

>why aren't you ancap

Have sex.

t. confession of a boy sex slave out of Hollywood.

Dozens of women have claimed that Bill Cosby or Donald Trump raped them twenty years ago, that doesn't mean it's true. You don't take rape accusations at face value.

would glady surrender country to the future brazilian crown

Because why should I follow your faggot NAP? I would raid your potsmoking gay atheist ancap land and put all of your heads on spikes

>I would raid your potsmoking gay atheist ancap land and put all of your heads on spikes
And you would be shot the instant you entered my property and violated the NAP. Really simple.

You think ancaps are some potsmoking hippies? Huge mistake Tyrone.

no man its pretty bad. hunter thompson discussed the shit himself. his own secretary talked of him having snuff films. i trust paul bonacci, everything he has said had been shown to be accurate. everything from johnny gosch all the way to the things he discussed with the franklin scandal.

you should here what hunter thompson was part of. also if you can find them, you should find paul bonacci's diary entries. they are heartbreaking

hunter dabbled in the shit he wrote about, and liked to hang out with the weird, the evil, and the powerful, and tose with all i mentioned above mixed together.

correct. he forgot to add pedophile to the list

You're right! We need the government to make laws to tell people what they can and can't do! If something is made illegal, then people will stop doing it!



look up the libertarian hippy fuck who developed the TAZ concept.

Anarchy is only "chaos" if you're stupid enough to let yourself be taken advantage of.

Because anfash is so much better.

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As retarded as ancom if that's a real thing.

>As retarded as ancom if that's a real thing.
Exactly what i thought. Smells like statism.

Because not everyone believes in meme ideologies. Literally every society will have people with guns to enforce rules, and a group of people who make the rules. Who does it will change but not the fact that someone will exist to do it.

>Who does it will change but not the fact that someone will exist to do it.
And the choice to follow shitty, unjust rules is up to you. There's never going to be a country that decides to be anarchist all at once, that's just stupid. Ancap is a personal life choice you make.

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I am, though.

Not like I have any other choice since I literally live right in the middle of Oz.

Because I'm not a Pedophile
>"I swear it's not pedophilia, she's from the market, so I can fuck her!"

You'd be surprised what happens when you move away from society.

There's literally no government where I live. Nothing. No law. The only order is what you can create for yourself.

Which is why an ANCAP society will always be a breakaway and remote, much like hippie communes, just more self-reliant.

Ancap just leads back to exactly what we have now, what's the point?

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The problem is not all rules are unjust. That is why government will always exist. It will be created to enforce just rules that make society better, and will grow to create more rules that are unjust.

Not only that but even if it never creates new unjust rules, society will change to think the old rules are unjust.

I'm not surprised you think people need fear of the government to have morals.

And what if one of your beloved corporations decides to engage in ritual child sacrifice? Who will punish and stop them? A state is a REQUIREMENT for any large civilisation.


Which is why if you want to be ANCAP, you have to become isolated, otherwise it moves to a liberal society every time.

>The problem is not all rules are unjust
Just most of them. Rape, theft and murder are the only real crimes and they should be punishable by death at the hands of the victim of the crime/their surviving family.

>large civilisation
That's the problem.

because I deal in reality

Why do you love being ruled over by other men so much? Your leaders aren't the gods you believe them to be, they're just men like you. What right do they have to dictate how you live your own life?

No one is Russia has an appreciation of freedom, so I'm not angry with you. I actually pity you.

>corporations decides to engage in ritual child sacrifice
First of all thats a fucking retarded hypotethical and secondly if people found out about it and there was clear evidence, justice would be dealt swiftly and there would be no state to protect the perpetrators.

Self respect, mostly.

and I'll laugh at you having to pay to leave the house, and then laugh some more when you have to pay again to get back inside
And maybe with such lifted spirits I will gain some appreciation for freedom in the mean time

Nice non-argument, very cool.

But my children have friends and their parents may have raised them to be fags.

I don't have to pay to enter and leave my house.

In fact, you'll have to pay me to enter it.

If they have the money to they can buy mercenaries to protect themselves, and then justice won’t be delivered ”swiftly”.
Your ideology is just as bad as communism, since you never take into account the fact that there are psychopaths and manipulators.
Fuck your NAP, if you don’t agress, someone else will.

Except other things like noise laws also help community cohesion. Large societies have very little cohesion and can degrade into violence which is why more laws are needed to keep the peace.

lol, nothing is sadder than a boomer who says “fuck it, do what ya want!”

Yes, but my hate should translate into fags not having influence in society. How can libertarians guarantee this? They can’t. They welcome faggotry. They are faggots, either physically or spiritually.

You're implying that there wouldn't be more people pissed off than what the corporation, and it's not even the corporation, the individual, can muster.

And you can simply just assassinate perpetrators of crimes that break the NAP. People still walk around, and if they're always in a car, an IED works just fine.

Anything the state can do, so can groups of individuals.

Yeah just keep piling up your unrealistic hypotethicals. What if no mercenaries are willing to take up the contract with child killers? They would all have to he psychos too? Keep hammering that Spawn Psycho button to inflate your already retarded arguments you dumb fucking cunt.

this is why i joined the ancaps, you statists are too fucking cringy, also
>people who advocate for free market magically don't own guns for some reason

I am, but I feel like all the best ones are the really eccentric ones.

honestly I just like natural law, common law and freedom.

Because state violence is good when it’s directed against bad people. And yes, I get to decide the definition of “bad people,” because I am a White male.

Do you not realize that every state starts out as a group of individuals? Take the founding fathers for example: a group of men with an idea.
This is another problem, in ancapistan given enough time, states would emerge anyhow.

why risk creating a state which decides what good and bad is. if Jews apparently run the world why also risk your leaders becoming corrupted?. why should it not be up to the people to be allowed to kill or get money from people who wronged them?

every problem Jow Forums faces today would be fixed if left to the free market
>unwanted mass immigration
no welfare so nobody immigrating
>nigger crime
there would be none in white countries because nigs are too poor to go there
>faggots and feminism
remove the jewish influence from schools by just letting the pozzed schools go out of business

"an" cap

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That was many moons ago, it was a happy time, things have changed

>letting people use their money however they want isn't muh anarchism
ooga booga cram yourself

Just here showing my colors