Google executive caught on tape and documents leaked revealing purposefully biased censorship and social engineering. DOJ and both houses are investigating.

The video: projectveritas.com/2019/06/24/insider-blows-whistle-exec-reveals-google-plan-to-prevent-trump-situation-in-2020-on-hidden-cam/
The video: gohmert.house.gov/uploadedfiles/google.mp4
The video: bitchute.com/video/re9Xp6cdkro/



#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 >Senate Commerce Hearing on Tech Companies Use of Algorithms

Notable timestamps:
1:43:23 - Cruz missile grilling "user experience """"professional""""
1:44:24 - CSPAN muting the """"professional"""'s response
1:47:35 - goolag employees donated $1.315 million to hirrareee's campaign but $0 to Trump
1:57:00 - s-o-yboy trying to explain what fairness is and fails to defend propaganda by calling it a shared narrative
1:57:47 - Wolfram faggot doubles down by asking who gets to decide what the truth is

>Execs from Google, Facebook, Twitter testify before Congress

>What is Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act (CDA)?

It is imperative that the shills do not slide this topic.
DoJ already outlined the antitrust angle on 6/11 IT'S HAPPENING




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Anyone else notice their sub feed not showing videos correctly unless they change to a less efficient view? The most effectively way ti view their videos feed will not show the creators they support I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve noticed this recently and it’s very noticeable recently and I can’t use my sub feed anymore.

and to this day, mods refuse to sticky
Can't wait till I'm off of this clown world

google take down when?

theres way too many slide threads

I wonder what the punishment for meddling in every election on the planet is?
>Could it be that London is a shithole now run by a muslim?
>Could it be that disinformation created the rapefugee crisis that resulted in the rise of alt right?

These are some very serious questions to ask.

Attached: 99182918.jpg (1200x516, 62K)

I see you were missing the 10th thread
#10 archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/217624812/
Bump! Fuck slides and shills

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that's 11

missing 10 and 12

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I hope they enjoy all the twink porn I watch.

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I was looking for somewhere relevant on pol to post my pasta, but this thread is important and needs bumping, so I'm gonna post it here instead. It's either that or posting it sage in a slide thread, and well this kills two birds with one stone.

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A message from whites to blacks - you want to know why we are so racist towards you? Why we despise and deride you more than any other, and why that will never change? Here's why:
1) Genetics. The truth is that genetically blacks are intellectually inferior, but people interpret that information incorrectly. It doesn't mean all blacks are dumb, or dumber than whites. It just means they have a lower average IQ. This is the unfairest reason for racism, because if you see someone with a racial indicator (skin colour) that suggests a lower AVERAGE IQ, it shouldn't then mean you assume that person to be dumb. However it contributes to...
2) Culture. Stereotypes exist for a reason and of course it's not true or fair to say all blacks act the same way, but it's difficult not to associate certain behaviour with skin colour when you see it so frequently. Areas with a high black population often have much greater problems with crime, for instance, but more than that it seems to come down to a complete lack of respect, or class. There is also a tendancy to violence over all else. Pic related will help detail further examples of relevance.
3) Racist double standards.
4) Politics. This is the big one, and ironically it's not even your/their fault. We could tolerate all of the above, along with typical 'racial superiority bants', if we could get away from it at will, but we can't. Every single corner of our lives is infected with an agenda, the constant forced idealogy of black superiority, infecting our media. Remember that infamous Gilette ad? Did you notice how all the 'bad behaviour' was from whites and all the 'good behaviour' was from blacks? Well we do, we see it 50 times a day around every corner, and it makes us mad. The same here applies to women/feminists and gay/tranny/whatever freakshows.
5) Nationalism. We want ALL cultures preserved, which means segregation. Tie that to 4 and 2, you'll see the problem.

Bugger forgot to post the accompanying image
Ah well one more bump for the bump god

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10: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/217607027/
12: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/217640770/
my bad, there you go

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>Social engineering
Gaggle is not the only company engaging in this.
Pic and link related.


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That is the worst possible name to have, wow. I'm going to watch this shit just to see that on screen.

> In an eye-opening talk, she details how the same algorithms companies like Facebook, Google and Amazon use to get you to click on ads are also used to organize your access to political and social information. And the machines aren't even the real threat. What we need to understand is how the powerful might use AI to control us -- and what we can do in response.


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Whatever party or candidates you support, this shit should concern the fuck out of you.

Digital technologies have given rise to a new combination of big data and computational practices which allow for massive, latent data collection and sophisticated computational modeling, increasing the capacity of those with resources and access to use these tools to carry out highly effective, opaque and unaccountable campaigns of persuasion and social engineering in political, civic and commercial spheres. I examine six intertwined dynamics that pertain to the rise of computational politics: the rise of big data, the shift away from demographics to individualized targeting, the opacity and power of computational modeling, the use of persuasive behavioral science, digital media enabling dynamic real-time experimentation, and the growth of new power brokers who own the data or social media environments. I then examine the consequences of these new mechanisms on the public sphere and political campaigns.


Nothing is beyond our reach

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Anybody care to steel man (Google's) defense of Gennai??
I've heard it said that her words were taken out of context but I can't see how what she said can mean anything besides Google trying to interfere with elections..

maybe that faggot okeefe will post raw video instead of the 14 year old edgelord version eventually.

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