Why should Israel not be able to defend itself? No spooks or meme answers

Why should Israel not be able to defend itself? No spooks or meme answers

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Israel should fight their own battles.


I certainly hope that's not how she intends to take an enemy position.

I don't think israel is used to fighting enemies that fire back are they ? If anything disbanding your army would probably prevent you from being annihilated. Even your own higher ups will jew you guys out to make a few extra shekkels. They know damn well iran is gonna strike israel when the states attack and then you guys can come out looking like victims again.

You're sowing your own demise. That's the problem with greed, it's blind.

They can with their own money

Nobody on Jow Forums objects to Israelis defending Israel. We only object to kikery.

Israël should cleanse the whole region until Islam is but a memory.

Careful now, there are some unarmed protesters over there, bring up the HMG in case they begin to actually talk in our direction

They do


Defence happens on OWN land.
Offense happens on foreign land.

Israel is like a child, doesn't know what belongs to her.

they should feel free to defend themselves. just not with my financial support or with the army staffed by my countrymen

The occupation is not about Defense its about oppression and expansion.

then why did you guys trick us into iraq, costing us the lives of thousands of white men and trillions of dollars and agitate for us to make the same mistake on a larger scale in iran?

The US Army doesn't defend Israel directly. Also the finances that go to Israel is almost entirely forced to be spent on the American private military industry. You can go into spending bills to verify if you'd like; Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and Arms Export Control Act of 1976


They can, but they should do so with their own money

Then why are you using a memeflag?

Iraq had long been on the USA's list of rogue nations, and the Bush administration seemed to have a genuine bone to pick. It was an intelligence failure across the board. Even the French believed Iraq was in possessions of WMDs, but they really doomed themselves by violating so many UN Resolutions

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Not a legitimate country. Next question

They fight their own battles. Muslims are shit at war.

Gas the kikes race war now

>The US Army doesn't defend Israel directly.
I think, judging by your evasive wording here, that you know precisely what I'm referring to, don't you?

>Also the finances that go to Israel is almost entirely forced to be spent on the American private military industry.
why, pray tell, should I give a fuck? am I to be pleased that my tax dollars are being used to line the pockets of arms dealers just because those dealers are also American?

INdirectly defending you has been entirely too costly. also typical jewish pilpul regarding the financial support. we are basically giving you free guns at the expense of the American taxpayer. you can't wriggle out of that by pretending it mostly benefits a few parts of the MIC that have deep ties to israel

>they really doomed themselves by violating so many UN Resolutions
the irony of an israeli saying this lmao. the fact of the matter is that iraq was an adventure conceived entirely by israelis (that they were sayanim infiltrating america does not absolve your abortion of a country of blame). Given the heavy pressure by israelis to destabilize the middle east in that fashion according to the Yinon plan, it hard to believe it was a mere accident of intelligence failure compared to deliberate deception on the part of israelis to trick their golems into battle.

>I think, judging by your evasive wording here, that you know precisely what I'm referring to, don't you?
You dislike that USA and Israel share intelligence?
>why, pray tell, should I give a fuck? am I to be pleased that my tax dollars are being used to line the pockets of arms dealers just because those dealers are also American?
It furthers American foreign policy objectives and benefits the American economy

you can be sure a huge part of the stock of those companies are held by israeli "dual" citizens

key word: themselves

they don't need 38 billion US citizens tax dollars in "aid"

All nations should be allowed to defend themselves. What shouldn't happen is other nations letting Israel walk all over them just for its defense.

Two Israelis tried blowing up the Mexican Congress in the late 2000s to start a conflict. Don’t be a philosemite

>furthers American foreign policy objectives
israeli neocon-directed foreign policy is not the beneficial for Americans

>benefits the American economy
repairing our crumbling infrastructure and building a fucking wall on the border would do far more for our economy than giving a bunch of cowardly kikes guns they can barely use better than their arab cousins.

>You dislike that USA and Israel share intelligence?
I dislike America's involvement in Iraq, Iraq again, Syria, Egypt, Libya, its current posturing towards Iran, its resultant unholy alliance with KSA, etc. in addition to that I object to the ridiculously privileged position that the state of Israel holds in the sphere of public discussion within my country.

>It furthers American foreign policy objectives and benefits the American economy
the foreign policy objectives of my Israeli-colonized government are not synonymous with my own foreign policy objectives, and that tax money would have been better spent elsewhere

Because you're framing it in a very subversive way; it's not their "self defense" which the most of us oppose, OP.
bitchute.com/video/ltvFJDvhx6uu/ youtu.be/Y9dv6_h9Vp0
bitchute.com/video/DP2nsWmso5b5/ youtu.be/DQfZL9tm2tM
bitchute.com/video/OawgMbtdsjUn/ youtu.be/7Ixdl7lcLjk
bitchute.com/video/fPUlullBflq6/ youtu.be/uiZCTH-CS0c

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>1 post
This is all so tiresome

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Why Iran can't defend itself?

Why is Israel EVEN going to start an armed conflict when it does not need anything at all

>israeli neocon-directed foreign policy is not the beneficial for Americans
You clearly don't understand it then
Israel is fundamental to American foreign policy in the Middle East

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>Israel is fundamental to American foreign policy in the Middle East
did you legitimately miss the part where I said I disagree with my country's foreign policy objectives, or are you talking past me?

Jews are vicious in spy ops, and prefer blackmail over war. If it comes to war, then send the us special forces or just a few bombs on over.

I think you're correct generally

You don't even understand the foreign policy objectives of your country

Your shitty conscript army, over-reliance on high technology and falling esprit de corps is why.

No I understand it perfectly, which is why I know the platitudes about fostering world peace and stability are just bullshit to placate retards. Our actions committed in service to israel prove otherwise.

uh huh. I was hoping you would put up more of a fight. incidentally what country are you from?

And what other fictional country should have right to defend itself? Neverland? Imaginationland?

Why do they cherrypick the half dozen attractive women in all of Israel to pose in these army pics? It's creepy

It's been rather successful in deterring great powers, and nuclear proliferation. The British even did it successfully for a long time in Europe

>benefits the American economy

Of thousands of people dead and blood of those who will not fight the war?

This many white men could take the entire country. It's kinda shitty, but Haifa could be used to move Iranian oil. Fair weather. Of course the jewish squatters would have to go someplace like Africa or who cares?

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Holy shit there are actual anons left on this board

>Israel "defending" itself

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america shouldnt have to pay for that. go back to israel rabbi

You dumb niggers always shoot yourselves in the foot with ur memeflags. Why?

The Amerigolem is turning sapient and is starting to realize that it's fighting and wasting its time and money in helping Israel. Quick, chosen people. Erase the first aleph, so that the word METH kills the Amerigolem.

> themillenniumreport.com/2017/12/flashback-two-israelis-arrested-with-bombs-in-the-mexican-congress/

what the fuck

I'm so tired of you kikes and your loaded question fallacies and your "I don't like that answer so it doesn't count automagically" bs.
You faggot kikes used biblical reference to justify taking Palestine, but you never had biblical reference behind you to begin with because it says in the bible that God will give the Holy Land back to Israel when they all come back to God and not before that. The only way to the Father is through the Son. The main religion of the Jewish people is Judaism, which rejects Jesus Christ. Therefore, you're just thieves and invaders and the Palestinians and others have every right to not want your people there hasbarat.

Because no matter where Jews go everybody always end up hating them.
A pure coincidence of course......

Come out of the false Israel and escape her Babylonian clutches before you share in her punishment, user.

I object to Israel as a nation. I paid for it, so it's mine. Their subversion of my homeland required that I be offered a new homeland and I want Palestine, the whole thing. 100,000 mercenaries could take it, we let the Iranians use Haifa as an oil export terminal and that solves the energy needs. Set up banking and legal frameworks that benefit our Volk, the persecuted whites.

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Why are you all such whiny crybaby cunts over those flags. GOD DAMN ITS ANNOYING

There are no countries that do not hate the United States who smuggle drugs and people to exterminate America

They use their own government system to smuggle more drugs and people until they die

Ridiculous Israel pumps money into Corrupt congress to serve Israeli aims.

Everybody has the right to peace and security.

Maybe the solution is a country with excess land could share?

I reside in Canada where racial tensions seem to be rising. Even though in the great Canadian 'social experiment' everyone is supposed to be friendly and happy?

As if two millennia of blood feuds isn't enough to justify peace on Earth?

You payed for tha javelin

no it's not, whites need to take Israel over, toss out the six million jews and be a good neighbor to Iran. Middle East Peace achieved.

I wish I had such simple knowledge of the world. Ignorance truly is bliss

Didn't stop israel from getting nukes. About the only faction that doesn't have nukes at this point are the Iranians, who most likely would only want breakout capabilities anyways. Furthermore, being your attack dog has seen our power wane. Russia and china and even Iran, despite the crippling sanctions, are ascendant.

When have you ever heard someone from Gaza or Israel wasting their time viewing the bad things they say about them?

in which of our wars did you mutt get deployed?
>implying your own interests didn't play the biggest role
notice how you invaded and toppled these regimes, only once they stopped selling oil for USD.

Cause Israel should not exist to begin with.

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I am curious why there is a country who says Israel has no right to exist (Which is a Declaration of War), but the international community does not want Israel to fight back.

They have a right to defend themselves against a Declaration of War like that.

That country should publicly and internationally rescind that statement / Declaration of War. Shouldn't they?

female combatants guard peaceful borders, they never deploy in actual combat.

Every country should. I shouldn't be the financier of that is all I ask.

hey beaner, get back to me when your counties plumbing can handle toilet paper, until then just pick the lettuce, okay pedro?

I don't think you read what that user posted. He might be a self-hating Israeli.

There's no proof that Israel has nukes

the worst that will happen to actual non violent protestors is getting sprayed by the skunk.

lol really?
I mean really? are you going to stoop to this level?

Smarmy bullshit like that doesn't make any less true. You one of these buffoon that think you will convince anybody of your knowledge by tearing down others. You are wrong

israel has no right to exist. period.

kinda are as far as tech medical and such goes

It's the truth. There is no evidence of Israel possessing nuclear weapons
It's hard to take conspiracy theories seriously

their own money is our own money

>in which of our wars did you mutt get deployed
Bibi ordered us into Iraq. That's your war, we just did the fighting for you.

Condescending jewboy, you have such a blindspot, you never see the goyim getting pissed off until your walking to the showers. We are not falling for the jew tricks now, did you notice the support for war with Iran falling on it's face? Jews never know when to get the hell out of Dodge. Most young people hate the current occupation of Palestine, an Illegal occupation. When the boomers die off, so does Israel. Let's see you fight the Persians then.

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No he didn't

Media wants people divided. Media wants war. Military industrial complex cares for no nation. Control is motivation and profit amid controlled destruction is the means.

>no it had nothing to do with the invasion of kuwait
>no this time it is for you, it is not because they started selling their oil for euro instead of USD
>it is just a coincidence we forced them to switch back to USD after the invasion
oh please.
oh course or interests play some role, but not that much.

Oh, and btw kikes? Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. You have lived by perpetrating a lie and using the bible to support that claim by blinding people to being able to see the truth written by controlling who gets to minister. But ultimately, you have lived by using the bible so you will die by the bible as well. Pretty shitty that you rejected Him and now you're seeing all His Word coming true right before your very eyes, huh?


They stop using petrodollars because the money goes to jews, cut off the jew, and the petrodollar looks good again. Iranians want to live in LA or Miami, not China or Russia.

Because the best defense is a good offense.

Not with our money and Army. I'd like to cut them off and see how long they can make it out there.

It isn't an occupation. Palestine belongs to Israel and didn't declare independence until 40 years after Israel was established. Give USA back to NAtive American's

100,000 mercs could take it out. This is what 100,000 looks like, it's nothing. Put a export fee on every barrel of Iranian crude out of Haifa and you have a happy neighbor, warm Europeans, and a place that could be converted into a white ethnolostate.

we don't get the money or the oil from these sales. it just strengthens your influence in the world.

this but unironically
and in the meantime I'll move back to England and you'll move back to wherever your family is really from. deal?


>Defend itself

The only reason Iraq was beefing with us was because of us fucking them over on your behalf. If we hadn't been your golem we would have a sane approach to the middle East and they would gladly support the petrodollar.

Conspiracy theory is a absurd phrase used by low IQ pea wits to discount an argument they cant refute

tfw no Jewish javelinfu

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