Demographics Isn't Destiny

If whites in every state voted like whites do in Texas, the Republicans would win with 471 electoral votes.

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If Republicans weren't shameless establishment cucks, they would win with 471 electoral votes.

Who gives a fuck if republicucks win?
With either party we either maintain or increase immigration levels, spending, and degeneracy.
When will you MIGAtards realize that both parties are controlled by the same (((people))) and that it doesn't matter who you vote for because the absolute most you can do is slightly slow "progress" by voting republican.

Proof that all the right-wing ethnostate movement is just pathetic white neets who can't get a girlfriend when west coast libs who fucked at 16 are on kid/house #2

The point is that the electoral prospects for nationalist movements aren't as bleak as people think.

...until whites are a demographic minority in Texas, and elsewhere. Then what?

>west coast libs

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Then people either wake up and fight, or boomers in their final years convince most whites to go full on civic nationalist and appeal to the niggers and goblins for votes.
I'm hoping whites aren't as braindead as they are right now when it comes time to fight or be eradicated.

Turns out the republicans are just as shitty as democrats

Is reality sinking in that many of you cucks WILL be forced to pay for brown people's shit?

California is a white minority state and it is the fucking norm. You call it a circus and a freak show, but it's merely a fun little preview of what's coming your way very, very soon.


Arizona is basically a blue state now.
Texas is so close to blue it makes me giddy.
Every shitty hick Midwestern state that flipped R last time is going blue again.
Even deep Red Alabama elected a DEMOCRAT Senator.

Come have a nice long taste of my heteronormie hating ass.

The next fifty years are going to be heaven on earth after Donald Dumbfuck gets tossed the fuck out.

The permanent Democrat majority is literally going to rip everything angry white men love to little shreds.

30% of whites are like me, we hate your shitty far right toxic masculine culture and everything about it.

We are literally going to hold you down while the brown people and the women rape you until you scream.

This is OUR country now.

You are outnumbered.

You can't outvote everyone against you.

We won.

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It really is more about racial consciousness. White liberals contribute more to Democratic wins than nonwhites.

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>If (x then) the Republicans would win with 471 electoral votes

Which would accomplish what exactly?

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Good luck

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A lot with the right guy as the nominee

All this passion and fervour, just to justify some degenerate fetish you have lol. All you leftist, so much high talk, but all there is at source is a need to excuse some sordid personal perversion, cloak it in a camouflage of politics. What's yours out of interest, which species of subnormal fag are you, what's your grand anal-oriented reason for being an opinionated cunt ? Stupid diseased mentally ill nigger.

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Keep LARPing while your buddy James gets raped in prison the rest of his miserable life :)

>west coast libs who fucked at 16 are on kid/house/poly amorous woke wife #2

>going to rip everything angry white men love to little shreds.
Like civilization and food security. Good luck nigger.

you wont get washington state or michigan red probably. georgia wont be blue

how ever multiple states are in trouble and can be forced to hand over their state to the dems. red faggots in cali made it possible for all the illegals to go get drivers licenses in other states and not vote 2 times this election. like 4 white power operations got busted without even being able to kill any one. why didnt you just go to texas?

>whites in the midwest vote democrat because they are college-educated marxist libtards
imagine voting for a party based on social views despite said party failing to conserve said social views and only get anti-populist economics, that's the logic behind why the midwest is a battleground state. I don't understand why Jow Forums, esepcially dixieboos, can't understand that.

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The fucking neocohens. Did you know neoconservativism was LITERALLY STARTED BY LIBERALS? Even Wikipedia admits this. It was created to destroy real conservatism and give us a one-party nation.

>Being unaware that the millions of brown savages in the Americas were literally conquered by 700 determined white men.

instead of us facing the problems we have to face, our grandkids will have to tackle that problem. essentially voting for republicans at this point is to take the boomer route and kick the can down the road.


I vote for whoever is going to tax my shit the least. Everything else seems to be empty promises and broken government programs.

The government never does anything better. I don't know why people don't see that.

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>New Mexico
Bro there's like 10 white people there.

Whites in the midwest, at least my state, want more taxes though. They like dem programz and sheeeeeeit.