No /CiC/ thread?

Canada is collapsing.
They were able to hide it for a while, but Jow Forums has exposed the horrors of our neighbors to the north. Celery is now $10 a bunch.

Attached: 1561423877478.png (368x270, 263K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it true that the celery is all because of a woman?

I couldn't imagine being a paypig to the grocery mafia.
But in Canada it's just another cucked day.

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Don't give up op. It'll collapse soon.

US price

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Tell me more.
I am trying to get all the info I can, so I can piece together what is going on.

Attached: 1561638271539.jpg (453x453, 53K)

cant even get your cum snowy White anymore in canadistan
what? celery exists because of women? what are you trying to say

I don't know. I was wondering why the price of celery in the US has been getting increasingly ridiculous and somebody said some woman was making a ruqus about celery juice for health.

You showed up quick.
How much do you make to try and derail these threads?

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You know that is bullshit.
I could walk down the road a find an ear of corn laying on the ground.
Whilr you are paying $1.25 for one ear.

sophie trudeau's college nudes just leaked.

censored sample included

Attached: sophie-trudeau-wild-college-years.jpg (960x540, 71K)

meh solid 6.8 out of 10.

she is thicc like hillary duff now

i'm listening

4 tomatoes are $7 now.

Attached: $7 tomatoes.png (1006x754, 1.6M)

>2 slices of ham are $2

Attached: ham-honk.jpg (2057x3169, 1.07M)

kek, she looks like a monkey

Attached: 1545531438148.jpg (1009x931, 184K)

google 'margaret trudeau pussy'

His mother used to do public gangbangs are Club 54 in NYC. The rolling stones would run trains on her. When asked about it, she said she wished it had happened more often

Trudeau was born from a cuckold relationship between Castro and his whore mother Margaret

Attached: castreau.jpg (266x390, 23K)

Wowzers, how can they afford to live?
And have you heard about the government pushing the idea of eating insects for extra protein?

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Attached: 1540759147325.jpg (434x617, 89K)

17% protein?
That's not real ham.

Attached: 1560694990228.jpg (1179x1364, 683K)

The national broadcaster is now pushing for kids to eat insects instead of meat

This is Yuri-tier subversion. Yuri was never wrong

Attached: feed your kids bugs.jpg (1286x1152, 622K)

Ah shit
I was thinking about moving there
Is it really that bad in comparison to other countries? And are overpriced goods the only problem?
Any Canadian care to answer?

Canada has the highest telecommunication costs in the entire fucking world, with the lowest usage.

A 6gb cell phone plan costs $110+tax.

A 80GB Mifi plan costs $435+Tax+tip=$600.

That's WITHOUT a phone. If you want to mortgage a phone, add another $80/month.

Attached: $435 selfdeau cuck cell plan.jpg (1736x1122, 424K)

Are you people so stupid you can't go on the canadian versions of the supermarket websites and see the prices for yourselves ?

I'm convinced this is a Jow Forums trolling operation lol Nobody's that stupid. I'm gonna start posting 'american food prices' and it's gonna start a trend. Don't start this war Jow Forums. You might have a rake but we have angry meese? mooses ? and geese. Lots and LOTS of fucking geese and we can control them at will.

Not just groceries, but even something as simple as a stamp is unaffordable.
They have to choose between mailing their rent check, or eating.

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My internet connection is 180$ a month, landline included, then again I have 200mbps down and 50 up.

Cellphone corporation pays for it but I see the bill: 70$ a month unlimited calls to the states and canada since 99% of the time I'm in those stupid webex meetings.

FFS that is horrid. I get a nice 120GB for 100 hue hues with no phone.

>Lots and LOTS of fucking geese and we can control them at will
bet you rape them too

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Right on time.
I guess your buddy alerted you to this thread.

Attached: 1560695910907.gif (480x270, 2.82M)

3.73 Canadian for 1kg of onions!
Its 85P (1.42 Canadian) for a KG of onions in the UK!

How the fuck are you paying over double for a fucking staple food!

Canada is literally dead!


hue hues meaning reals? so $26? what about home internet?


Check out the internet prices...

Attached: glass jaw.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

How much are potatoes?

Attached: $1.47 potatoes.png (1910x1071, 3.5M)

OMG I just took a trip to new york in america's foodbasket and look what I saw ?

Are you guys okay ? How can you afford to live ??

Attached: instore1.jpg (750x563, 142K)

Damn, dude barely touched him.
No wonder he gets cucked everywhere he goes.

Attached: 1561787587566.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

WOAH THERE rich boy potatoes. Here we eat Berber. You gotta boil it first though so the glue gets soft.

Is that per KG in your pic?

It's so bad Canadians at the border shop here.
We have unleashed the truth, and there is no stopping it.

Attached: 1560080412950.png (514x498, 230K)

its 2.69 for 3 lbs of onion at loblaws

That's per potatoe.

Unit is ea (each).

Attached: $4 potatoe.png (1332x640, 145K)

Fuck off! it cant be 1.47 per potato!
Is it really that bad?

1kg of potatoes is about £1,50

you cherry-picked the most expensive potato
there are normal potatoes on the same site for half the price per kilo


Look for yourself

Here is gas


Attached: $10 gallon gas.jpg (720x960, 98K)

no wonder Canadian posters are so salty and gay all the time, they can't even afford hamburgers

You come to this thread everytime, and lie.
Obviously you are a Canadian here grocery shopping.
Why don't you let the rest of the world know how bad it really is?

Attached: 1560716042223.png (689x575, 447K)

Post this anytime a starving leaf posts.

Attached: ThisKillsTheLeaf.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

That's NOTHING compared to American gas prices look:

Attached: gas prices.jpg (292x219, 28K)

That's 60$ if you order out, 40$+5 for tip or so if you eat at the restaurant.

So that's like 1.50$ American lol

its like 3.50 a gallon here

Except mine isn't a sub-human pixel shop.

Eat meat meatcel

Attached: leaf gold steak.webm (640x800, 2.95M)

Thats still basically double!
For a fucking staple food!

american near the canadian border
food is more expensive there but is cherry picking ridiculous prices that sometimes happy at american grocery stores too

All he had to do was post the in store prices.

Shit. I just bought 6 ears of fresh, unshucked corn for $2.

Oh, right. I'm American. you shop at Costco? It's the same price for that same 3-pack of steak in the US.

post the instore fuel prices and the horror will end

I'm not cherry picking. A fucking potatoe weighs a good pound. The price is $10/kg, which is the norm in Canada. You can get white potatoes for $4-5/kg, but potatoes are units. You don't get 50g potatoes you fucking moron

Attached: $21 chicken.jpg (1293x950, 174K)

It's about $2.50 here in TN.
They are outright lying.
Now you can see Canada is Collapsing.

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You know we also have steers and cows here right ? Although tomahawk I had in IL is hard to beat I'll give you that.

The struggle is real. Tell Putin. To annex us next.

I've got a family to feed and it's tough man. Thankfully I've gotten pretty good at cooking squirrels and pigeons. Able to get them free with some careful traps.

Sucks having to share 10gb a month with a family of 5

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is math hard for you?
$1.98 /kg isnt nearly double of $1.42 /kg

Guys I'm joking ffs I edited it in mspaint

It's cheaper if you go to a fruit store. The prices are roughly the same. Some slightly more some slightly less.. wtv it's all the same shit. If there was a crisis here of that magnitude I think you guys would've known about it by now.

The Canadian’s seem to have their own JDF

Well, you seem like a cool user.
Tell me about the grocery mafia.

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I think it's time we met by the tree in Edmonton

85p per kilogram is
1.42 Canadian you absolute fucking retard!

Americans are subhuman!
If you dont reply you are proving me correct!

huh ? what does that have to do with the price of fish. You guys think everyone that disagrees with you is a jew lol First of all I'm Greek if you MUST know, second JUST VISIT THE FUCKING ONLINE SUPERMARKETS how hard is it you'll see the coupon books.

yes 1.42 Canadian per kg in uk
1.98 canadian per kg in canada

2.69 for 3 lbs = 1.98 per kg

about 15 years ago Saputo threatened to blow up pizza hut if they didn't buy their cheese lol PizzaHut took them to court.. I dunno what happened after that we should lookup the story

Where's that? I'm in CA and it is like $4/gal

Hey wait a sec I just noticed, if anything YOU'RE the jew, you guys are arguing about fucking produce prices what are you old ladies cutting out coupons or something ?

it was a joke I edited it lol

1 KG = 2.2 lb So the 8.80 KG receipt above is 8.80 for less than half fhe amount of tomatoes.

The grocery mafia is strong.
Thanks for outing yourself.

Attached: 1561424263072.jpg (2976x1872, 496K)

The difference between me and you is im drunk as fuck on a Saturday hanging out with Friends!
And you are sober you fucking loser Canada defender!

Funny enough the grocery mafia IS strong. There's actually a lot of grocery related mafia activity going on

What, are you serious? I can actually believe this

Saputo is a known Rizzuto/Bonanno member, first investor in Saputo was Joseph Bonanno, who claimed he owned 20% when he tried to get a Canadian residence permit (which was denied due to mafia ties)

Attached: cheese tycoon.png (1110x1298, 781K)

Yah have fun for being jailed for accidentally crossing eyes with a woman or wtv lol

>im drunk as fuck on a Saturday hanging out with Friends!
youre posting on pol you lonely bastard, youre just shit at math.

I was talking to my brother earlier, and telling him about the Canadian grocery mafia.
I figured he would just blow it off, but he said him and his wife are watching a NetFlix series right now that is playing/ exposing them. I was shocked.

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I would run up to the nearest thing and kill it for a hamburger :|

Damnit I can't find that pizza hut / Saputo dispute anywhere it's gotta be somewhere

Anybody else enjoys shitposting like this? Whenever there's a canadian grocery thread I always join in to talk about how food is insanely expensive (like 200$ for a few apples) even in the bigger cities. Something really fun about it.

Holy shit im so fucking drunk the actual UK canada ( i didnt capitalise canada because it not a rea country)

The actual exchange rate is 85p per kilo of UK Kilograms
Is 2.69 canadian per kilogram of onions!!!!
I was right all along!

'hut and saputo both suck ass

canadians and yanks go die!

I get it for 15-20cents and ear around this time of year. Corn is ghetto stuff that kinda just sits around in your fridge here until you get sick of it and throw it out when it goes bad.

>make plate of delicious barbecue meats
>add pickled okra
Now I have to throw it away.

Go buy tiki black pudding curry with a side of chinese harvested kidneys

Prove it!

>t. cooks corn in his microwave


Attached: 60112762_680893569048321_341950491063781812_n.jpg (480x480, 36K)

>and a side of lung and peppered pancreas tea

Attached: canadapotato.jpg (3290x790, 324K)

Idont even know what that means!
But if you want to talk about food i PROMISE you that you will lose!

Do you want me to tell all these nice people about sawdust in yank "food"

you need a glass of water and a course in basic math

What's all this about the sawdust then? I don't know what that means.